Deddfau Seneddau Y Deyrnas Unedig
Rhan 100 (1892b)
1892 (55 & 56 Vict.).
c.cli Lee Valley Drainage.
d.- S.R.& O.1934/92(L), art.3(2) of Scheme.
c.clii Great Northern Railway (Ireland).
c.cliii Liskeard and Caradon Railway.
c.cliv Hull and North Western Junction Railway (Extension of Time).
d.- Hull and North Western Junction Rly. 1894 (c.xiii), s.7.
c.clv North Sunderland Railway.
c.clvi Lancashire, Derbyshire and East Coast Railway.
est.- Lancs., Derb. and East Coast Rly. 1895 (c.cxli), s.17.
am.- Lancs., Derb. and East Coast Rly. 1895 (c.cxli), s.30. pt.(ss.9,22) - Lancs., Derb. and East Coast Rly. 1895 (c.cxli),
s.21; 1897 (c.lvi), ss.33,35; Lincoln and East Coast Rly. and Dock
1897 (c.ccxxxiv), ss.45,48.
s. 9 am.- Lancs., Derb. and East Coast Rly. 1895 (c.cxli), s.21; 1897
(c.lvi), ss.33,35; Lincoln and East Coast Rly. 1897 (c.ccxxxiv),
18 appl.- Lancs., Derb. and East Coast Rly. 1895 (c.cxli), s.10(1).
22 am.- Lancs., Derb. and East Coast Rly. 1895 (c.cxli), s.21; 1897
(c.lvi), ss.33,35; Lincoln and East Coast Rly. and Dock 1897
(c.ccxxxiv), ss.45,48.
47 am.- Gt. Eastern Rly.(Gen. Powers) 1898 (c.lxvi), s.46.
sch. 2 am.- Lancs., Derb. and East Coast Rly. 1895 (c.cxli), s.34.
c.clvii Cork Harbour (Pilotage).
s. 3 d.- Pilotage O.Confn.(No.2) 1920 (c.civ), art.12 of Cork
Pilotage O.
4-7 d.(prosp.) - Pilotage O.Confn.(No.2) 1920 (c.civ), art.12 of
Cork Pilotage O.
8 d.- Pilotage O.Confn.(No.2) 1920 (c.civ), art.12 of Cork
Pilotage O.
9 d..(darpar.)- Pilotage O.Confn.(No.2) 1920 (c.civ), art.12 of
Cork Pilotage O.
10 d.- Pilotage O.Confn.(No.2) 1920 (c.civ), art.12 of Cork
Pilotage O.
11-19 d.(prosp.) - Pilotage O.Confn.(No.2) 1920 (c.civ), art.12
of Cork Pilotage O.
20-26 d.- Pilotage O.Confn.(No.2) 1920 (c.civ), art.12 of Cork
Pilotage O.
27-33 d.(prosp.) - Pilotage O.Confn.(No.2) 1920 (c.civ), art.12
of Cork Pilotage O.
34-36 d.- Pilotage O.Confn.(No.2) 1920 (c.civ), art.12 of Cork
Pilotage O.
37 d..(darpar.)- Pilotage O.Confn.(No.2) 1920 (c.civ), art.12 of
Cork Pilotage O.
38,39 d.- Pilotage O.Confn.(No.2) 1920 (c.civ), art.12 of Cork
Pilotage O.
40 d..(darpar.)- Pilotage O.Confn.(No.2) 1920 (c.civ), art.12 of
Cork Pilotage O.
43-50 appl.- Pilotage O.Confn.(No.2) 1920 (c.civ), art.10(4) of
Cork Pilotage O.
c.clviii Weston-super-Mare, Clevedon and Portishead Tramways.
d.yn rhannol.- Weston-super-Mare, Clevedon and Portishead Light Rlys.
1899 (c.ccxxi), s.45.
s. 10 d.- Weston-super-Mare, Clevedon and Portishead Light Rlys.
1899 (c.ccxxi), s.9(2).
27 d.yn rhannol.- Weston-super-Mare, Clevedon and Portishead Light
Rlys. 1899 (c.ccxxi), s.32(1).
am.- Weston-super-Mare, Clevedon and Portishead Light Rlys.
1899 (c.ccxxi), s.32(4).
c.clix Rhyl Improvement.
d.- Rhyl U.D.C. 1932 (c.xxxi),ss.62(1),67(13),68(4),71(3); 1935
(c.l), s.182; S.I.1957/977, art.6, sch.2; Clwyd C.C. 1985 (c.xliv), s.72, sch.3 pt.II.
c.clx North Metropolitan Tramways.
sch. 2 appl.- North Metrop. Tramways 1897 (c.ccxxxix), s.5(1).
c.clxi Donegal Railway.
c.clxii Plymouth Tramways.
d.- Plymouth Corpn. 1898 (c.cxxxix), s.52(3); Plymouth Corpn. 1915
(c.lxix), s.259(1)(a), sch.1.
c.clxiii Bournemouth Improvement.
d.- Min. of Health Provnl.O.Confn.(No.1) 1927 (c.xxvii), art.1(2) of
Bournemouth O; Bournemouth Corpn. 1930 (c.clxxxi), ss.78(3),
179(2); 1960 (c.xliii), s.71; Bournemouth B.C. 1985 (c.v), s.71,
sch.4 pt.I.
c.clxiv Lambourn Valley Railway.
c.clxv Glasgow Police (Further Powers).
d.- Glasgow Corpn. and Police 1895 (c.cxliii), s.35; Glasgow Corpn.
