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Your search for changes that affect Wales Statutory Instruments in 2015 numbered 1484 made by all legislation has returned more than 200 results:


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The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484reg. 1coming into forceThe Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484reg. 1(1)Yes
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484reg. 2coming into forceThe Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484reg. 1(1)Yes
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484reg. 2(1)words insertedThe Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 20162016 No. 276reg. 3Not yet made to Welsh language versionApplied to English language version
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484reg. 2(1)words insertedThe Education (Student Finance) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 20182018 No. 814reg. 47(a)Not yet made to Welsh language versionApplied to English language version
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484reg. 2(1)words insertedThe Education (Student Finance) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 20182018 No. 814reg. 47(b)Not yet made to Welsh language versionApplied to English language version
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484reg. 2(1)words insertedThe Education (Student Finance) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 20182018 No. 814reg. 47(c)Not yet made to Welsh language versionApplied to English language version
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484reg. 2(1)words substitutedThe Education (Student Finance) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 20182018 No. 814reg. 47(d)Not yet made to Welsh language versionApplied to English language version
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484reg. 3coming into forceThe Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484reg. 1(1)Yes
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484reg. 3-3Bsubstituted for reg. 3The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 20162016 No. 276reg. 4Not yet made to Welsh language versionApplied to English language version
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484reg. 4coming into forceThe Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484reg. 1(1)Yes
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484reg. 4(1)substitutedThe Education (Student Finance) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 20182018 No. 814reg. 48Not yet made to Welsh language versionApplied to English language version
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484reg. 4(1)words substitutedThe Education (Student Finance) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) (EU Exit) Regulations 20212021 No. 481reg. 31(a)(i)Not yet made to Welsh language versionApplied to English language version
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484reg. 4(1)(d)word insertedThe Education (Student Finance) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) (EU Exit) Regulations 20212021 No. 481reg. 31(a)(ii)Not yet made to Welsh language versionApplied to English language version
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484reg. 4(3A)insertedThe Education (Student Finance) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) (EU Exit) Regulations 20212021 No. 481reg. 31(b)Not yet made to Welsh language versionApplied to English language version
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 2015 Regulations 20152015 No. 1484reg. 4(3A)words substitutedThe Education (Student Fees, Awards and Support) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 20212021 No. 1365reg. 12(a)Not yet made to Welsh language versionApplied to English language version
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484reg. 4(8)words substitutedThe Education (Student Finance) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) (EU Exit) Regulations 20212021 No. 481reg. 31(c)Not yet made to Welsh language versionApplied to English language version
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484reg. 4(9)(10)insertedThe Education (Student Finance) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) (EU Exit) Regulations 20212021 No. 481reg. 31(d)Not yet made to Welsh language versionApplied to English language version
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 2015 Regulations 20152015 No. 1484reg. 4(9)(a)word insertedThe Education (Student Fees, Awards and Support) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 20212021 No. 1365reg. 12(b)Not yet made to Welsh language versionApplied to English language version
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 2015 Regulations 20152015 No. 1484reg. 4(9)(a)word insertedThe Education (Student Finance) (Ukrainian Nationals and Family Members) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 20222022 No. 764reg. 16Not yet made to Welsh language versionApplied to English language version
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484reg. 4(9)(a)word insertedThe Education (Student Finance) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (No. 3) (Wales) Regulations 20232023 No. 1349reg. 15Not yet made to Welsh language versionApplied to English language version
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484reg. 5coming into forceThe Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484reg. 1(1)Yes
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484reg. 6coming into forceThe Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484reg. 1(1)Yes
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484reg. 6omittedThe Tertiary Education and Research (Wales) Act 2022 (Consequential Amendments) Regulations 20242024 No. 803reg. 9(2)Not yet made to Welsh language versionApplied to English language version
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484Sch. para. 1coming into forceThe Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484reg. 1(1)Yes
