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Changes to Legislation Results

Your search for changes that affect UK Public General Acts in 1952 numbered 52 made by all legislation has returned more than 200 results:


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Prison Act 19521952 c. 52Actapplied (EW)Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 19941994 c. 33s. 7(2) (4)Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52Actapplied (EW)Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 19941994 c. 33s. 8(2)Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52ActamendedCrime (Sentences) Act 19971997 c. 43Sch. 1 para. 17(2) (3)Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52ActmodifiedNationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 20022002 c. 41s. 66(4)Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52ActappliedCriminal Justice and Courts Act 20152015 c. 2Sch. 10 para. 2(b)Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52ActappliedCriminal Justice and Courts Act 20152015 c. 2Sch. 10 para. 3(2)(a)Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52s. 42A and cross-headinginsertedPrisons (Property) Act 20132013 c. 11s. 1(1)Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52s. 43 and cross-headingsubstitutedCriminal Justice and Courts Act 20152015 c. 2s. 38(1)Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52s. 47 headingsubstitutedCriminal Justice and Courts Act 20152015 c. 2Sch. 9 para. 3(6)Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52s. 3(1)amendedCriminal Justice and Public Order Act 19941994 c. 33s. 168(2) Sch. 10 para. 7Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52s. 5AamendedImmigration and Asylum Act 19991999 c. 33s. 152(5)Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52s. 5A(5A)words substitutedNationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 20022002 c. 41s. 66(2)s. 66(3)(o)Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52s. 5A(5A) (5B)substituted for s. 5A(5A)Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 20062006 c. 13s. 46(1)Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52s. 5A(5A)(b)word omittedImmigration Act 20142014 c. 22Sch. 9 para. 8(2)(a)Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52s. 5A(5A)(ba)insertedImmigration Act 20142014 c. 22Sch. 9 para. 8(2)(b)Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52s. 5A(5B)(a)word insertedImmigration Act 20142014 c. 22Sch. 9 para. 8(3)(a)Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52s. 5A(5B)(b)(i)words insertedImmigration Act 20142014 c. 22Sch. 9 para. 8(3)(b)Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52s. 5A(5C)insertedThe Public Bodies (Abolition of Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Courts Administration and the Public Guardian Board) Order 20122012 No. 2401Sch. 1 para. 2Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52s. 5A(7)insertedPolice and Justice Act 20062006 c. 48s. 28(1)Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52s. 6restricted in partThe Prison Rules 19991999 No. 728rule 75Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52s. 6 sidenotesubstitutedOffender Management Act 20072007 c. 21s. 26(2)(a)Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52s. 6(2)words substitutedOffender Management Act 20072007 c. 21s. 26(2)(b)Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52s. 6(2)words repealedOffender Management Act 20072007 c. 21s. 26(3) Sch. 5 Pt. 2Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52s. 6(2A)insertedOffender Management Act 20072007 c. 21s. 26(2)(c)Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52s. 6(3)words substitutedOffender Management Act 20072007 c. 21s. 26(2)(d)Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52s. 7(1)words omittedOffender Management Act 20072007 c. 21s. 25(1)Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52s. 7(1)words repealedOffender Management Act 20072007 c. 21Sch. 5 Pt. 2Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52s. 7(4)words substitutedThe Medical Act 1983 (Amendment) Order 20022002 No. 3135Sch. 1 para. 1Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52s. 7(4)words repealedOffender Management Act 20072007 c. 21Sch. 5 Pt. 2Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52s. 8excludedCriminal Justice and Courts Act 20152015 c. 2Sch. 10 para. 6(1)Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52s. 8Aadded (EW)Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 19941994 c. 33s. 152(1)Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52s. 8AmodifiedCriminal Justice and Public Order Act 19941994 c. 33s. 168(2) Sch. 10 para.068(amendings. 87(3) of 1991 c 53)Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52s. 8A sidenoteword substitutedOffender Management Act 20072007 c. 21s. 27(2)Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52s. 8A(1)word substitutedOffender Management Act 20072007 c. 21s. 27(3)Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52s. 8A(2)word substitutedOffender Management Act 20072007 c. 21s. 27(3)Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52s. 8A(3)words substitutedOffender Management Act 20072007 c. 21s. 27(4)(a)Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52s. 8A(3)words substitutedOffender Management Act 20072007 c. 21s. 27(4)(b)Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52s. 10referred toThe Prison Rules 19991999 No. 728rule 13Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52s. 12(2) 36(1) 43(1)(d)The Youth Justice Board for England and Wales Order 20002000 No. 1160art. 4(1) art. 4(2)(b)(c)-(d)Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52s. 13(2)modified (EW)Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 19941994 c. 33s. 11(3) (4)Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52s. 13(2) 14(2)modified (EW)Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 19941994 c. 33s. 99 (adding s. 88Ato1991 c 53)Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52s. 13(2)Powers of Criminal Courts (Sentencing) Act 20002000 c. 6s. 165 Sch. 9 para. 4Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52s. 13(2)Criminal Justice and Courts Services Act 20002000 c. 43Sch. 7 para. 8Not yet
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52s. 13(2)appliedCriminal Justice and Courts Act 20152015 c. 2Sch. 10 para. 22Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52s. 13(2)words insertedSentencing Act 20202020 c. 17Sch. 24 para. 4Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52s. 16Aadded (9.1.1995)Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 19941994 c. 33s. 151(1)Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52s. 16Areferred toThe Prison Rules 19991999 No. 728rule 50Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52s. 16A titlewords insertedPrisons (Substance Testing) Act 20212021 c. 18s. 1(2)Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52s. 16A(1)words substitutedPrisons (Substance Testing) Act 20212021 c. 18s. 1(3)Yes
Prison Act 19521952 c. 52s. 16A(2A)insertedPrisons (Substance Testing) Act 20212021 c. 18s. 1(4)Yes

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