Section 13 – Headteacher’s report to Parent Council, Combined Parent Council or Parent Forum
51.Section 13 sets out the headteacher’s reporting responsibilities to the council or to the forum. The duty on the headteacher, to provide an evaluation report on the performance of the school and statement of the headteacher’s objective and ambitions for the school, is owed to the Parent Council or, where there is no Parent Council, to the Parent Forum.
52.Section 13(2) provides that in evaluating the performance of their school, for the purpose of the annual report required in terms of section 13(1), the headteacher is to carry out such evaluation by reference to the school’s development plan, in particular the objectives and statement of ambitions set by the education authority for the school by that plan; the report against the previous year’s school development plan as required by section 6(4) of the 2000 Act; the measures and standards of school performance set by the education authority for schools under their management, as required by section 7(1) of the 2000 Act; and the equal opportunity requirements. The “equal opportunity requirements” is defined in section 20(2) as having the same meaning as in section L2 of Part II of Schedule 5 to the Scotland Act 1998:
“"Equal opportunity requirements" means the requirements of the law for the time being relating to equal opportunities.”
53.In addition to the reporting obligation the headteacher has to prepare a summary of the report and make arrangements for each parent to get a copy of the summary.