Historic Environment (Wales) Act 2023 Explanatory Notes

Section 35 — Power of Welsh Ministers to issue enforcement notice

133.Section 35 gives the Welsh Ministers powers to issue an enforcement notice to stop specified unauthorised works to a scheduled monument and/or require steps to be taken to:


restore the monument or land to its condition before the unauthorised works took place;

The steps required would be likely to include appropriate archaeological investigation of the damaged area to recover and record historical evidence before further specified operations proceed.


alleviate the effect of the works, if restoration is not reasonably practicable or desirable; or

In the event of serious or extensive damage to a scheduled monument, restoration might be unviable and could, in fact, cause further harm to surviving archaeological evidence. In such a case, the Welsh Ministers would specify steps to stabilise the monument in its altered state to protect it and the information it contains for the future.


put the monument or land in the condition it would have been in if the terms and conditions of a granted scheduled monument consent had been fulfilled.

134.Under subsection (5) the Welsh Ministers must maintain an up-to-date list of scheduled monument enforcement notices that are in effect. At the time of writing these notes, the list is included on the “Statutory scheduled monument consultation notices” page in the “Scheduled monuments” section of the Cadw website.

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