Office and Shop Premises Act (Northern Ireland) 1966

1Premises to which this Act applies.N.I.

(1)The premises to which this Act applies are office premises and shop premises, being (in either case) premises in the case of which persons are employed to work therein.

(2)In this Act—

(a)“office premises” means a building or part of a building, being a building or part the sole or principal use of which is as an office or for office purposes;

(b)“office purposes” includes the purposes of administration, clerical work, handling money and telephone and telegraph operating; and

(c)“clerical work” includes writing, book-keeping, sorting papers, filing, typing, duplicating, machine calculating, drawing and the editorial preparation of matter for publication;

and for the purposes of this Act premises occupied together with office premises for the purposes of the activities carried on in the office premises shall be treated as forming part of the office premises.

(3)In this Act—

(a)“shop premises” means—

(i)a shop;

(ii)a building or part of a building, being a building or part which is not a shop but of which the sole or principal use is the carrying on there of retail trade or business;

(iii)a building occupied by a wholesale dealer or merchant where goods are kept for sale wholesale or a part of a building so occupied where goods are so kept, but not including a warehouse belonging to the owners, trustees or commissioners of a dock, wharf or quay;

(iv)a building to which members of the public are invited to resort for the purpose of delivering there goods for repair or other treatment or of themselves there carrying out repairs to, or other treatment of, goods, or a part of a building to which members of the public are invited to resort for that purpose;

(v)any premises (in this Act referred to as “fuel storage premises” ) occupied for the purpose of a trade or business which consists of, or includes, the sale of solid fuel, being premises used for the storage of such fuel intended to be sold in the course of that trade or business, but not including dock storage premises [F1 or colliery storage premises];

(b)“retail trade or business” includes the sale to members of the public of food or drink for immediate consumption, retail sales by auction and the business of lending books or periodicals for the purpose of gain;

(c)“solid fuel” means coal, coke and any solid fuel derived from coal or of which coal or coke is a constituent; and

(d)“dock storage premises” means fuel storage premises which constitute or are comprised in premises to which certain provisions of the Factories Act (Northern Ireland) 1965 [1965 c.20] (in this Act referred to as “the Factories Act” ) apply by virtue of section 123(1) (docks, etc.) of that Act;

F1[(e)“colliery storage premises” means fuel storage premises which form part of premises which, for the purposes of the enactments for the regulation of mines, form part of a mine, other than premises where persons are regularly employed to work by a person other than the owner (as defined by those enactments) of the mine;]

and for the purposes of this Act premises occupied together with a shop or with a building or part of a building falling within sub-paragraph (ii), (iii) or (iv) of paragraph ( a) above for the purposes of the trade or business carried on in the shop or, as the case may be, the building or part of a building, shall be treated as forming part of the shop or, as the case may be, of the building or part of the building, and premises (not being office premises) occupied together with fuel storage premises for the purposes of the activities carried on in the fuel storage premises shall be treated as forming part of the fuel storage premises, but for the purposes of this Act office premises comprised in fuel storage premises shall be deemed not to form part of the last-mentioned premises.

(4)For the purposes of this Act premises maintained in conjunction with office or shop premises for the purpose of the sale or supply for immediate consumption of food or drink wholly or mainly to persons employed to work in the premises in conjunction with which they are maintained shall, if they neither form part of those premises nor are required by the foregoing provisions of this section to be treated as forming part of them, be treated for the purposes of this Act as premises of the class within which fall the premises in conjunction with which they are maintained.