Chwilio Deddfwriaeth

Canlyniadau Newidiadau i Ddeddfwriaeth

Mae eich chwiliad am newidiadau sy’n effeithio ar holl ddeddfwriaeth a wnaed gan Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig yn 2010 rhifo 2837 wedi dod o hyd i 13 o ganlyniadau:


1 i 13 o 13 o ganlyniadau
    Newidiadau sy’n effeithio arA wnaed gan
    Sort by Deddfwriaeth wedi NewidSort by Trefnu fesul Blwyddyn a RhifDarpariaeth wedi NewidMath o effaithType of effect helpSort by Trefnu yn ôl Teitl Deddfwriaeth sy’n EffeithioSort by Trefnu fesul Blwyddyn a RhifDarpariaeth sy’n EffeithioSort by Newidiadau a wnaed i destun y wefanAmendment applied helpNodyn
    Representation of the People Act 19831983 c. 2s. 13BmodifiedThe National Assembly for Wales Referendum (Assembly Act Provisions) (Referendum Question, Date of Referendum Etc.) Order 20102010 No. 2837Sch. 1 para. 18Yes
    Representation of the People Act 19831983 c. 2s. 59modifiedThe National Assembly for Wales Referendum (Assembly Act Provisions) (Referendum Question, Date of Referendum Etc.) Order 20102010 No. 2837Sch. 1 para. 25Yes
    Police and Criminal Evidence Act 19841984 c. 60s. 24ArestrictedThe National Assembly for Wales Referendum (Assembly Act Provisions) (Referendum Question, Date of Referendum Etc.) Order 20102010 No. 2837Sch. 4 para. 2(4)Yes
    Local Government Finance Act 19881988 c. 41s. 65(6)modifiedThe National Assembly for Wales Referendum (Assembly Act Provisions) (Referendum Question, Date of Referendum Etc.) Order 20102010 No. 2837art. 24Yes
    The Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) Regulations 19921992 No. 666RegulationsappliedThe National Assembly for Wales Referendum (Assembly Act Provisions) (Referendum Question, Date of Referendum Etc.) Order 20102010 No. 2837art. 23Yes
    Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 20002000 c. 41s. 10applied (with modifications)The National Assembly for Wales Referendum (Assembly Act Provisions) (Referendum Question, Date of Referendum Etc.) Order 20102010 No. 2837Sch. 5 TableYes
    Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 20002000 c. 41Sch. 12 para. 1applied (with modifications)The National Assembly for Wales Referendum (Assembly Act Provisions) (Referendum Question, Date of Referendum Etc.) Order 20102010 No. 2837Sch. 5 TableYes
    The Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations 20012001 No. 341reg. 92(2)(3)appliedThe National Assembly for Wales Referendum (Assembly Act Provisions) (Referendum Question, Date of Referendum Etc.) Order 20102010 No. 2837Sch. 1 para. 21(10)Yes
    The Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations 20012001 No. 341reg. 92(9)appliedThe National Assembly for Wales Referendum (Assembly Act Provisions) (Referendum Question, Date of Referendum Etc.) Order 20102010 No. 2837Sch. 1 para. 21(10)Yes
    The Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations 20012001 No. 341reg. 100applied (with modifications)The National Assembly for Wales Referendum (Assembly Act Provisions) (Referendum Question, Date of Referendum Etc.) Order 20102010 No. 2837art. 17Yes
    The Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations 20012001 No. 341reg. 116-120applied (with modifications)The National Assembly for Wales Referendum (Assembly Act Provisions) (Referendum Question, Date of Referendum Etc.) Order 20102010 No. 2837Sch. 5 para. 1 TableYes
    Electoral Administration Act 20062006 c. 22s. 69applied (with modifications)The National Assembly for Wales Referendum (Assembly Act Provisions) (Referendum Question, Date of Referendum Etc.) Order 20102010 No. 2837Sch. 5 TableYes
    The Encouraging Electoral Participation (Reimbursement of Expenses) (England and Wales) Regulations 20062006 No. 2972reg. 2applied (with modifications)The National Assembly for Wales Referendum (Assembly Act Provisions) (Referendum Question, Date of Referendum Etc.) Order 20102010 No. 2837Sch. 5 para. 1 Not yet

    Yn ôl i’r brig

    Mae'r data ar y dudalen hon ar gael yn y fformatau data amgen a restrir: