Deddfau Seneddau Y Deyrnas Unedig
Rhan 108 (1897a)
1897 (60 & 61 Vict.).
c.i London (Borough Road Southwark) Provisional Order Confirmation.
London (Borough Road Southwark) O.
c.ii London (Churchway St. Pancras) Provisional Order Confirmation.
London (Churchway St. Pancras) O.
c.iii Metropolitan Police Provisional Order Confirmation.
d.- S.L.(R.) 2008 (c.12), s.1, sch.1 pt.6.
c.iv Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No.1).
Leyton O.
d.- S.I.1965/510, art.7, sch.5.
Walton upon Thames O.
d.- Surr. 1985 (c.iii), s.36, sch.2.
c.v South Metropolitan Gas. Crays Gas.
d.- Bromley and Crays Gas 1908 (c.xlvii), s.51, sch.2; South Suburban
Gas 1928 (c.lxxx), ss.6(1),9, sch.2.
c.vii Dunbarton County Buildings.
c.viii South Yorkshire Junction Railway.
c.ix Edinburgh American Land Mortgage Company.
c.x Aberbrothwick Harbour Finance.
ss. 1-38 d.- Arbroath Harbour O.Confn. 1919 (c.cvii), art.77, sch.D of O.
schs. 1-5 d.- Arbroath Harbour O.Confn. 1919 (c.cvii), art.77,
sch.D of O.
c.xi Whiting's Patent.
c.xii Great Western Railway (Truro and Newquay Railway).
c.xiii Provident Life Office.
c.xiv Railway Passengers Assurance.
d.- Rly. Passengers Assce.(Cons.) 1918 (c.xiv), s.3.
c.xv North London Commercial Permanent Building Society.
c.xvi St. Patrick's Park (Dublin).
c.xvii Assam Railways and Trading Company.
c.xviii London Bank of Australia Limited.
c.xix Mason's Orphanage.
c.xx Mason University College.
d.(arbed)- Birmingham Univ. 1900 (c.xix), s.3.
c.xxi Mumbles Railway and Pier.
d.- South Wales Tpt. 1959 (c.l), s.17, sch.3.
c.xxii Neath Harbour.
c.xxiii Torquay Corporation Water.
ss. 22,25 incorp.- Torquay Corpn. Water 1903 (c.cvi), s.67.
c.xxiv Craigcrook Mortification.
c.xxv Crichton Royal Institution.
c.xxvi Huddersfield Corporation.
d.(exc. ss.11,12, sch.1)(West Yorks.) (saving)- Min. of Health Provnl.
O.Confn.(Huddersfield) 1948 (c.xxviii), art.1 sch.2 of O; West Yorks.
1980 (c.xiv), s.95, sch.5.
c.xxvii Dumfries and Maxwelltown Waterworks (Additional Powers).
am.- Dumfries and Maxwelltown Burghs Amalg. O.Confn. 1929 (c.xxxi),
art.32 of O.
s. 6 d.- Dumfries Waterworks O.Confn. 1930 (c.v), art.53(2) of O.
14 d.- Dumfries Waterworks O.Confn. 1930 (c.v), art.32(2) of O.
25 am.- Dumfries and Maxwelltown Waterworks O.Confn. 1922
(c.xlv), art.19(1) of O.
27 am.- Dumfries and Maxwelltown Waterworks O.Confn. 1922
(c.xlv), art.19(2) of O.
34 am.- Dumfries and Maxwelltown Waterworks O.Confn. 1922
(c.xlv), art.18 of O.
c.xxviii Loughborough Corporation.
d.(exc. ss.1,5,6(pt.),7-10,37) - Loughborough Corpn. 1905 (c.xxxv), s.18;
1944 (c.xvi), s.38(2); S.I.1964/1712(L), art.28, sch.6; P.O. 1969
(c.48), s.141, sch.11 pt.II; S.I. 1969/1066, art.1; Leics. 1985 (c.xvii),
s.111, sch.4 pt.I.
s. 6 d.yn rhannol.- P.O. 1969 (c.48), s.141, sch.11 pt.II; S.I.1969/1066, art.1.
c.xxix Taunton Gas.
ss. 9,10 d.- S.R.& O.1936/1345(L), art.70.
16 d.- Gas O.Confn. 1920 (, art.6, sch.A of Taunton Gas O.
17,19 d.- S.R.& O.1936/1345(L), art.70.
23 d.- Gas O.Confn. 1920 (, art.6, sch.A of Taunton Gas O.
26-28 d.- S.R.& O.1936/1345(L), art.70.
