Education (Wales) Act 2014

(introduced by section 1)


This Atodlen has no associated Nodiadau Esboniadol

The words and expressions in the first column of table 3—

(a)have their Welsh language equivalents noted in the second column, and

(b)are defined by, or as the case may be, are to be interpreted in accordance with the provisions of this Act listed in the third column.


Word or expressionWelsh language equivalentRelevant provision
1996 ActDeddf 1996Section 49
1998 ActDeddf 1998Section 49
2002 ActDeddf 2002Section 49
2013 Act Deddf 2013Section 49
AgentAsiantSection 37
Appropriate bodyCorff priodolSection 21
Category of registrationCategori cofrestruSection 41(1)
Disciplinary orderGorchymyn disgybluSection 27(2)
Education (in sections 15 & 16)Addysg (yn adrannau 15 ac 16)Sections 15, 16
Education Workforce CouncilCyngor y Gweithlu AddysgSection 2
EnactmentDeddfiadSection 49
Financial year (in Schedule 1)Blwyddyn ariannol (yn Atodlen 1)Paragraph 21(5) of Schedule 1
Further education institutionSefydliad addysg bellachSection 41(1)
Further education learning support workerGweithiwr cymorth dysgu mewn addysg bellachSchedule 2
Further education teacherAthro neu athrawes addysg bellachSchedule 2
ModifyAddasuSection 49
Period of inductionCyfnod sefydluSection 22(3)
Registered personPerson cofrestredigSection 41(1) (see also section 27(1))
Registrable profession (in sections 4 & 8)Proffesiwn cofrestradwy (yn adrannau 4 ac 8)Section 8
Relevant employerCyflogwr perthnasolSection 36(4)
Relevant maintained school (in section 22(3))Ysgol berthnasol a gynhelir (yn adran 22(3))Section 22(3)
Relevant matters (in section 7)Materion perthnasol (yn adran 7)Section 7
Relevant offenceTrosedd berthnasolSection 27(1)
Relevant principalPennaeth perthnasolSection 21
Relevant servicesGwasanaethau perthnasolSection 41
Salary (in section 12)Cyflog (yn adran 12)Section 12
School (in sections 14, 23 & Schedule 2)Ysgol (yn adrannau 14, 23 ac Atodlen 2)Sections 14(6), 23(7), paragraph 3 of Schedule 2
School learning support workerGweithiwr cymorth dysgu mewn ysgolSchedule 2
School teacherAthro neu athrawes ysgolSchedule 2
SpecifiedPenodedigSection 49
The CouncilY CyngorSection 2(1)(b)
The registerY gofrestrSection 41(1)