1. Introductory Text

  2. Part 1 The Cladding Assurance Register

    1. 1.The register

    2. 2.Offence of providing false or misleading information for the register

  3. Part 2 Powers to assess and address danger

    1. Chapter 1 Scottish Ministers’ powers

      1. Powers to assess danger

        1. 3.Power to arrange single-building assessment

        2. 4.Power to arrange additional work assessment

        3. 5.Power to require information for assessments and the register

        4. 6.Offence of failing to comply with requirement under section 5

      2. Powers to address danger

        1. 7.Power to arrange remediation work

        2. 8.Power to arrange urgent remediation work

        3. 9.Power to evacuate

        4. 10.Offence of occupying evacuated premises

      3. Personal emergency evacuation plans

        1. 11.Personal emergency evacuation plans

      4. Appeal

        1. 12.Appeal against arranged remediation work

    2. Chapter 2 Carrying out assessments and work

      1. 13.Authority for carrying out assessment or work

      2. 14.Warrant authorising use of force to effect entry

      3. 15.Offence of obstructing assessment or work

      4. 16.Offence of failing to assist with assessment or work

    3. Chapter 3 Notices

      1. 17.Power to require information to give notice

      2. 18.Giving notice where recipient’s address is unknown

      3. 19.Deemed receipt of notice

  4. Part 3 Offences under Parts 1 and 2

    1. 20.Individual culpability where organisation commits an offence

    2. 21.Crown application: criminal offences

  5. Part 4 Engagement with owners and occupiers

    1. 22.Pre-assessment engagement

    2. 23.Post-assessment engagement: reports

    3. 24.Post-assessment engagement: remediation work

  6. Part 5 Responsible developers scheme

    1. 25.Power to establish scheme

    2. 26.Eligibility for membership

    3. 27.Conditions of membership

    4. 28.Loss of membership

    5. 29.Consequences of not being a member

  7. Part 6 Progress reports

    1. 30.Reports on progress with single-building assessments and remediation work

    2. 31.Content of reports under section 30

  8. Part 7 Interpretation and final provisions

    1. Chapter 1 Interpretation

      1. 32.Meaning of single-building assessment

      2. 33.Power to modify meaning of single-building assessment

      3. 34.Meaning of additional work assessment

      4. 35.Meaning of “owner” in relation to Crown premises

      5. 36.Interpretation of other words and expressions

    2. Chapter 2 Final provisions

      1. 37.Ancillary provision

      2. 38.Regulation-making powers

      3. 39.Commencement

      4. 40.Short title

    1. Schedule

      Warrant to eject from evacuated premises

      1. 1.Application

      2. 2.Notice to occupants

      3. 3.Disposal of application

      4. 4.Evidence