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Changes to Legislation Results

Your search for changes that affect UK Statutory Instruments in 2012 numbered 867 made by all legislation has returned 0 results:


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    • There are no changes listed in relation to the legislation you specified.
    • Changes have not yet been recorded by the editorial team for the legislation you specified

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    Changes made to website text

    Use this facility to search for changes that affect one or more items of legislation based on the criteria below. Alternatively you can leave this side of the form blank to find the changes and effects on any revised legislation.

    • Legislation type: This optional field allows you to narrow down your search to changes affecting the legislation type you are interested in. The drop down list only includes those legislation types for which we hold revised versions for on
    • Specific year/Range of years: These optional fields allow you to restrict your search to changes that affect legislation of a particular year or over a range of years.
    • Number: If you are looking for changes that affect a specific item of legislation and you know its series number you can enter it in the number field.

    Made by

    Narrow down your search for changed legislation by entering details about the legislation that made the effects using this side of the form. Alternatively, leave his side of the form blank for effects and changes made by any legislation.

    • Legislation type: This optional field allows you to narrow down your search to the legislation type you are interested in using the drop down box.
    • Specific year/Range of years: These optional fields allow you to restrict your search to changes made by legislation in a particular year or over a range of years. Tip: to search for all changes made by all legislation in a particular year, enter the year in this side of the form, leaving the ‘Changes that affect’ side blank.
    • Number: If you are looking for changes that are made by a specific item of legislation and you know its series number you can enter it in the number field.

    Use the tick boxes to see either:

    • All changes: All the changes and effects that match your search
    • Applied changes: Those changes and effects that match your search criteria and have been applied to the text of legislation held on this website by the editorial team.
    • Unapplied changes: Those changes and effects that match your search criteria but have not yet been applied to the legislation held on this website by the editorial team.