(Tramways Cons.) O.Confn. 1905 (c.cxxviii), art.88(1), sch.4 of O;
Glasgow Corpn. 1907 (c.cxlvi), s.45; Summary Jurisdiction (S.) 1908
(c.65), s.3, sch.A; Glasgow (orpn. O.Confn. 1936 (c.xxi), art.11 of
O; Glasgow Streets, Sewers and Bldgs. Cons. O.Confn. 1937 (c.xliii),
art.249(1), sch.3 of O; Glasgow Corpn. O.Confn. 1957 (c.xiv), art.8(1),
sch.4 of O; Glasgow Corpn. Cons.(Gen. Powers) O.Confn. 1960 (c.iii),
art.203, sch.4 of O; S.L.(R.) 1995 (c.44), s.1(1), sch.1 pt.III.
c.clxvi Middlesbrough Corporation.
d.- Middlesbrough Corpn. 1933 (c.lxxxiii), s.426(1), sch.1 pt.I.
c.clxvii London and North Western Railway (Additional Powers).
c.clxviii London and North Western Railway (New Railway).
ss. 29-32 ext.and appl.- L.N.W.R. 1895 (c.cxxvi), s.5.
c.clxix Lanarkshire (Middle Ward District) Water.
d.- Lanarkshire (Middle Ward Dist.) Water 1899 (c.lxx), ss.27,31;
Lanarkshire C.C. O.Confn. 1939 (c.xcii), art.316, sch.13 of O.
c.clxx Dumbarton and Balloch Joint Lines, &c.
c.clxxi Milford Docks.
d.- Milford Docks 1894 (c.cii), ss.4,7,12(2); 1953 (c.x), s.63, sch.
c.clxxii Kingstown and Kingsbridge Junction Railway (Extension of Time).
d.- Kingstown and Kingsbridge Junction Rly.(Abandonment) 1898
(c.ccxlvi), s.7.
c.clxxiii Birmingham Coporation Water.
d.(exc. ss.1,4,19(pt.),20,21,23,27-29,31-35, 39-41,43-47,51,53-60,62-64)
- Birmingham Corpn.(Stock) 1900 (c.lxxiv), s.5(1); Birmingham
Corpn. Water 1902 (c.xviii), s.14; Birmingham Corpn. 1940 (c.xix),
s.22; 1948 (c.xxxix), s.49(6); S.I.1966/514(L), art.5(a)(b), schs.1,4;
West Midlands C.C. 1980 (c.xi), s.121, sch.5 pt.I.
eith.- Birmingham Corpn. Water 1896 (c.xxxii), s.17(2); 1902
(c.xviii), s.9.
appl.(mod.) - Birmingham Extn. 1927 (c.cii), s.16(1), sch. pt.I. pt.(s.21) - Birmingham Corpn. Water 1902 (c.xviii), s.5.
s. 19 d.yn rhannol.- Birmingham Corpn. 1940 (c.xix), s.22
21 am.- Birmingham Corpn. Water 1902 (c.xviii), s.5.
23 appl.- Birmingham Corpn. Water 1902 (c.xviii), s.9.
28 am.- Birmingham Coprn. 1940 (c.xix), s.19.
44 saved - Birmingham Corpn. Water 1896 (c.xxxii), s.18.
45 saved - Birmingham Corpn. Water 1896 (c.xxxii), s.19.
55 am.- Birmingham Corpn. Water 1902 (c.xviii), s.12.
57 saved - Birmingham Corpn. Water 1896 (c.xxxii), ss.21-23.
60 saved - Birmingham Corpn. Water 1896 (c.xxxii), s.20.
62 am.- Birmingham Corpn. Water 1902 (c.xviii), s.15;
Birmingham Corpn. 1958 (c.xlix), s.39.
c.clxxiv Exmouth and District Water.
d.yn rhannol.- Exmouth Urban Dist. Water 1900 (c.cxxiv), s.16, sch.
ss. 2(pt.),4,15,16(pt.),17(pt.),18,20-46,58,59,62,63,67 d.- S.I.1964/418(L),
art.29, sch.4.
c.clxxv Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway (Steam Vessels).
c.clxxvi Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway (Various Powers). pt.(s.7) - Lancs. and Yorks. Rly. 1900 (c.lxxxix), s.33.
s. 7 am.- Lancs. and Yorks. Rly. 1900 (c.lxxxix), s.33.
8,9,11 am.- Lancs. and Yorks. Rly. 1898 (c.lxi), s.28.
est. a gweithredwyd.- Lancs. and Yorks. Rly. 1900 (c.lxxxix), s.35.
28 appl.- Lancs. and Yorks. Rly. 1893 (c.xcv), s.21(10).
