Infrastructure (Wales) Act 2024 Explanatory Notes

Section 60 – Grant or refusal of infrastructure consent

159.When the Welsh Ministers have decided an application, section 60 requires the Welsh Ministers to either make an order granting infrastructure consent or refuse infrastructure consent.

160.When an examining authority has decided an application, this section requires it to either notify the Welsh Ministers of its decision that an order granting infrastructure consent is to be made or refuse infrastructure consent.

161.Where the Welsh Ministers receive a notification from the examining authority that an infrastructure consent order is to be made, the Welsh Ministers must make the order.

162.This section also specifies that where infrastructure consent is either granted or refused, applicants, relevant local planning authorities and community councils, Natural Resources Wales (where a marine impact report has been submitted) and any other person or persons of a description specified in regulations, must be notified of the decision.

163.Regulations under this section may make provision regulating the procedure to be followed if the Welsh Ministers propose to make an infrastructure consent order on terms which are materially different from those proposed in the application.

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