Schedule 3: Jurisdiction and Private International Law
428.The private international law provisions of this schedule bring the law of Scotland in this regard into line with the Hague Convention of 13 January 2000 on the International Protection of Adults. This has the effect of regulating the relations between the Scottish legal system and other legal systems with respect to the matters dealt with under the Act. Provision is made for the jurisdiction of the Scottish judicial and administrative authorities. The schedule also provides for which country's law will apply in any given case and what legal decisions made in other countries will be recognised and given effect to in Scotland.
429.Paragraph 2 deals with the domestic jurisdiction of the sheriff. It clarifies which sheriff is to deal with applications and other measures. This will normally be the sheriff in whose sheriffdom the adult concerned lives, with certain exceptions. For example, where an adult who normally lives in France owns a flat in Dundee, the sheriff court in Dundee will have jurisdiction to make orders or appoint a guardian with powers in relation to that flat, but no powers in relation to the adult’s personal welfare or other financial affairs.
430.Sub-paragraph (1)(c) allows the sheriff to make an order which is urgently needed for the protection of the adult, if the adult is present within the sheriffdom at the date of application.