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484Sch. para. 2coming into forceThe Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484reg. 1(1)Yes
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484Sch. para. 3coming into forceThe Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484reg. 1(1)Yes
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484Sch. para. 4coming into forceThe Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484reg. 1(1)Yes
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484Sch. para. 5coming into forceThe Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484reg. 1(1)Yes
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484Sch. para. 6coming into forceThe Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484reg. 1(1)Yes
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484Sch. para. 7coming into forceThe Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484reg. 1(1)Yes
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484Sch. para. 8coming into forceThe Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484reg. 1(1)Yes
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484Sch. para. 9coming into forceThe Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484reg. 1(1)Yes
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484Sch. para. 10coming into forceThe Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484reg. 1(1)Yes
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484Sch. para. 11coming into forceThe Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484reg. 1(1)Yes
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484Sch. para. 12coming into forceThe Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484reg. 1(1)Yes
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484Sch. para. 1(1)words insertedThe Education (Student Finance) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 20182018 No. 814reg. 49(a)(i)Not yet made to Welsh language versionApplied to English language version
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484Sch. para. 1(1)words substitutedThe Education (Student Finance) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 20182018 No. 814reg. 49(a)(ii)Not yet made to Welsh language versionApplied to English language version
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484Sch. para. 4AinsertedThe Education (Student Finance) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 20182018 No. 814reg. 49(b)Not yet made to Welsh language versionApplied to English language version
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484Sch. para. 5(2)(b)substitutedThe Education (Student Finance) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 20182018 No. 814reg. 49(c)(i)Not yet made to Welsh language versionApplied to English language version
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484Sch. para. 5(3)(b)substitutedThe Education (Student Finance) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 20182018 No. 814reg. 49(c)(ii)Not yet made to Welsh language versionApplied to English language version
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484Sch. para. 5(3)(c)substitutedThe Education (Student Finance) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 20182018 No. 814reg. 49(c)(iii)Not yet made to Welsh language versionApplied to English language version
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484Sch. para. 5(4)insertedThe Education (Student Finance) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 20182018 No. 814reg. 49(c)(iv)Not yet made to Welsh language versionApplied to English language version
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484Sch. para. 1(1)words insertedThe Education (Student Finance) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 20192019 No. 235reg. 13(a)Not yet made to Welsh language versionApplied to English language version
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484Sch. para. 4Awords substitutedThe Education (Student Finance) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 20192019 No. 235reg. 13(b)Not yet made to Welsh language versionApplied to English language version
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 20152015 No. 1484Sch. para. 5AinsertedThe Education (Student Finance) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 20192019 No. 235reg. 13(c)Not yet made to Welsh language versionApplied to English language version
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 2015 Regulations 20152015 No. 1484Sch. para. 1(1)words omittedThe Education (Student Finance) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 (revoked)2019 No. 424reg. 8(2)(a)(i)Not yet made to Welsh language versionNot applicable to English language versionNote
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 2015 Regulations 20152015 No. 1484Sch. para. 1(1)word insertedThe Education (Student Finance) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 (revoked)2019 No. 424reg. 8(2)(a)(ii)Not yet made to Welsh language versionNot applicable to English language versionNote
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 2015 Regulations 20152015 No. 1484Sch. para. 1(3)words substitutedThe Education (Student Finance) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 (revoked)2019 No. 424reg. 8(2)(b)(i)Not yet made to Welsh language versionNot applicable to English language versionNote
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 2015 Regulations 20152015 No. 1484Sch. para. 1(3)words substitutedThe Education (Student Finance) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 (revoked)2019 No. 424reg. 8(2)(b)(ii)Not yet made to Welsh language versionNot applicable to English language versionNote
The Higher Education (Qualifying Courses, Qualifying Persons and Supplementary Provision) (Wales) Regulations 2015 Regulations 20152015 No. 1484Sch. para. 1(3)words substitutedThe Education (Student Finance) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 (revoked)2019 No. 424reg. 8(2)(b)(iii)Not yet made to Welsh language versionNot applicable to English language versionNote

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