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Changes to Legislation Results

Your search for changes that affect UK Public General Acts in 1995 numbered 43 made by all legislation has returned 132 results:


Changes that affectMade by
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Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43Actextended (1.4.1996)Criminal Procedure (Consequential Provisions) (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 40s. 1 2(2)Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43ActmodifiedThe Banking Act 2009 (Parts 2 and 3 Consequential Amendments) Order 20092009 No. 317art. 3 Sch.Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43Actapplied (with modifications)The Investment Bank Special Administration Regulations 20112011 No. 245Sch. 6 Pt. 1Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43Actapplied (with modifications)The Payment and Electronic Money Institution Insolvency Regulations 20212021 No. 716Sch. 3 para. 2 3Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43Actamendment to earlier affecting provision S.I. 2021/716, reg. 5The Payment and Electronic Money Institution Insolvency (Amendment) Regulations 20232023 No. 1399reg. 4Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43Pt. 1repealed (except for s. 2(7))Proceeds of Crime Act 20022002 c. 29Sch. 11 para. 28(2)(a) Sch. 12Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43Pt. 2excludedWireless Telegraphy Act 20062006 c. 36Sch. 5 para. 7(b)Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43s. 1-20 (Pt. 1)excluded (1.4.1996)Criminal Procedure (Consequential Provisions) (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 40s. 4 Sch. 3 Pt. 2 para. 15(1)Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43s. 1 - 20 (Pt. 1)applied (with modifications)The Confiscation of the Proceeds of Crime (Designated Countries and Territories) (Scotland) Order 19991999 No. 673art. 4 Sch. 3 para. 1 - 12Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43s. 1(2)Terrorism Act 20002000 c. 11s. 125 Sch. 15 para. 11(2)Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43s. 2(4)(b)restricted (1.4.1996)Criminal Procedure (Consequential Provisions) (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 40s. 4 Sch. 3 Pt. 2 para. 15(3)Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43s. 10saved (1.4.1996)Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 46s. 109(6)Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43s. 11AaddedCriminal Justice (Terrorism and Conspiracy) Act 19981998 c. 40s. 7Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43s. 14(2)(l)added (pt.prosp.)Crime and Punishment (Scotland) Act 19971997 c. 48s. 15(3)Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43s. 16(2)-(3)The Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 1995 (Enforcement of Scottish Confiscation Orders in England and Wales) Order 20012001 No. 953art. 5Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43s. 17(5)(a)amended (1.4.1996) (temp.)Criminal Procedure (Consequential Provisions) (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 40s. 4 Sch. 3 Pt. 2 para. 4(2)Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43s. 18restrictedNorthern Ireland (Sentences) Act 19981998 c. 35s. 14(3)(b)Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43s. 18(12)addedCrime and Disorder Act 19981998 c. 37s. 119 Sch. 8 para. 115Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43s. 19restrictedNorthern Ireland (Sentences) Act 19981998 c. 35s. 14(3)(b)Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43s. 19(6)amendedCrime and Disorder Act 19981998 c. 37s. 119 Sch. 8 para. 116Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43s. 20restrictedNorthern Ireland (Sentences) Act 19981998 c. 35s. 14(3)(c)Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43s. 20The Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 1995 (Enforcement of Scottish Confiscation Orders in England and Wales) Order 20012001 No. 953art. 3(4)Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43s. 21-27 (Pt. 2)restricted (1.4.1996)Criminal Procedure (Consequential Provisions) (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 40s. 4 Sch. 3 Pt. 2 para. 15(2)Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43s. 21-27 (Pt. 2)restricted (1.4.1996)Criminal Procedure (Consequential Provisions) (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 40s. 5 Sch. 4 para. 71(6)(adding1988 c 53 s 33A)Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43s. 21 - 27 (Pt. 2)applied (with