SCHEDULE 2SAccruing resources of the Scottish Administration which may be used without individual limit
(introduced by section 1)
PART 1 SScottish Executive Environment and Rural Affairs Department
Overall amount: £25,126,000 | |
Type of accruing resources | Purpose |
1. Income of the Scottish Agricultural Science Agency (SASA) under Service Level Agreement | SASA expenditure |
2. Sale of carcasses; repayment of loans under Crofting Building Loan Scheme; bond fees and insurance; European Union (EU) contributions towards EU rural development measures; receipts from the Meat and Livestock Commission under Ministerial Direction | Related rural development expenditure |
3. Contributions under the superannuation scheme for the Scottish Agricultural College and Agricultural and Biological Research Institutes; rents and wayleaves; recovery of costs in connection with land drainage; fees for Common Agricultural Policy Scheme appeals; sales of produce; charges under livestock schemes; pension contributions from members of the Crofters Commission and the Deer Commission; charges for cattle passports, publication and statistics; EU payments for Farm Account data | Related agricultural services expenditure |
4. Repayment of loans to harbour authorities; charges for licences under the Food and Environment Protection Act 1985, publications and statistics; payments under the European Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance | Related fisheries expenditure |
5. Charges for plant health and control work, seed and variety testing and pesticides work; sales of produce; charges for advisory visits, certifications, testing plants, animals and fish; charges for hire of equipment, publications and statistics | Related SASA, FRS and Scottish Fisheries Protection Agency (SFPA) expenditure |
6. Income of SASA, FRS and SFPA from services provided to external customers | SASA, FRS and SFPA expenditure |
7. Sale of research results and publications | Expenditure on environmental services |
8. Repayment of loans | Expenditure on Scottish Water |
PART 2 SScottish Executive Development Department
Overall amount: £15,000,000 | |
Type of accruing resources | Purpose |
1. Income from the sale of research results and publications; other minor miscellaneous income | Expenditure on miscellaneous Development Department programmes |
2. Capital sums accruing from Scottish Homes | Repayment of debt, including debt from Scottish Homes |
3. Recovery of unused grant from voluntary organisations | Expenditure on voluntary sector |
4. Recovery of grant awarded to councils and Registered Social Landlords under the New Housing Partnerships initiative and Community Ownership | Related housing expenditure |
5. Income from local authorities in respect of right to buy sales following housing stock transfer | Expenditure on housing |
6. Receipts from local authorities arising out of housing stock transfers | Repayment of local authority housing debt and associated costs |
7. Receipts from Energy Action Grant Agency in respect of energy efficiency matters | Expenditure on central heating programme |
8. Fees for functions carried out by the Scottish Building Standards Agency | Expenditure of the Scottish Buildings Standards Agency |
9. Receipts from interest on Scottish Homes loans to Housing Associations | Expenditure on housing |
PART 3 SScottish Executive Education Department
Overall amount: £18,820,000 | |
Type of accruing resources | Purpose |
1. Recovery of costs from local authorities in respect of self-governing schools | Expenditure on education services |
2. Recovery of costs from HM Inspectors of Education | Expenditure on education services |
3. Recovery of costs from Youthlink | Expenditure on education services |
4. Income from admissions and retail at monuments operated by Historic Scotland and external partnership funding for capital projects | Expenditure on tourism and culture |
5. Income from sales and grants in respect of the Royal Commission on Ancient and Historic Monuments of Scotland | Expenditure on tourism and culture |
PART 4 SScottish Executive Enterprise, Transport and Lifelong Learning Department
Overall amount: £222,787,000 | |
Type of accruing resources | Purpose |
1. Repayments of student loans and grants and interest capitalised on student loans | Expenditure of the Student Awards Agency for Scotland |
2. Income from property management, investment management, voted loans interest and other fees | Expenditure on Scottish Enterprise and Highlands and Islands Enterprise |
3. Refunds of grants for Regional Selective Assistance | Expenditure on departmental investment assistance |
4. Income from European Structural Funds | Expenditure on projects supported by European Union funding |
5. Rents from land and property; Erskine Bridge toll income; income from administering harbours orders | Expenditure on motorways and trunk roads; expenditure on miscellaneous costs in relation to ports and harbours |
6. Any sums accruing as a result of the dissolution of Scottish Transport Group | Payments to former members of Scottish Transport Group pensions schemes |
PART 5 SScottish Executive Health Department
Overall amount: £1,515,394,000 | |
Type of accruing resources | Purpose |
1. Charges to private patients; income generation schemes; charges for the processing of plasma for the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety Northern Ireland; handling charges for blood products; sales of antibodies and related products; repayments of Project 2000 bursaries; National Insurance contributions | Expenditure on hospital and community health services |
2. Prescription charges collected by dispensing doctors, pharmacists, Health Boards and appliance suppliers; sales of prescription pre-payment certificates; payments under the Pharmaceutical Price Regulation Scheme; rental of national health service properties; charges collected by dental practitioners and ophthalmologists; recovery of charges from patients, dispensing contractors and practitioners | Expenditure on family health services |