62 am.- L.M.S.R. 1941 (c.xii), s.19(1).
schs. 2-5 am.- L.M.S.R. 1941 (c.xii), s.19(1).
c.clxxvii Leith Harbour and Docks.
d.- Leith Harbour 1908 (, ss.12,15, 17,23, 31-35; Leith Harbour
and Docks 1913 (c.lxxxvii), s.38,41,42; Leith Harbour and Docks
O.Confn. 1919 (c.ii), art.23, sch.F of O; Leith Harbour and Docks
Cons. O.Confn. 1935 (c.liv), art.7(1), sch.1 of O.
c.clxxviii London and North Western Railway (Heaton Lodge and Wortley
ss. 21,22 am.- L.N.W.R. 1898 (c.ccxxxiv), s.45.
c.clxxix Rhondda and Swansea Bay Railway. pt.(ss.19,20) - Rhondda and Swansea Bay Rly. 1897 (, ss.4,5.
am.- G.W.R. 1929 (c.xliii), s.60(1).
s. 16 d.yn rhannol.- B.R. 1986 (c.iii), s.46, sch.6 pt.III.
17 am.- Rhondda and Swansea Bay Rly. 1895 (c.cix), s.22.
19,20 am.- Rhondda and Swansea Bay Rly. 1897 (, ss.4,5.
26 eith.- Rhondda and Swansea Bay Rly. 1897 (, s.16.
43 appl.- Rhondda and Swansea Bay Rly. 1897 (, s.29.
c.clxxx Southampton Docks.
gweithredwyd.- S.R. 1927 (c.xxiii), s.13.
s. 16 am.- S.W.R. 1893 (c.lxxxvii), s.56.
c.clxxxi Rotherham, Blyth and Sutton Railway.
s. 12 d.and disodlwyd - Retford, Rotherham and Barnsley Rly. 1893
(c.clxxvi), s.17.
14 pt.- Retford, Rotherham and Barnsley Rly. 1893
(c.clxxvi), s.19.
15 d.- Retford, Rotherham and Barnsley Rly. 1893 (c.clxxvi), s.20(19).
43 d.- Retford, Rotherham and Barnsley Rly. 1893 (c.clxxvi), s.44.
c.clxxxii Lostwithiel and Fowey Railway.
c.clxxxiii St. Bartholomew's (Bristol) Church, &c. Sale.
c.clxxxiv Edinburgh Street Tramways.
d.- Edinburgh Corpn. O.Confn. 1932 (c.vii), art.201, sch.14 of O.
c.clxxxv Derry City and County Railway.
c.clxxxvi Glasgow and South Western Railway (Additional Powers).
c.clxxxvii Pontypridd Burial Board.
d.- S.I.1974/595(L), art.3(22), sch.1 pt.I; Mid Glam. C.C. 1987 (c.vii),
s.56, sch.2 pt.II.
c.clxxxviii Regent's Canal City and Docks Railway.
s. 15 pt.- S.I.1957/636(L), arts.1,2.
18-23,27 d.- Grand Union Canal 1943 (c.v), s.65(1), sch.3.
c.clxxxix Uttoxeter Water.
d.(exc. ss.7,12,18,19)- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.9) 1898 (c.lxxxii),
art.12 of Uttoxeter O; Uttoxeter U.D.C. 1951 (c.xx), s.27; S.I. 1968/447(L), art.17(1), sch.2.
c.cxc Rhymney Valley Gas and Water.
d.yn rhannol.- Rhymney and Ather Valley Gas and Water 1898 (c.ccxlv), s.36. pt.(s.45) - Rhymney and Ather Valley Gas and Water 1897
(c.ccxxix), s.4; 1898 (c.ccxlv), s.9; 1908 (c.xcii), s.5.
s. 41 appl.- Rhymney and Ather Valley Gas and Water 1908
(c.xcii), s.33(3).
45 am.- Rhymney and Ather Valley Gas and Water 1897 (c.ccxxix),
s.4; 1898 (c.ccxlv), s.9; 1908 (c.xcii), s.5.
c.cxci Mersey and Irwell Joint Committee.
d.- Lancs. C.C.(Rivers Bd. and Gen. Powers) 1938 (c.xciv), s.42(1).
c.cxcii Bexhill Water and Gas.
d.yn rhannol.- Bexhill Water and Gas 1904 (c.lxx), s.18; Bexhill Corpn. 1925
(c.cxxiv), s.11.
appl.(mods.) - Bexhill Water and Gas 1904 (c.lxx), s.24.
s. 13 appl.- Bexhill Water and Gas 1904 (c.lxx), s.20.
c.cxciii Eastbourne Improvement Act 1885 Amendment.
d.- East Suss. 1981 (c.xxv), s.108, sch.6.
c.cxciv Tramways Orders Confirmation.
Birmingham and Western Districts Tramways (Abandonment) O.
Drypool and Marfleet Steam Tramways O.
Morecambe Tramways (Extn.) O.
d.- County of Lancs. 1984 (c.xxi), s.146(2)(b), sch.8 pt.I.
Northampton Street Tramways O.
d..(darpar.)- Tramways O.Confn.(No.1) 1901 (c.cclxxvii), art.45
of Northampton Corpn. O.
c.cxcv Glasgow, &c. Order Confirmation.
Glasgow, Renfrew, Cathcart, Eastwood, Govan and Renfrew (Lanarkshire
and Renfrewshire) O.
c.cxcvi Gas Orders Confirmation (No.2).
Bideford Gas O.
eith.- Gas O.Confn.(No.1) 1909 (c.cvii), art.6 of Bideford Gas O.
arts. 8-12,14,15 d.- S.R.& O.1926/241(L), art.37.
