Chwilio Deddfwriaeth

Canlyniadau Newidiadau i Ddeddfwriaeth

Mae eich chwiliad am newidiadau sy’n effeithio ar holl ddeddfwriaeth a wnaed gan Gorchmynion yn y Cyngor Gogledd Iwerddon yn 2008 rhifo 1216 wedi dod o hyd i 179 o ganlyniadau:


Newidiadau sy’n effeithio arA wnaed gan
Sort by Deddfwriaeth wedi NewidSort by Trefnu fesul Blwyddyn a RhifDarpariaeth wedi NewidMath o effaithType of effect helpSort by Trefnu yn ôl Teitl Deddfwriaeth sy’n EffeithioSort by Trefnu fesul Blwyddyn a RhifDarpariaeth sy’n EffeithioSort by Newidiadau a wnaed i destun y wefanAmendment applied helpNodyn
Statutory Instruments Act 19461946 c. 36s. 5appliedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216art. 61(10)Yes
Statutory Instruments Act 19461946 c. 36s. 5applied by 1953 c. 18 (N.I.) s. 34(8) (as substituted)The Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216art. 77Yes
Statutory Instruments Act 19461946 c. 36s. 5appliedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216art. 100(1)Yes
Prison Act (Northern Ireland) 19531953 Chapter 18s. 2(2)words repealedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216art. 73 Sch. 6 Pt. 3Yes
Prison Act (Northern Ireland) 19531953 Chapter 18s. 19repealedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216art. 74 Sch. 6 Pt. 3Yes
Prison Act (Northern Ireland) 19531953 Chapter 18s. 24(5)repealedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216Sch. 6 Pt. 3Not yet
Prison Act (Northern Ireland) 19531953 Chapter 18s. 29substituted for s. 29 30The Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216art. 75Yes
Prison Act (Northern Ireland) 19531953 Chapter 18s. 33substitutedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216art. 76Yes
Prison Act (Northern Ireland) 19531953 Chapter 18s. 34-34Bsubstituted for s. 34 35The Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216art. 77Yes
Prison Act (Northern Ireland) 19531953 Chapter 18s. 34CinsertedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216art. 78Yes
Prison Act (Northern Ireland) 19531953 Chapter 18s. 47(1)words repealedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216Sch. 6 Pt. 3Not yet
Treatment of Offenders Act (Northern Ireland) 19681968 Chapter 29s. 33(2)(a)(b) and wordaddedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216Sch. 5 para. 1Yes
Northern Ireland Assembly Disqualification Act 19751975 c. 25Sch. 1 Pt. 3words insertedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216Sch. 5 para. 2Yes
Northern Ireland Assembly Disqualification Act 19751975 c. 25Sch. 1 Pt. 3entry repealedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216Sch. 6 Pt. 1Yes
The Treatment of Offenders (Northern Ireland) Order 19761976 No. 226OrderrepealedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216Sch. 6 Pt. 1Yes
Judicature (Northern Ireland) Act 19781978 c. 23Sch. 5words repealedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216Sch. 6 Pt. 1Not yet
Rehabilitation of Offenders (Northern Ireland) Order 19781978 No. 1908art. 6(1)(e)addedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216Sch. 5 para. 3Yes
Rehabilitation of Offenders (Northern Ireland) Order 19781978 No. 1908art. 6(6)(d)-(f)insertedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216art. 95(1)Yes
Criminal Appeal (Northern Ireland) Act 19801980 c. 47s. 24(2A)-(2D)insertedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216art. 83(1)Yes
Criminal Appeal (Northern Ireland) Act 19801980 c. 47s. 25(4)insertedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216art. 83(2)Yes
Criminal Appeal (Northern Ireland) Act 19801980 c. 47s. 45(2)(fa)insertedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216art. 83(3)Yes
Criminal Appeal (Northern Ireland) Act 19801980 c. 47Sch. 4 para. 11repealedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216Sch. 6 Pt. 1Not yet
Road Traffic (Northern Ireland) Order 19811981 No. 154art. 180(3B)appliedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216art. 91(6)Yes
Road Traffic (Northern Ireland) Order 19811981 No. 154art. 180(4)appliedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216art. 91(6)Yes
