Section 29 – Requirement to prepare strategic plans
82.Section 29 requires the integration authority to prepare a strategic plan for the area of each local authority. This section sets out what a strategic plan is and the period the plan relates to. Section 59 defines the term “integration authority” by reference to the integration model adopted in the integration scheme.
83.The integration authority can include such material as it thinks fit in the strategic plan, however there are two mandatory elements:
A strategic plan must set out the arrangements for carrying out the integration functions (defined in section 60) in the local authority area over the period of the plan (subsection (2)(a)). The area must be divided into localities for this purpose, and the arrangements for each locality must be set out separately (subsection (3)).
A strategic plan must also set out the way in which the arrangements for carrying out the functions are intended to achieve or contribute towards achieving the national health and wellbeing outcomes.
84.Subsection (4) provides that the Health Board and local authority may choose to delegate the functions on a day that is earlier than the day prescribed by the Scottish Ministers under sections 9(3) or 15(2). Where this occurs, the integration authority must make clear in its first strategic plan the date when functions are to be delegated.
85.The first strategic plan of an integration authority must be prepared before the integration start date (subsection (5)), which is defined in subsection (6) as meaning either the date of delegation of functions set out in the strategic plan or the day prescribed by the Scottish Ministers under section 9(3) or 15 (2).