3. Sales of publications; fees for conferences and courses; royalties from projects developed with departmental assistance; sales of vitamin drops and tablets at national health service clinics; other miscellaneous income | Expenditure on other health services |
4. Income from fees charged by the Scottish Commission for the Regulation of Care | Expenditure on community care |
PART 6 SScottish Executive Justice Department
Overall amount: £25,413,000 | |
Type of accruing resources | Purpose |
1. Superannuation contributions for police officers on secondment to the Scottish Police College (SPC); charges for students from outwith Scottish Police Forces; charges for use of SPC for various activities | Expenditure of the SPC |
2. Contributions made by the Scottish Police Federation to the cost of salaries, etc. of their secretary and chairman | Expenditure on police services |
3. Income from sale of prison-manufactured goods, services and other industries income; various income including income from land and buildings | Expenditure of the Scottish Prison Service |
4. General income of the Scottish Fire Service Training School, including that from fire-related and other organisations which use the school’s teaching and conference facilities on a repayment basis | Expenditure of the Scottish Fire Service Training School |
5. Civil defence income from sale of surplus and obsolete equipment; course income; rents from other bodies using radio masts or stations owned by the Scottish Executive | Expenditure on civil defence (including grants) |
6. Superannuation contributions collected by the Scottish Legal Aid Board | Expenditure on legal aid |
7. Income from cinematography exemption certificate fees and criminal statistics and other miscellaneous receipts | Miscellaneous expenditure |
8. Fees for civil cases; rent from minor occupiers | Expenditure of the Scottish Court Service |
9. Income from sequestration | Expenditure on the Accountant in Bankruptcy |
PART 7 SScottish Executive (Administration)
Overall amount: £13,422,000 | |
Type of accruing resources | Purpose |
1. Payments from departments outwith the Scottish Executive for professional services; income from the Statistical Office of the European Union; discounts; recoveries of legal costs; income from payment for services and recovery of other costs; New Deal income; profit from sale of surplus capital assets; recoveries from the National Insurance Fund; repayments of loans made to members of staff for house purchase; rent from minor occupiers; European Fast Stream income | Scottish Executive core departments running costs |
2. Recoveries of salaries and other expenses of outward seconded and loaned staff; recoveries of salaries of staff assigned to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Agency (CICA) | Expenditure on outward seconded and loaned staff and staff assigned to CICA |
PART 8 SRegistrar General of Births, Deaths and Marriages for Scotland
Overall amount: £2,940,000 | |
Type of accruing resources | Purpose |
1. Income from sales of records services; royalties from sales on the Internet; reapportioned income from minor occupiers | Expenditure on Records Enterprise |
2. Income from sales of records services; reapportioned income from minor occupiers | Registration expenditure |
3. Income from Scottish Executive for running the National Health Service Central Register; income from sales of information by National Health Service Central Register; income from sales of vital statistics; reapportioned income from minor occupiers | Expenditure on vital events and national health service |
4. Income from sales of Census and other geographical information; sales of population statistics; reapportioned income from minor occupiers | Expenditure on Census and population statistics |
PART 9 SKeeper of the Records of Scotland
Overall amount: £650,000 | |
Type of accruing resources | Purpose |
1. Fees and other income for the issue of photocopy orders; professional searchers contract fees; inspection fees; issue of microfilm and sale of facsimiles; income from conservation and specialist services; income from Registers of Scotland Executive Agency for associated services; external advertising on General Register House | Running costs of the National Archives of Scotland |
PART 10 SScottish Executive Finance and Central Services Department
Overall amount: £1,031,110,000 | |
Type of accruing resources | Purpose |
1. Income from marketing | Expenditure on marketing |
2. Income in respect of legal costs recovered by the Local Government Boundary Commission | Payments to the Local Government Boundary Commission |
3. Contributions in respect of teachers' and national health service superannuation | Expenditure on teachers' and national health service superannuation |
4. Administration charges in respect of services undertaken by the Scottish Public Pensions Agency | Running costs of the Scottish Public Pensions Agency |
5. Pensions contributions | Expenditure on pensions |
6. Recovery of grant awarded to councils under the Bellwin scheme covering floods, storms, and other emergencies | Expenditure on floods, storms and other emergencies |
PART 11 SCrown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service
Overall amount: £210,000 | |
Type of accruing resources | Purpose |
1. Fees charged for administering the estates of persons who die intestate and without known heirs; ultimus haeres; sale of Statute Amendments; income from the sale of waste paper and obsolete office machinery; minor occupancy income; contributions towards postal citation scheme; minor miscellaneous income | Running costs of the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service |