Chwilio Deddfwriaeth

Canlyniadau Newidiadau i Ddeddfwriaeth

Mae eich chwiliad am newidiadau sy’n effeithio ar holl ddeddfwriaeth a wnaed gan Deddfau Cyhoeddus Cyffredynol y Deyrnas Unedig yn 2013 rhifo 27 wedi dod o hyd i 193 o ganlyniadau:


Newidiadau sy’n effeithio arA wnaed gan
Sort by Deddfwriaeth wedi NewidSort by Trefnu fesul Blwyddyn a RhifDarpariaeth wedi NewidMath o effaithType of effect helpSort by Trefnu yn ôl Teitl Deddfwriaeth sy’n EffeithioSort by Trefnu fesul Blwyddyn a RhifDarpariaeth sy’n EffeithioSort by Newidiadau a wnaed i destun y wefanAmendment applied helpNodyn
Local Authorities Loans Act 19451945 c. 18s. 1(1)words insertedGrowth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 25(2)YesNote
Local Authorities Loans Act 19451945 c. 18s. 1(3)-(6)insertedGrowth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 25(3)YesNote
Local Authorities Loans Act 19451945 c. 18s. 1AinsertedGrowth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 25(4)YesNote
Local Authorities Loans Act 19451945 c. 18s. 9AinsertedGrowth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 25(5)YesNote
Local Authorities Loans Act 19451945 c. 18s. 11(1)words insertedGrowth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 25(6)YesNote
Town and Country Planning Act 19591959 c. 53s. 29excluded by 1990 c. 8, s. 233(9) (as inserted)Growth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 8(3)Yes
Harbours Act 19641964 c. 40s. 44(1)words insertedGrowth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 25(9)Yes
Local Government Act 19721972 c. 70s. 128(2)applied by 1990 c. 8 s. 233(9) (as inserted)Growth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 8(3)Yes
Local Government Act 19721972 c. 70s. 250(4)modified by 1990 c. 8 s. 320(3) (as inserted)Growth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 2(1)Yes
Local Government Act 19721972 c. 70s. 250(4)applied (with modifications) by 1990 c. 8 s. 322(1B)(1C) (as inserted)Growth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 2(2)Yes
Local Government Act 19721972 c. 70s. 250(4)applied (with modifications) by 1990 c. 8 s. 322A(3)(4) (as inserted)Growth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 2(3)Yes
Local Government Act 19721972 c. 70s. 250(5)applied by 1981 c. 77 s. 5(4) (as inserted)Growth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 3Yes
Energy Act 19761976 c. 76s. 14omittedGrowth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 18(1)(a)Yes
Energy Act 19761976 c. 76s. 19(2)(b) and wordomittedGrowth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 18(1)(b)(i)Yes
Energy Act 19761976 c. 76s. 19(2)(c)words omittedGrowth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 18(1)(b)(ii)Yes
Highways Act 19801980 c. 66s. 31(6)word omittedGrowth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 13(2)(b)(i)Yes
Highways Act 19801980 c. 66s. 31(6)words insertedGrowth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 13(2)(b)(ii)Yes
Highways Act 19801980 c. 66s. 31(6)(a)words omittedGrowth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 13(2)(a)Yes
Highways Act 19801980 c. 66s. 31(6)(i)words substitutedGrowth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 13(2)(c)Yes
Highways Act 19801980 c. 66s. 31(6)(ii)words substitutedGrowth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 13(2)(c)Yes
Highways Act 19801980 c. 66s. 31(6A) (6B)insertedGrowth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 13(3)Yes
Highways Act 19801980 c. 66s. 31(6C)insertedGrowth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 13(4)Yes
Highways Act 19801980 c. 66s. 31(7)words substitutedGrowth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 13(5)(a)Yes
Highways Act 19801980 c. 66s. 31(7)words substitutedGrowth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 13(5)(b)Yes
Highways Act 19801980 c. 66s. 31(13)-(15)insertedGrowth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 13(6)Yes
New Towns Act 19811981 c. 64Sch. 4 para. 12words substitutedGrowth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 25(8)Yes
New Towns Act 19811981 c. 64Sch. 4 para. 16(a)words insertedGrowth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 25(9)Yes
Acquisition of Land Act 19811981 c. 67s. 5(4)insertedGrowth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 3Yes
Acquisition of Land Act 19811981 c. 67s. 17(2)words substitutedGrowth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 25(7)(a)Yes
Acquisition of Land Act 19811981 c. 67s. 18(2)words substitutedGrowth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 25(7)(a)Yes
Acquisition of Land Act 19811981 c. 67s. 27words insertedGrowth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 25(9)Yes
Acquisition of Land Act 19811981 c. 67Sch. 3 para. 4(2)words substitutedGrowth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 25(7)(b)Yes
Acquisition of Land Act 19811981 c. 67Sch. 3 para. 5(2)words substitutedGrowth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 25(7)(b)Yes
Gas Act 19861986 c. 44s. 7B(5)(b)(ii)words omittedGrowth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 19(b)Yes
Housing and Planning Act 19861986 c. 63s. 42applied by 1990 c. 8 s. 322(1D) (as inserted)Growth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 2(2)Yes
Housing and Planning Act 19861986 c. 63s. 42applied by 1990 c. 8 s. 322A(5) (as inserted)Growth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 2(3)Yes
Norfolk and Suffolk Broads Act 19881988 c. 4s. 25(1)modifiedGrowth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 9(3)Yes
Local Government Finance Act 19881988 c. 41s. 41(2)words insertedGrowth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 29(2)Yes
Local Government Finance Act 19881988 c. 41s. 41(2A)insertedGrowth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 29(3)Yes
Local Government Finance Act 19881988 c. 41s. 41(3)words omittedGrowth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 29(4)Yes
Local Government Finance Act 19881988 c. 41s. 41(7)words omittedGrowth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 29(5)Yes
Local Government Finance Act 19881988 c. 41s. 41(9)insertedGrowth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 30(2)Yes
Local Government Finance Act 19881988 c. 41s. 52(2)words insertedGrowth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 29(7)Yes
Local Government Finance Act 19881988 c. 41s. 52(2A)insertedGrowth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 29(8)Yes
Local Government Finance Act 19881988 c. 41s. 52(3)words omittedGrowth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 29(9)Yes
Local Government Finance Act 19881988 c. 41s. 52(7)words omittedGrowth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 29(10)Yes
Local Government Finance Act 19881988 c. 41s. 52(8)insertedGrowth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 30(3)Yes
Local Government Finance Act 19881988 c. 41s. 54AinsertedGrowth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 30(1)Yes
Local Government Finance Act 19881988 c. 41s. 143(3C)insertedGrowth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 30(4)Yes
Electricity Act 19891989 c. 29s. 36CinsertedGrowth and Infrastructure Act 20132013 c. 27s. 20(2)Yes

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