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Changes to Legislation Results

Your search for changes that affect all legislation made by Acts of the Scottish Parliament in 2004 numbered 1 has returned 91 results:


1 to 50 of 91 results
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National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 17J-17O and cross-headinginsertedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1s. 4Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 17P and cross-headinginsertedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1s. 5(2)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 2CinsertedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1s. 1(2)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 15(1)(a)(i)words substitutedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1sch. para. 1(2)(a)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 15(1)(a)(ii)words substitutedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1sch. para. 1(2)(b)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 17C(1)(a)words substitutedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1s. 2(2)(a)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 17C(2)(a)words substitutedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1s. 2(2)(a)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 17C(2)(b)(i)words substitutedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1s. 2(2)(a)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 17C(2A)substituted for wordsPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1s. 2(2)(b)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 17C(3)(a)repealedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1s. 2(2)(c)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 17C(4)words repealedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1s. 2(2)(d)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 17C(6)words repealedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1s. 2(2)(e)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 17D(1)(b)substitutedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1s. 2(3)(a)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 17D(1)(d)words substitutedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1s. 2(3)(b)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 17D(1A) (1B)insertedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1s. 2(3)(c)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 17D(2)words insertedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1s. 2(3)(d)(i)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 17D(2)words insertedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1s. 2(3)(d)(ii)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 17D(2)words insertedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1s. 2(3)(d)(iii)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 17D(2)words substitutedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1s. 2(3)(d)(iv)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 17D(2)words repealedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1s. 2(3)(d)(v)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 17D(2)words substitutedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1s. 2(3)(d)(vi)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 17D(2)words insertedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1s. 2(3)(d)(vii)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 17D(2)word repealedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1sch. para. 1(3)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 17D(3)insertedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1s. 2(3)(e)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 17E(2)(b)words repealedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1s. 2(4)(a)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 17E(3)(ca)-(cc)insertedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1s. 2(4)(b)(i)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 17E(3)(f) (g)repealedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1s. 2(4)(b)(ii)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 17E(3A)-(3D)insertedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1s. 2(4)(c)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 17E(5) (7)repealedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1s. 2(4)(d)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 17E(6)words substitutedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1s. 2(4)(e)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 17EArepealedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1sch. para. 1(4)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 17EBrepealedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1sch. para. 1(4)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 17FrepealedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1sch. para. 1(5)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 17HrepealedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1s. 2(5)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 17Iwords substitutedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1sch. para. 1(6)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 17QinsertedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1s. 6Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 18words repealedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1s. 1(3)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 19-23repealedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1sch. para. 1(7)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 24A-24CrepealedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1sch. para. 1(7)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 28(1)words substitutedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1sch. para. 1(8)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 28A(1)words repealedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1sch. para. 1(9)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 28B(6)word substitutedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1sch. para. 1(10)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 28C(3)words substitutedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1sch. para. 1(11)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 28C(3)words repealedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1sch. para. 1(11)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 29(6)(a) (b)insertedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1s. 5(3)(a)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 29(8)(a)substituted for s. 29(8)(a)(aa)Primary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1s. 5(3)(b)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 29(8A)insertedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1s. 5(3)(c)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 29A(3A)repealedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1sch. para. 1(12)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 29B(2)(a)(i) and wordrepealedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1sch. para. 1(13)(a)(i)Yes
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 19781978 c. 29s. 29B(2)(a)(ii)words repealedPrimary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 20042004 asp 1sch. para. 1(13)(a)(ii)Yes

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