16,17 d.- Gas O.Confn.(No.1) 1909 (c.cvii), arts.11,12 of
Bideford Gas O.
18 d.- S.R.& O.1926/241(L), art.37.
19 d.- S.R.& O.1932/931(L), art.22.
20 d.- S.R.& O.1926/241(L), art.37.
23,24 d.- S.R.& O.1930/297(L), art.24(1).
27 d.- Gas O.Confn.(No.1) 1909 (c.cvii), art.19 of Bideford
Gas O.
28 d.- S.R.& O.1926/241(L), art.37.
29,30 d.- Gas O.Confn.(No.1) 1909 (c.cvii), art.19 of Bideford
Gas O.
31,34 d.- S.R.& O.1926/241(L), art.37.
Glastonbury and Street Gas O. pt.(prosp.)- Glastonbury Corpn. Gas 1900 (c.xxxv), s.59.
Prestatyn Gas O.
d..(darpar.)- Prestatyn U.D.C. 1909 (c.cxxxii), s.16.
Willenhall Gas O.
arts. 11-15,18,23,24,27,28(pt.),33,35-37,sch.A d.- S.R.& O.
1932/363(L), art.31.
c.cxcvii Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No.6).
Borough of Chard O.
art. 9 am.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.11) 1893 (c.cxx), art.1 of
Chard O.(No.2).
13 am.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.11) 1893 (c.cxx), art.2 of
Chard O.(No.2).
14 am.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.11) 1893 (c.cxx), art.3 of
Chard O.(No.2).
Borough of Henley-upon-Thames O.
d.- Oxon. 1985 (c.xxxiv), s.49(2), sch.3 pt.II.
c.cxcviii Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No.7).
Havant Joint Hospital O.
art. 5 disodlwyd - L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.7) 1896 (c.cii), art.1 of
Havant Joint Hosp. O.
9 am.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.7) 1896 (c.cii), art.2 of
Havant Joint Hosp. O.
10 am.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.7) 1896 (c.cii), art.3 of
Havant Joint Hosp. O.
14 am.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.7) 1896 (c.cii), art.4 of
Havant Joint Hosp. O.
15 am.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.7) 1896 (c.cii), art.5 of
Havant Joint Hosp. O.
20 d.(arbed)- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.7) 1896 (c.cii),
art.6 of Havant Joint Hosp. O.
Tamworth Joint Hospital O.
art. 5 disodlwyd - L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.9) 1896 (c.civ), art.1 of
Tamworth Joint Hosp. O.
am.- S.R.& O.1936/547(L), art.2, sch.1.
6,7 am.- S.R.& O.1938/1314(L), art.2, sch.1.
9 am.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.9) 1896 (c.civ), art.2 of
Tamworth Joint Hosp. O.
10 am.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.9) 1896 (c.civ), art.3 of
Tamworth Joint Hosp. O; S.R.& O.1936/547(L), art.2, sch.1;
1938/1314(L), art.2, sch.1.
12 am.- Min. of Health Provnl.O.Confn.(No.8) 1924 (c.lxxiv),
art.5 of South Staffs. O.
13 am.- S.R.& O.1938/1314(L), art.2, sch.1.
14 am.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.9) 1896 (c.civ), art.4 of
Tamworth Joint Hospital O; S.R.& O.1936/547(L), art.2,
sch.1; 1938/1314(L), art.2, sch.1.
15 am.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.9) 1896 (c.civ), art.5 of
Tamworth Joint Hosp. O; S.R.& O.1938/1314(L), art.2, sch.1.
16,18 am.- S.R.& O.1938/1314(L), art.2, sch.1.
19 am.- S.R.& O.1936/547(L), art.2, sch.1.
21 d.(arbed)- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.9), 1896 (c.civ),
art.7 of Tamworth Joint Hosp. O.
22 am.- S.R.& O.1938/1314(L), art.2, sch.1.
schs. disodlwyd - L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.9) 1896 (c.civ), art.6,
schs. of Tamworth Joint Hosp. O.
Upper Stour Valley [Staffs. and Worcs.] Main Sewerage O.
am.- Min. of Health Provnl.O.Confn.(No.1) 1929 (, art.2(2),
sch.1 pt.I of Upper Stour Valley Main Sewerage O.
art. 5 am.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.8) 1896 (c.ciii), art.1 of
Upper Stour Valley Main Sewerage O.
d.yn rhannol.- Min. of Health Provnl.O.Confn.(No.1) 1929 (,
art.4, sch.2 pt.I of Upper Stour Valley Main Sewerage O.
6 disodlwyd - L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.8) 1896 (c.ciii), art.2 of
Upper Stour Valley Main Sewerage O.
am.- S.R.& O.1936/540(L), art.2, sch.1.
7,8 eith.- S.R.& O.1938/1054(L), art.2.
10 am.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.8) 1896 (c.ciii), art.3 of
Upper Stour Valley Main Sewerage O.
11 am.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.8) 1896 (c.ciii), art.4 of
Upper Stour Valley Main Sewerage O; S.R.& O.1936/540(L),
art.2, sch.1; 1938/1054(L), art.2.
12 am.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.8) 1896 (c.ciii), art.5 of
Upper Stour Valley Main Sewerage O.
13 am.- S.R.& O.1938/1314(L), art.2.