Road Traffic (Northern Ireland) Order 19811981 No. 154art. 180(4AA)appliedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216art. 91(6)Yes
Legal Aid, Advice and Assistance (Northern Ireland) Order 19811981 No. 228Sch. 1 Pt. 1 para. 2A(2)(a)words substitutedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216art. 85(2)Yes
The Magistrates' Courts (Northern Ireland) Order 19811981 No. 1675art. 20(3)words substitutedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216art. 92(7)Yes
The Magistrates' Courts (Northern Ireland) Order 19811981 No. 1675art. 29(1)(j)-(n)addedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216art. 90(10)Yes
The Magistrates' Courts (Northern Ireland) Order 19811981 No. 1675art. 132A(1)(a)words insertedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216art. 87(4)Yes
Repatriation of Prisoners Act 19841984 c. 47s. 2(4)(b)(iiia)insertedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216Sch. 5 para. 4(1)Yes
Repatriation of Prisoners Act 19841984 c. 47Sch. para. 2AinsertedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216Sch. 5 para. 4(2)Yes
The Mental Health (Northern Ireland) Order 19861986 No. 595art. 44(1A)(1B)insertedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216Sch. 5 para. 5(1)Yes
The Mental Health (Northern Ireland) Order 19861986 No. 595art. 56(3)words substitutedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216Sch. 5 para. 5(2)Yes
The Mental Health (Northern Ireland) Order 19861986 No. 595art. 79(5A)words substitutedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216Sch. 5 para. 5(2)Yes
The Public Order (Northern Ireland) Order 19871987 No. 463art. 22(3)(a)words substitutedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216art. 90(1)Yes
Criminal Justice Act 19881988 c. 33s. 36(9)(ac)insertedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216Sch. 5 para. 6Yes
Criminal Justice Act 19881988 c. 33s. 139(6)substitutedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216art. 90(3)Yes
Criminal Justice Act 19881988 c. 33s. 139A(6)substitutedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216art. 90(4)Yes
Criminal Justice Act 19881988 c. 33s. 141(1)words substitutedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216art. 90(5)Yes
The Crossbows (Northern Ireland) Order 19881988 No. 794art. 8(1)substituted for art. 8(1)(2)The Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216art. 90(2)Yes
The Police and Criminal Evidence (Northern Ireland) Order 19891989 No. 1341art. 19(1)(c)substitutedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216art. 86Yes
The Police and Criminal Evidence (Northern Ireland) Order 19891989 No. 1341art. 48(3D)words substitutedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216art. 87(2)Yes
The Police and Criminal Evidence (Northern Ireland) Order 19891989 No. 1341art. 48(4)-(5A)insertedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216art. 87(3)Yes
The Police and Criminal Evidence (Northern Ireland) Order 19891989 No. 1341art. 56A(1)word substitutedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216art. 88Yes
The Police and Criminal Evidence (Northern Ireland) Order 19891989 No. 1341art. 84substitutedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216art. 89Yes
The Treatment of Offenders (Northern Ireland) Order 19891989 No. 1344Sch. 1words repealedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216Sch. 6 Pt. 1Yes
Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 19941994 c. 33s. 128(5)(aa)words repealedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216Sch. 6 Pt. 3Yes
The Road Traffic (Northern Ireland) Order 19951995 No. 2994art. 11AinsertedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216art. 52(1)Yes
The Road Traffic (Northern Ireland) Order 19951995 No. 2994art. 12AinsertedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216art. 62Yes
The Road Traffic (Northern Ireland) Order 19951995 No. 2994art. 12BinsertedThe Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 20082008 No. 1216art. 53(1)Yes

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