29 d.- Gas O.Confn. 1920 (, art.6, sch.A of Taunton Gas O. Wigan Junction Railways (Capital).
c.xxxi Clyde Navigation.
gweithredwyd.- Clyde Navig. 1905 (c.xxxiii), s.11.
ss. 3,5 d.- Clyde Port Authy. O.Confn. 1965 (c.xlv), art.130, sch.7 of O.
c.xxxii Edinburgh Corporation,
d.- Edinburgh Corpn. 1913 (c.lxxiv), s.87; Edinburgh Corpn. O.Confn.
1933 (c.v), art.368, sch.13 of O.
c.xxxiii Great Eastern Railway (Lowestoft Harbour).
c.xxxiv Bray and Enniskerry Railway.
c.xxxv South Western Railway (Meon Valley). pt.(s.17) - S.W.R. 1902 (c.xxxi), s.25.
s. 17 am.- S.W.R. 1902 (c.xxxi), s.25.
c.xxxvi Bristol Tramways.
eith.- Bristol Tramways (Extns.) 1904 (c.ccxxxvii), ss.26,30, sch.1.
am.- Bristol Tramways 1935 (c.xxxix), s.4(2).
c.xxxvii Richmond [Dublin] District Asylum.
c.xxxviii Tynemouth Gas.
d.yn rhannol.- Tynemouth Gas 1904 (, s.17.
s. 3 ext.and pt.- Tynemouth Gas 1913 (, s.8.
24 d.- Tynemouth Gas 1904 (, s.4.
28 d.- S.R.& O.1924/269(L), art.28.
31 eith.- Tynemouth Gas 1904 (, ss.29,30; 1913 (, s.9.
32-35,37,38 d.- S.R.& O.1924/269(L), art.28.
39 eith.- Tynemouth Gas 1904 (, s.34.
40 eith.- Tynemouth Gas 1904 (, s.34.
est. a gweithredwyd.- Tynemouth Gas 1913 (, s.8.
44 d.- S.R.& O.1924/269(L), art.28.
c.xxxix Charing Cross, Euston and Hampstead Railway.
eith.- Charing Cross, Euston and Hampstead Rly. 1904 (, s.9.
am.- London Electric Rly. Amalg. 1910 (c.xxxii), ss.4,34,sch.1 pt.III. pt.and pt.(prosp.)- London Electric Rly. Amalg. 1910
(c.xxxii), ss.4,54,55,sch.1 pt.III.
s. 6 d.- London Electric Rly. Amalg. 1910 (c.xxxii), s.34(2), sch.4 pt.II.
8 d.and disodlwyd - Charing Cross, Euston and Hampstead Rly. 1900
(c.x), s.8.
9 am.- Charing Cross, Euston and Hampstead Rly. 1898 (c.cxiii), s.21.
c.xl Great Northern Railway.
gweler: Gt. Northern Rly. 1899 (c.ccii), s.54.
eith.- Gt. Northern Rly. 1901 (c.xxiii), s.16. pt.(s.37) - Gt. Northern Rly. 1900 (c.cxxxix), ss.30,31; 1902
(c.cxii), s.16; 1903 (c.cxxv), s.40.
s. 37 am.- Gt. Northern Rly. 1900 (c.cxxxix), ss.30,31; 1902 (c.cxii),
s.16; 1903 (c.cxxv), s.40.
38 am.- Gt. Northern Rly. 1899 (c.ccii), s.48.
c.xli London and North Western Railway (Wales).
c.xlii Epsom Downs Extension Railway.
c.xliii Weymouth Consumers Gas.
s. 6 d.- S.R.& O.1929/604(L), art.41.
11 d.- S.R.& O.1932/1090(L), art.26(2).
12-14 d.- S.R.& O.1929/604(L), art.41.
16(pt.),22 d.- S.R.& O.1932/1090(L), art.26(2).
23-26 d.- S.R.& O.1929/604(L), art.41.
28,29,31 d.- S.R.& O.1932/1090(L), art.26(1).
33-36,43 d.- S.R.& O.1929/604(L), art.41.
c.xliv Devonport Waterworks.
c.xlv Glasgow Harbour Tunnel (Further Powers).
d.- Glasgow Corpn. O.Confn. 1927 (c.lix), art.23 of O.
c.xlvi Birmingham Tame and Rea District Drainage Board.
d.(exc. ss.11-13,15,17,18,20-22,33,sch.) - S.I.1966/303(L), art.37(7);
West Midlands C.C. 1980 (c.xi), s.121, sch.5 pt.I.
c.xlvii Chichester Corporation Water.
d.- Min. of Health Provnl.O.Confn.(No.2) 1922 (c.xxxix), art.5 of
Chichester O; Chichester Corpn. 1935 (c.xciii), ss.86(2),102; S.I.