14 am.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.8) 1896 (c.ciii), art.6 of
Upper Stour Valley Main Sewerage O; S.R.& O.1936/540(L),
art.2, sch.1; 1938/1054(L), art.2.
15 am.- Min. of Health Provnl.O.Confn.(No.1) 1929 (,
art.3 of Upper Stour Valley Main Sewerage O.
d.yn rhannol.- Min. of Health Provnl.O.Confn.(No.1) 1929 (,
art.4, sch.2 pt.I of Upper Stour Valley Main Sewerage O.
16 am.- S.R.& O.1936/540(L), art.2, sch.1.
18 am.- S.R.& O.1938/1054(L), art.2.
19 d.(arbed)- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.8) 1896 (c.ciii),
art.8 of Upper Stour Valley Main Sewerage O.
schs. disodlwyd - L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.8) 1896 (c.ciii), art.7 of
Upper Stour Valley Main Sewerage O.
Warwick Joint Hospital O.
d.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.9) 1896 (c.civ), art.7 of Warwick
O; S.L.(R.) 1995 (c.44), s.1(1), sch.1 pt.I.
Wallsend, Willington Quay and Howdon Joint Hospital O.
d.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.15) 1910 (c.lxxxix), art.12(1) of
Wallsend Extn. O.
c.cxcix Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No.8).
s. 3 d.- County of Lancs. 1984 (c.xxi), s.146(2)(b), sch.8 pt.I.
Blything Union O.
am.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.8) 1892 (c.cxcix), s.2.
Burnley O.
d.- County of Lancs. 1984 (c.xxi), s.146(2)(b), sch.8 pt.I.
Hendon Union O.
am.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.8) 1892 (c.cxcix), s.2.
Paignton O.
am.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.8) 1892 (c.cxcix), s.2.
Penzance O.
am.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.8) 1892 (c.cxcix), s.2. Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No.9).
s. 2 d.- Halifax Corpn. 1920 (c.lxxvi), s.49(1); West Yorks. 1980 (c.xiv), s.95, sch.5.
3 d.- West Yorks. 1980 (c.xiv), s.95, sch.5.
Bradford (Yorks.) O.
d.(West Yorks.)(saving)- West Yorks. 1980 (c.xiv), s.95, sch.5.
Halifax O.(3).
d.(West Yorks.)(saving) (exc. art.3)- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.1)
1918 (c.i), art.2 of Halifax O; West Yorks. 1980 (c.xiv),
s.95, sch.5.
Rawmarsh O.
d.- S.L.(R.) 1989 (c.43), s.1(1), sch.1 pt.IX.
Sheffield O.
d.- Sheffield Corpn.(Cons.) 1918 (c.lxi), s.534(1), sch.12 pt.II.
Shipley O.
d.- Min. of Health Provnl.O.Confn.(Shipley) 1941 (c.i), art.32, sch.
of O; S.I.1962/271, art.28, sch.6; West Yorks. 1980 (c.xiv),
s.95, sch.5.
c.cci Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No.11).
Borough of Crewe O.
d.(Ches.)- Ches. C.C. 1980 (c.xiii), s.112, sch.3.
Borough of Falmouth O.
am.- S.R.& O.1934/190(L), art.65(1).
Borough of Godalming O.
c.ccii Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No.13).
Bilston O.
d.(arbed)- Bilston Imprvt. 1896 (c.ccxxxix), s.93.
Morley O.
am.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.13) 1892 (c.ccii), s.3.
West Ham O.
d.- S.I.1965/509, art.7, sch.4.
c.cciii Local Government Board's Provisional Order Confirmation (Poor Law).
Hundred of Mutford and Lothingland (Suffolk) O.
c.cciv Pier and Harbour Orders Confirmation (No.3).
Killala Pier O.
am.- Pier and Harbour O.Confn.(No.3) 1892 (c.cciv), s.2.
revived and appl.- Pier and Harbour O.Confn.(No.3) 1897 (c.lxxix),
art.2 of Killala Pier O.
Stornoway Harbour O.
d.- Stornoway Harbour O.Confn. 1926 (c.cviii), art.5 of O.
Sutherland (Talmin, Skerray and Portskerra) Harbours O.
Torquay Harbour O.
d.- Tor Bay Harbour 1970 (c.liii), s.13, sch.4.
c.ccv Pier and Harbour Orders Confirmation (No.4).
Carloway Harbour O.
d.- Western Isles Islands Council (Loch Roag) O.Confn. 1982
(c.ii), art.30(2) of O.
Kinsale Harbour O.
c.ccvi Pier and Harbour Order Confirmation (No.5).
Bournemouth Pier O.
d.- Pier and Harbour O.Confn.(No.5) 1903 (c.cxxxi), art.43(2) of
Boscombe and Bournemouth Piers O; Bournemouth B.C. 1985
(c.v), s.71, sch.4 pt.II.
c.ccvii Land Drainage Supplemental.
d.- S.L.(R.) 1993 (c.50), s.1(1), sch.1 pt.XIII.
c.ccviii Metropolitan Police Provisional Order Confirmation.
d.- S.L.(R.) 2008 (c.12), s.1, sch.1 pt.6.
c.ccix Local Government Board (I.) Provisional Orders Confirmation (No.2).
Tawnagh Burial Ground Provisional O.
Ballynakill Burial Ground Provisional O.
c.ccx Local Government Board (I.) Provisional Order Confirmation (No.3).
Belfast O.
c.ccxi Local Government Board (I.) Provisional Order Confirmation (No.4).
Blackrock Provisional O.
c.ccxii Local Government Board (I.) Provisional Order Confirmation (No.5).
Tullamore Waterworks Provisional O.
c.ccxiii Local Government Board (I.) Provisional Order Confirmation (No.7).
Kilworth Waterworks Provisional O.
c.ccxiv Local Government Board (I.) Provisional Orders Confirmation (No.8).
Athlone Waterworks Provisional O.
Castletown-Berehaven Waterworks Provisional O.
Cookstown Waterworks Provisional O.
Skibbereen Waterworks Provisional O.
c.ccxv Local Government Board (I.) Provisional Order Confirmation (No.9).
Tralee Provisional O.
c.ccxvi Local Government Board (I.) Provisional Order Confirmation (No.10).
Dublin Main Drainage Provisional O.
gweithredwyd.- L.G.B.(I.) Provnl.O.Confn.(No.10) 1895 (c.lxxxiv), art.4 of
Dublin Main Drainage O.
saved - L.G.B.(I.) Provnl.O.Confn.(No.10) 1895 (c.lxxxiv), art.6 of
Dublin Main Drainage O.
art. 2 am.- Dublin Corpn. 1893 (c.xv), s.3; L.G.B.(I.) Provnl.
O.Confn.(No.10) 1895 (c.lxxxiv), art.5 of Dublin Main
Drainage O.
c.ccxvii Galway Hospital.
c.ccxviii Education Department Provisional Order Confirmation (London).
School Board for London O.
am.- Educ. Dept. Provnl.O.Confn.(London) 1892 (c.ccxviii), s.3.
c.ccxix Electric Lighting Orders Confirmation (No.4).
Dublin Electric Lighting O.
Fareham Electric Lighting O.
Liverpool Electric Lighting O.
d.- E.L.O.C.(No.6) 1895 (c.ciii), art.97 of Liverpool E.L.O;
(No.3) 1896 (c.cxvii), art.76 of Liverpool E.L.O.
Sheffield Electric Lighting O.
d.- Sheffield Corpn.(Cons.) 1918 (c.lxi), s.534(1), sch.12 pt.II.
Waterford Electric Lighting O.
c.ccxx Electric Lighting Orders Confirmation (No.6).
Hampstead (London) Electric Lighting O.
Lambeth Electric Lighting O.
Shoreditch Electric Lighting O.
Whitechapel District Electric Lighting O.
arts. 2,6-61,63-68 incorp.- E.L.O.C.(No.10) 1900 (c.ccvii), art.4(1)
of Limehouse Dist. E.L.O., art.4(1) of Mile End Old Town
E.L.O. and art.4(1) of St. George in the East E.L.O.
69 incorp.- E.L.O.C.(No.10) 1900 (c.ccvii), art.4(1) of Lime-
house Dist. E.L.O., art.4(1) of Mile End Old Town E.L.O.
and art.4(1) of St. George in the East E.L.O. am.- E.L.O.C.(No.10) 1900 (c.ccvii), art.4(2) of Limehouse
Dist. E.L.O., art.4(2) of Mile End Old Town E.L.O. and
art.4(2) of St. George in the East E.L.O.
70,71,74,75,77 incorp.- E.L.O.C.(No.10) 1900 (c.ccvii), art.4(1)
of Limehouse Dist. E.L.O., art.4(1) of Mile End Old Town
E.L.O. and art.4(1) of St. George in the East E.L.O.
c.ccxxi General Police and Improvement (Scotland) Act, 1862, Order
Confirmation (Inverness).
Inverness O.
c.ccxxii Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No.10).
s. 2 d.- S.I.1961/623(L), art.26(3), sch.8 para.1.
3 d.- Halifax Corpn. 1920 (c.lxxvi), s.49(1); West Yorks. 1980
(c.xiv), s.95, sch.5.
Borough of Halifax O.
d.(West Yorks.)(saving)- West Yorks. 1980 (c.xiv), s.95, sch.5.
Borough of Hertford O.
am.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.10) 1892 (c.ccxxii), s.4.
c.ccxxiii Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No.12).
s. 2 d.yn rhannol.- S.R.& O.1933/779, art.32; County of Merseyside 1980
(c.x), s.146(3)(b), sch.5.
Bath O.
d.- S.I.1957/551(L), art.5, sch.2.
Cheltenham O.
art. 5 am.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.13) 1898 (c.ccxii), art.1 of
Cheltenham O.(2); (No.1) 1915 (c.iii), art.2 of Cheltenham O.
Louth (Lincs.) O.
art. 6 d.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.10) 1914 (c.cxxxi), art.12(1)
of Louth O.
Nottingham and West Bridgeford O.
d.- S.L.(R.) 1995 (c.44), s.1(1), sch.1 pt.I.
Portsmouth O.
art. 7 d.yn rhannol.- Portsmouth Corpn. 1920 (c.lxviii), s.189.
Salford O.
Wallasey O.
d.- County of Merseyside 1980 (c.x), s.146(3)(b), sch.5.
c.ccxxiv Local Government Board's Provisional Order Confirmation (No.14).
