Chwilio Deddfwriaeth

Canlyniadau Newidiadau i Ddeddfwriaeth

Mae eich chwiliad am newidiadau sy’n effeithio ar Deddfau Cyhoeddus Cyffredynol y Deyrnas Unedig yn 1847 rhifo 34 a wnaed gan holl ddeddfwriaeth wedi dod o hyd i 8 o ganlyniadau:


1 i 8 o 8 o ganlyniadau
    Newidiadau sy’n effeithio arA wnaed gan
    Sort by Deddfwriaeth wedi NewidSort by Trefnu fesul Blwyddyn a RhifDarpariaeth wedi NewidMath o effaithType of effect helpSort by Trefnu yn ôl Teitl Deddfwriaeth sy’n EffeithioSort by Trefnu fesul Blwyddyn a RhifDarpariaeth sy’n EffeithioSort by Newidiadau a wnaed i destun y wefanAmendment applied helpNodyn
    Towns Improvement Clauses Act 18471847 c. 34 s. 3 words repealedCourts Act 20032003 c. 39 Sch. 8 para. 29(1) Sch. 10 Yes
    Towns Improvement Clauses Act 18471847 c. 34s. 3words substitutedJustice Act (Northern Ireland) 20152015 c. 9Sch. 1 para. 15(1)(b)See note
    Towns Improvement Clauses Act 18471847 c. 34s. 3words substitutedJustice Act (Northern Ireland) 20152015 c. 9Sch. 1 para. 15(1)(a)Yes
    Towns Improvement Clauses Act 18471847 c. 34s. 20words substitutedJustice Act (Northern Ireland) 20152015 c. 9Sch. 1 para. 15(2)Yes
    Towns Improvement Clauses Act 18471847 c. 34s. 79repealedThe Street Works (Northern Ireland) Order 19951995 No. 3210Sch. 4Yes
    Towns Improvement Clauses Act 18471847 c. 34s. 214words substitutedJustice Act (Northern Ireland) 20152015 c. 9Sch. 1 para. 15(3)Yes
    Towns Improvement Clauses Act 18471847 c. 34specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Courts Act 2003 (Commencement No. 10) Order 20052005 No. 910 art. 3 YesNote
    Towns Improvement Clauses Act 18471847 c. 34specified amended provision(s)Commencement OrderThe Justice (2015 Act) (Commencement No. 7 and Saving Provisions) Order (Northern Ireland) 20162016 No. 387art. 2YesNote

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