modifications)The Criminal Justice (International Co-operation) Act 1990 (Enforcement of Overseas Forfeiture Orders) (Scotland) Order 19991999 No. 675art. 4 Sch. 3 para. 2 - 7Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43s. 21(2) 28(1) (defn. of ""suspended forfeiture order" "restraint order"")appliedPolice (Property) Act 19971997 c. 30s. 6(4)(adding1982 c 45 s 86A(3))Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43s. 25(9)words repealedCriminal Justice and Licensing (Scotland) Act 20102010 asp 13Sch. 2 para. 40(2)Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43s. 26(9)words repealedCriminal Justice and Licensing (Scotland) Act 20102010 asp 13Sch. 2 para. 40(3)Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43s. 27(1)words substitutedThe Courts Reform (Scotland) Act 2014 (Consequential Provisions No. 2) Order 20152015 No. 338Sch. 2 para. 4(2)Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43s. 27(1)words substitutedThe Courts Reform (Scotland) Act 2014 (Consequential Provisions No. 2) Order 20152015 No. 338Sch. 2 para. 4(3)Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43s. 27(3)words substitutedThe Courts Reform (Scotland) Act 2014 (Consequential Provisions No. 2) Order 20152015 No. 338Sch. 2 para. 4(2)Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43s. 27(4)insertedThe Courts Reform (Scotland) Act 2014 (Consequential Provisions No. 2) Order 20152015 No. 338Sch. 2 para. 4(4)Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43s. 28 - 34 (Pt. 3)applied (with modifications)The Confiscation of the Proceeds of Crime (Designated Countries and Territories) (Scotland) Order 19991999 No. 673art. 4 Sch. 3 para. 13 - 17Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43s. 28 - 34 (Pt. 3)applied (with modifications)The Criminal Justice (International Co-operation) Act 1990 (Enforcement of Overseas Forfeiture Orders) (Scotland) Order 19991999 No. 675art. 4 Sch. 3 para. 8 - 12Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43s. 28 - 31The Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 1995 (Enforcement of Scottish Confiscation Orders in England and Wales) Order 20012001 No. 953art. 3(4)Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43s. 28(1)appliedCrime and Disorder Act 19981998 c. 37s. 24(4) Sch. 1 (adding 1982 c. 45 Sch. 2A)Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43s. 28(1)(a)words repealedProceeds of Crime Act 20022002 c. 29Sch. 11 para. 28(2)(b) Sch. 12Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43s. 28(2)words repealedProceeds of Crime Act 20022002 c. 29Sch. 11 para. 28(2)(b) Sch. 12Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43s. 28(5)words repealedProceeds of Crime Act 20022002 c. 29Sch. 11 para. 28(2)(b) Sch. 12Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43s. 28(9)word substitutedProceeds of Crime Act 20022002 c. 29Sch. 11 para. 28(5)Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43s. 29repealedProceeds of Crime Act 20022002 c. 29Sch. 11 para. 28(2)(c) Sch. 12Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43s. 29(3)(a)modifiedThe Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 1995 (Enforcement of Northern Ireland Orders) Order 19981998 No. 752art. 3(1)(f)Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43s. 30(5)(c)words insertedThe Courts Reform (Scotland) Act 2014 (Relevant Officer and Consequential Provisions) Order 20162016 No. 387Sch. 3 para. 2Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43s. 31(2)words repealedProceeds of Crime Act 20022002 c. 29Sch. 11 para. 28(2)(d) Sch. 12Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43s. 31(4)words repealedProceeds of Crime Act 20022002 c. 29Sch. 11 para. 28(2)(d) Sch. 12Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43s. 32(1)words substitutedBankruptcy and Diligence etc. (Scotland) Act 20072007 asp 3Sch. 5 para. 22(a)(i)Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43s. 32(1)(a)word substitutedBankruptcy and Diligence etc. (Scotland) Act 20072007 asp 3Sch. 5 para. 22(a)(ii)Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43s. 32(1)(b)words substitutedBankruptcy and Diligence etc. (Scotland) Act 20072007 asp 3Sch. 5 para. 22(a)(iii)Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43s. 32(2)words repealedBankruptcy and Diligence etc. (Scotland) Act 20072007 asp 3Sch. 6 Pt. 1Yes
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 19951995 c. 43s. 32(3)repealedBankruptcy and Diligence etc. (Scotland) Act 20072007 asp 3Sch. 6 Pt. 1Yes

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