Borough of Chesterfield O.
d.(arbed)- Chesterfield Corpn. 1923 (c.xcix), ss.374,436(1),437,
sch.1 pt.II.
c.ccxxv Local Government Board's Provisional Order Confirmation (No.15).
d.- S.I.1965/533, art.5, sch.3.
c.ccxxvi Water Orders Confirmation.
Ross Water O.
d.(exc. art.14(pt.)- Min. of Health Provnl.O.Confn.(Bristol and Ross
Water) 1929 (c.xxxiii), art.57, sch. of Ross Water O;
S.I.1959/1375(L), art.26, sch.6; S.L.(R.) 1998 (c.43), s.1(1),
sch.1 pt.V.
art.14 pt.- S.I.1959/1375(L), art.25(1), sch.4.
d.yn rhannol.- S.I.1959/1375(L), art.26, sch.6.
Sevenoaks Water O.
am.- Min. of Health Provnl.O.Confn.(Cranbrook Dist. Water and
Sevenoaks Water) 1930 (c.ciii), art.7(1),19(3) of Sevenoaks
Water O.
d.yn rhannol.- Min. of Health Provnl.O.Confn.(Cranbrook Dist. Water
and Sevenoaks Water) 1930 (c.ciii), art.8(2) of Sevenoaks
Water O.
art. 6 d.- Min. of Health Provnl.O.Confn.(Cranbrook Dist. Water
and Sevenoaks Water) 1930 (c.ciii), art.7(3) of Sevenoaks
Water O; S.I.1948/1907(L), art.43, sch.5 pts.I,II.
7-16,18,19 d.- S.I.1948/1907(L), art.43, sch.5 pts.I,II.
20 d.- Water O.Confn. 1900 (c.clxxiii), art.19 of Sevenoaks
Water O.
21-23 d.- S.I.1959/2282(L), art.7, sch.2.
c.ccxxvii Electric Lighting Orders Confirmation (No.5).
County of London (North) Electric Lighting O.
eith.- County of London Electric Supply Co.'s 1905 (c.clxxiv), s.22.
Southwark Electric Lighting O.
eith.- County of London Electric Supply Co.'s 1905 (c.clxxiv), s.22.
Wandsworth Electric Lighting O.
eith.- County of London Electric Supply Co.'s 1905 (c.clxxiv), s.22.
arts. 2,7-81,83,84 appl.- E.L.O.C.(No.10) 1900 (c.ccvii), art.7 of
Battersea E.L.O.
c.ccxxviii Newport Pagnell and District Tramways.
c.ccxxix Simpson's and Fawcett's Patent.
c.ccxxx Imperial Life Insurance Company.
c.ccxxxi Belfast District (Lunatic Asylums, &c.).
am.- Belfast Corpn. 1896 (c.ccxlvi), s.20.
gweithredwyd yn rhannol.- Belfast Corpn.(N.I.) 1928 (c.i), s.3(2).
c.ccxxxii Lancashire and Yorkshire and London and North Western Railway
Companies (Steam Vessels).
c.ccxxxiii Great Western Railway.
est.- G.W.R. 1895 (c.cxviii), s.42. pt.(s.31) - G.W.R. 1895 (c.cxviii), s.42. pt.(ss.46,47) - G.W.R.(No.1) 1894 (c.cxliii), s.43.
s. 31 am.- G.W.R. 1895 (c.cxviii), s.42.
46,47 am.- G.W.R.(No.1) 1894 (c.cxliii), s.43.
c.ccxxxiv Midland Railway. pt.(ss.21,22) - Midland Rly. 1895 (c.xxxiii), ss.29,30; Midland
and Gt. Northern Rlys. Joint Committee 1897 (c.clxxxii), ss.24,50;
Midland Rly. 1898 (c.l), s.39.
s. 11 d.- Brit. Tpt. Commn. 1959 (c.xliv), s.83, sch.7.
21,22 am.- Midland Rly. 1895 (c.xxxiii), ss.29,30; Midland and Gt.
Northern Rlys. Joint Committee 1897 (c.clxxxii), ss.24,50;
Midland Rly. 1898 (c.l), s.39.
c.ccxxxv Dundee Extension and Improvement.
d.- Dundee Corpn.(Cons. Powers) O.Confn. 1957 (c.iv), art.624,
sch.10 of O.
c.ccxxxvi Newcastle-upon-Tyne Improvement.
d.(exc. ss.14,18-25) - Newcastle-upon-Tyne Tramways and Imprvt. 1899
(c.cclxv), ss.20(7),27,71(1)(2), schs.5,6 pts.I,II; L.G.B. Provnl.O.
Confn.(No.13) 1904 (c.clxii), art.11 of Newcastle-upon-Tyne (Extns.)
O; Newcastle-upon-Tyne Corpn.(Gen. Powers) 1935 (c.cxxiv),
s.166(1), sch.6 pts.I,II; S.I.1966/563, art.2(2), sch. pts.I,II; S.I.
1968/942(L), art.1, sch. para.88(1), sch.2; Tyne and Wear 1980
(c.xliii), ss.58,59, schs.4,5 pts.I,III; Newcastle-upon-Tyne Moor 1988
(c.xxxi), s.18, sch.
c.ccxxxvii London County Council (Money).
d.- L.C.C.(Finance Cons.) 1912 (, s.48, sch.2.
c.ccxxxviii London County Council (General Powers).
d.(exc. ss.1,39,40(pt.))- S.I.1965/540, art.5, sch.3.
ss. 39,40(pt.) appl.- S.I.1965/540, art.3, sch.2.
c.ccxxxix Glasgow Building Regulations.
d.- Glasgow Corpn. and Police 1895 (c.cxliii), s.42; Glasgow Bldg. Regs.
