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Trusts and Succession (Scotland) Act 2024

Table of Derivations

159.The Table of Derivations shows the derivations of provisions of the Act where there is a direct statutory equivalent to them in the current law. Statutory expressions of the current common law, made by provisions of the Act, are not detailed in the table.

160.The Scottish Law Commission’s Report on Trust Law(22) should be consulted for further information on the development of each provision of the Act. The corresponding provision of the draft Bill annexed to the Scottish Law Commission’s Report is provided in order to assist with this.

161.The following abbreviations are used in the Table of Derivations:

Provision of the ActProvision of Bill annexed to SLC Report on Trust LawDerivation
s.1(1)s.1(1)1921 s.22.
s.3s.31921 s.3(b)
s.4s.41921 s. 21, s.22 and Sch B
s.5s.51921 s.3 proviso (2)
s.6N/A1921 s.3
s.7s.61921 Act s.23 (also nobile officium of Court of Session)
s.11s.91921 s.3 final sentence
s.12(1)s.10(1)1921 s.4(1)(g)
s.12(2) and (3)s.10(2) and (3)1921 s.18
s.14s.121921 s.3(c)
s.15s.131921 s.4(1), 1961, s.4
s.16s.141921 s.5, 1961 s.1(1) (also nobile officium of the Court of Session and cy-près application to the Court of Session)
s.18s.161921 s.4(1)(ea) and (eb), and s.4(1A) to (1F)
s.19s.171921 s.4A
s.22s.181921 s4(1)(f)
s.23s.191921 s.4B
s.24s.201921 s.16 (also nobile officium of Court of Session)
s.25s.211874 s. 1
s.26s.221870 s.2
s.32s.281921 s.31
s.33s.291921 s.32
s.35s.311921, s.32
s.36s.321921 s.3(d)
s.37N/A1921 s.29A
s.43s.381961 s.2(1)
1921 s.7
s.44s.391921 s.7
s.45s.401921 s.8 and 9, 1961 s.5 and 1968 s.18
s.58s.531961 s.1
s.59s.541961 s.1
s.60s.551961 s.1
s.61s.561961 s.1
s.62s.571961 s.1(4)
s.63s.581961 s.1(2)
s.65s.601921 s.5 and 1961 s.1 (also cy-près application to Court of Session [in respect of public trusts only]);
s.69s.641994, Sch 2, Chapter 63 Part II Petitions by Trustees for Directions
s.71s.661921 s.34
s.73s.681921 s.24
s.74s.691985 s.31(4)
s.75s.701921 s.17
s.77N/A1964 s.2(1)
s.81s.741961 s.1(6) (meaning of “beneficiary”)
1961 s.1(1)(b) (meaning of “potential beneficiary”)

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