Electoral Law Act (Northern Ireland) 1962


I ( name in full) ................................................................................

of ( home address in full ....................................................................................................

hereby consent to my nomination as a candidate for election as councillor for the........................................ district electoral area in the district of ........................................

I declare that I have attained the age of 21 years and that I am a Commonwealth citizen or[F1, citizen of the Republic of Ireland or a citizen of another Member State of the European Community] and—

F1SI 1995/1948

*Delete whichever is inappropriate* (a) I am a local elector for the district of the council; or
* (b) during the whole of the period of twelve months preceding the day of the poll:—
....................* (i) I have occupied as owner or tenant land in that district, or
....................* (ii) resided in that district; or
* (c) my principal or only place of work during that twelve months has been in that district.

I further declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief I am not disqualified for being elected by reason of any disqualification contained in section 4 of the Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 1972, a copy of which is printed overleaf.

[F2I declare that, if elected, I will not by word or deed express support for or approval of—

(a)any organisation that is for the time being a proscribed organisation specified in Schedule 2 to the Northern Ireland (Emergency Provisions) Act 1978; or

(b)acts of terrorism (that is to say, violence for political ends) connected with the affairs of Northern Ireland.]

 Signed ........................................

 Date ........................................

Signed in my presence

Signature of witness ................................................................................

Name and address................................................................................

of witness (in................................................................................

CAPITAL LETTERS)................................................................................