1900 (, s.7.
c.ccxl Newport [Isle of Wight], Godshill and St. Lawrence Railway. pt.(s.12) - Newport, Godshill and St. Lawrence Rly. 1896
(c.xlvii), s.15.
d.yn rhannol.- Newport, Godshill and St. Lawrence Rly. 1896 (c.xlvii), s.23.
s. 5 d.- Newport, Godshill and St. Lawrence Rly. 1896 (c.xlvii), s.5.
12 am.- Newport, Godshill and St. Lawrence Rly. 1896 (c.xlvii), s.15.
c.ccxli Central London Railway. pt.(s.34) - Central London Rly. 1894 (c.lvii), s.4.
eith.- Central London and Metrop. Dist. Rlys.(Works) 1920
(c.lxxxii), ss.28,36.
s. 28 d.yn rhannol.- City of London (Various Powers) 1987 (c.xv), s.36,
32 appl.- Central London Rly. 1909 (c.lxxi), s.16, sch.3.
33 appl.- Central London Rly. 1909 (c.lxxi), s.16, sch.3.
incorp.- Central London Rly. 1914 (c.xxxii), s.22. sch.3.
34 am.- Central London Rly. 1894 (c.lvii), s.4.
eith.- Central London Rly. 1899 (c.clxxxv), s.14.
35 eith.- Central London Rly. 1899 (c.clxxxv), s.14.
38 appl.- Central London Rly. 1909 (c.lxxi), s.32; 1911 (c.lxxxiii),
est. a gweithredwyd.- Central London Rly. 1913 (c.lxxiii), s.37; Central
London and Metrop. Dist. Rlys.(Works) 1920 (c.lxxxii), s.27.
42 appl.- Central London Rly. 1909 (c.lxxi), s.16, sch.3.
c.ccxlii Great Northern and City Railway. pt.(s.33) - Gt. Northern and City Rly. 1895 (c.cxii), s.5;
1897 (c.cxciii), s.4; 1902 (c.ccxxii), s.46. pt.(s.82) - Gt. Northern and City Rly. 1895 (c.cxii), s.5;
1897 (c.cxciii), s.5; 1902 (c.ccxxii), s.46.
est.- Gt. Northern and City Rly. 1895 (c.cxii), s.5.
d.yn rhannol.- Metrop. Rly. 1913 (c.liv), s.13.
s. 7 eith.- Gt. Northern and City Rly. 1897 (c.cxciii), s.8.
eith. yn rhannol.- Gt. Northern and City Rly. 1902 (c.ccxxii), ss.9,10. pt.(mods.) - Gt. Northern and City Rly. 1902 (c.ccxxii),
s.61, sch.3.
8 pt.(mods.) - Gt. Northern and City Rly. 1902 (c.ccxxii),
s.61, sch.3.
9 d.- Gt. Northern and City Rly. 1902 (c.ccxxii), s.67.
24 appl.- Gt. Northern and City Rly. 1897 (c.cxciii), s.17.
33 am.- Gt. Northern and City Rly. 1895 (c.cxii), s.5; 1897 (c.cxciii),
s.4; 1902 (c.ccxxii), s.46.
34 pt.(mods.) - Gt. Northern and City Rly. 1902 (c.ccxxii),
s.61, sch.3.
38 appl.- Gt. Northern and City Rly. 1902 (c.ccxxii), s.11. pt.(mods.) - Gt. Northern and City Rly. 1902 (c.ccxxii),
s.61, sch.3.
39,40,43,45-48,50 pt.(mods.) - Gt. Northern and City Rly.
1902 (c.ccxxii), s.61, sch.3.
53 appl.- Gt. Northern and City Rly. 1902 (c.ccxxii), s.37. pt.(mods.) - Gt. Northern and City Rly. 1902 (c.ccxxii),
s.61, sch.3.
54-58,60,61 pt.(mods.) - Gt. Northern and City Rly. 1902
(c.ccxxii), s.61, sch.3.
63 appl.- Gt. Northern and City Rly. 1902 (c.ccxxii), s.20.
66-69 pt.(mods.) - Gt. Northern and City Rly. 1902
(c.ccxxii), s.61, sch.3.
70 eith.- Gt. Northern and City Rly. 1902 (c.ccxxii), ss.28,29,31. pt.(mods.) - Gt. Northern and City Rly. 1902 (c.ccxxii),
s.61, sch.3.
75,76 pt.(mods.) - Gt. Northern and City Rly. 1902
(c.ccxxii), s.61, sch.3.
82 am.- Gt. Northern and City Rly. 1895 (c.cxii), s.5; 1897 (c.cxciii),
s.5; 1902 (c.ccxxii), s.46.
88 eith.- Metrop. Rly. 1913 (c.liv), s.33.
89 d.- Gt. Northern and City Rly. 1902 (c.ccxxii), s.62.
91 d.- Gt. Northern Rly.(No.2) 1902 (c.cxxvi), s.35.
98 ext.and appl.- Gt. Northern and City Rly. 1897 (c.cxciii), s.19.