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Changes to Legislation Results

Your search for changes that affect UK Public General Acts in 2002 numbered 30 made by all legislation has returned more than 200 results:


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Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 16(1)(b)words substitutedPolicing and Crime Act 20172017 c. 3Sch. 5 para. 43(a)Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 16(2)(a)(ai)insertedPolicing and Crime Act 20172017 c. 3Sch. 4 para. 3(2)(a)Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 16(2)(a)(i) (ii)substituted for words in s. 16(2)(a)Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 20052005 c. 15Sch. 12 para. 5(2)Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 16(2)(a)(i)words insertedPolicing and Crime Act 20172017 c. 3Sch. 4 para. 3(2)(b)Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 16(2)(b)(ai)insertedPolicing and Crime Act 20172017 c. 3Sch. 4 para. 3(3)(a)Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 16(2)(b)words substitutedPolicing and Crime Act 20172017 c. 3Sch. 5 para. 43(b)(i)Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 16(2)(b)(i) (ii)substituted for words in s. 16(2)(b)Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 20052005 c. 15Sch. 12 para. 5(3)Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 16(2)(b)(i)words insertedPolicing and Crime Act 20172017 c. 3Sch. 4 para. 3(3)(b)Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 16(2)(b)(i)word omittedPolicing and Crime Act 20172017 c. 3Sch. 5 para. 43(b)(ii)Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 16(2)(b)(iii) and wordinsertedPolicing and Crime Act 20172017 c. 3Sch. 5 para. 43(b)(iii)Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 16(3)words substitutedPolice Reform and Social Responsibility Act 20112011 c. 13Sch. 16 para. 282(2)(a)Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 16(3)(b)(i)words substitutedPolice Reform and Social Responsibility Act 20112011 c. 13Sch. 16 para. 282(2)(b)Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 16(4)words substitutedPolice Reform and Social Responsibility Act 20112011 c. 13Sch. 16 para. 282(3)(a)Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 16(4)word substitutedPolicing and Crime Act 20172017 c. 3Sch. 9 para. 22(3)Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 16(4)(a)words substitutedPolice Reform and Social Responsibility Act 20112011 c. 13Sch. 16 para. 282(3)(b)Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 16(4)(b)(i)words substitutedPolice Reform and Social Responsibility Act 20112011 c. 13Sch. 16 para. 282(3)(c)Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 16(5) (6)substitutedSerious Organised Crime and Police Act 20052005 c. 15Sch. 2 para. 6Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 16(5)words substitutedPolice Reform and Social Responsibility Act 20112011 c. 13Sch. 16 para. 282(4)Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 16(5)(a)words substitutedCrime and Courts Act 20132013 c. 22Sch. 6 para. 12(2)Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 16(5)(b)words insertedPolicing and Crime Act 20172017 c. 3Sch. 9 para. 22(4)Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 16(6)words substitutedPolice Reform and Social Responsibility Act 20112011 c. 13Sch. 16 para. 282(5)Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 16(6)words substitutedCrime and Courts Act 20132013 c. 22Sch. 6 para. 12(3)Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 16AinsertedPolice and Justice Act 20062006 c. 48Sch. 1 para. 85Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 16AomittedCrime and Courts Act 20132013 c. 22Sch. 6 para. 13Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 16A(1)words substitutedPolice Reform and Social Responsibility Act 20112011 c. 13Sch. 16 para. 283(2)Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 16A(7)words substitutedPolice Reform and Social Responsibility Act 20112011 c. 13Sch. 16 para. 283(3)(a)Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 16A(7)(b)(i)words substitutedPolice Reform and Social Responsibility Act 20112011 c. 13Sch. 16 para. 283(3)(b)Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 17words substitutedPolicing and Crime Act 20172017 c. 3Sch. 9 para. 23(2)Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 17(1)(5)coming into forceThe Police Reform Act 2002 (Commencement No. 1) Order 20022002 No. 2306art. 4(a)Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 17(1)(5)coming into forceThe Police Reform Act 2002 (Commencement No. 8) Order 20042004 No. 913art. 2(a)Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 17(1)(a)words substitutedPolice Reform and Social Responsibility Act 20112011 c. 13Sch. 16 para. 284(a)Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 17(2)-(4)coming into forceThe Police Reform Act 2002 (Commencement No. 8) Order 20042004 No. 913art. 2(a)Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 17(2)words substitutedPolice Reform and Social Responsibility Act 20112011 c. 13Sch. 16 para. 284(b)(i)Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 17(2)words substitutedPolicing and Crime Act 20172017 c. 3Sch. 9 para. 23(3)(a)Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 17(2)words substitutedPolicing and Crime Act 20172017 c. 3Sch. 9 para. 23(3)(b)Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 17(2)(a)words substitutedPolice Reform and Social Responsibility Act 20112011 c. 13Sch. 16 para. 284(b)(ii)Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 17(4)words substitutedPolice Reform and Social Responsibility Act 20112011 c. 13Sch. 16 para. 284(c)(i)Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 17(4)(a) (b)words substitutedPolice Reform and Social Responsibility Act 20112011 c. 13Sch. 16 para. 284(c)(ii)Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 17(6)insertedPolice and Justice Act 20062006 c. 48Sch. 1 para. 86Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 17(6)words substitutedPolice Reform and Social Responsibility Act 20112011 c. 13Sch. 16 para. 284(d)Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 17(6)omittedCrime and Courts Act 20132013 c. 22Sch. 6 para. 14Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 18coming into forceThe Police Reform Act 2002 (Commencement No. 8) Order 20042004 No. 913art. 2(a)Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 18words substitutedPolicing and Crime Act 20172017 c. 3Sch. 9 para. 24(2)Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 18(1)words substitutedPolice Reform and Social Responsibility Act 20112011 c. 13Sch. 16 para. 285(a)(i)Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 18(1)(a)words substitutedPolice Reform and Social Responsibility Act 20112011 c. 13Sch. 16 para. 285(a)(ii)Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 18(2)(a)words insertedSerious Organised Crime and Police Act 20052005 c. 15Sch. 12 para. 6Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 18(2)(b)words omittedPolicing and Crime Act 20172017 c. 3Sch. 5 para. 47(b)(i)Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 18(2)(b)word substitutedPolicing and Crime Act 20172017 c. 3Sch. 5 para. 47(b)(ii)Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 18(2)(b)words substitutedPolicing and Crime Act 20172017 c. 3Sch. 9 para. 24(3)Yes
Police Reform Act 20022002 c. 30s. 18(2)(c)insertedPolicing and Crime Act 20172017 c. 3Sch. 5 para. 44Yes

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