Historic Environment (Wales) Act 2023 Explanatory Notes

Section 75 — Interpretation of this Part

241.Section 75 clarifies the meaning of many of the terms used in this Part. In particular it provides a definition of “monument of special historic interest” in subsection (6).

242.“Monument of special historic interest” captures any scheduled monument and any other monument wholly or mainly in Wales that the Welsh Ministers consider to be of public interest by reason of its historic, architectural, traditional, artistic, or archaeological interest. This definition is only employed in Chapters 6 and 7 of this Part. Amongst other things, this definition permits the Welsh Ministers to bring monuments that are of public interest, but do not meet the criteria for scheduling, into guardianship.

243.Subsection (7) provides that the definition in subsection (6)(b) does not include a monument situated in, on or under the bed of the sea below the low water mark. This limits the area in which the Welsh Ministers may recognise monuments of special historic interest to that covered by the Welsh counties and county boroughs including the adjacent seashore to the low water mark (as provided for in section 46 of the Local Government (Democracy) (Wales) Act 2013 (anaw 4)). Consequently, the Welsh Ministers may recognise wrecks, fish traps and other remains in the intertidal zone as monuments of special historic interest, but cannot do the same if similar remains are permanently submerged beyond the low water mark.

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