1963/1333(L), art.30(1)(a), sch.3 pts.I,II.
c.xlviii Great Eastern Railway (New Lines in Norfolk and Suffolk).
c.xlix Perth Harbour City Improvements and Gas.
s. 45 am.- Perth Corpn. Gas O.Confn. 1906 (c.cxl), art.11(1) of O.
47,49-53 appl.- Perth Corpn. O.Confn. 1908 (c.clv), art.86 of O;
Perth Corpn.(Waterworks) O.Confn. 1921 (c.cxxviii), art.42
of O.
54 appl.- Perth Corpn.(Waterworks) O.Confn. 1921 (c.cxxviii),
art.42 of O.
57 d.- Perth Corpn.(Waterworks) O.Confn. 1921 (c.cxxviii), art.45
of O.
58,67 am.- Perth Water, Police and Gas 1899 (c.xiii), ss.38,39.
74 d.- Perth Corpn. O.Confn. 1904 (c.cxc), art.38(3) of O.
75 am.- Perth Water, Police and Gas 1899 (c.xiii), ss.38,39.
78 d.- Perth Corpn. O.Confn. 1908 (c.clv), art.107 of O.
c.l Plymouth Corporation.
d.- Plymouth Corpn. 1915 (c.lxix), s.259(1)(a), schs.1,2; Plymouth City
Council 1987 (c.iv), s.60, sch.2 pt.II. Cowes Urban District Council Gas.
d.(exc. ss.1,5,21)- Cowes U.D.C. 1938 (c.lxi), s.96(2); I. of W. 1980
(c.xv), s.69(2), sch.6 pt.I.
s. 21 am.- I. of W. 1980 (c.xv), s.69(2), schs.4,6.
c.lii Ashford Urban District Gas.
ss. 15-17 d.- S.R.& O.1939/814(L), art.46(1).
18 d.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.3) 1918 (c.xlv), art.4(6) of
Ashford O.
19 d.- S.R.& O.1939/814(L), art.46(1).
20 d.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.3) 1918 (c.xlv), art.4(6) of
Ashford O.
22,32,34 d.- S.R.& O.1939/814(L), art.46(1).
38-40 d.- S.R.& O.1939/814(L), art.46(2).
41 d.- S.R.& O.1939/814(L), art.46(1).
c.liii London and North Western Railway.
s. 11 d.yn rhannol.- L.M.S.R. 1936 (c.lix), s.11, sch.2.
c.liv Great Central Railway. pt.(s.19) - Gt. Central Rly. 1900 (c.xlv), s.37. pt.(s.20) - Gt. Central Rly. 1902 (c.cxxxv), s.19(3). pt.(s.27) - Gt. Central Rly. 1900 (c.xlv), s.38.
s. 19 am.- Gt. Central Rly. 1900 (c.xlv), s.37.
20 am.- Gt. Central Rly. 1902 (c.cxxxv), s.19(3).
27 am.- Gt. Central Rly. 1900 (c.xlv), s.38. Neath Corporation Tramways.
s. 54 d.yn rhannol.- Neath Corpn. 1922 (c.lxxxi), s.58(2).
61,64,66 appl.- Neath Corpn. 1922 (c.lxxxi), s.142.
c.lvi Lancashire, Derbyshire and East Coast Railway. pt.(s.14) - Lancs., Derb. and East Coast Rly. 1900 (c.cxlii), s.24.
s. 13 appl.- Lancs., Derb. and East Coast Rly. 1900 (c.cxlii), s.30.
14 am.- Lancs., Derb. and East Coast Rly. 1900 (c.cxlii), s.24.
c.lvii Local Government Board (I.) Provisional Orders Confirmation (No.1).
Kilkenny Waterworks Provnisional O.
Scariff Waterworks Provisional O.
c.lviii Paisley Waterworks Provisional Order Confirmation.
Paisley Waterworks O.
c.lix London (Clare Market Strand) Provisional Order Confirmation.
London (Clare Market Strand) O.
gweler: London (Clare Market Strand) Provnl.O.Confn. 1897 (c.lix), s.2.
c.lx Clackmannan (Alloa and Tillicoultry) Water Order Confirmation.
Clackmannan (Alloa and Tillicoultry) Water O.
c.lxi Electric Lighting Orders Confirmation (No.1).
Garston Electric Lighting O.
d.- Liverpool Corpn. 1921 (c.lxxiv), s.657, sch.5 pt.II.
Hoylake and West Kirby Electric Lighting O.
Ipswich Corporation Electric Lighting O.
Morley Corporation Electric Lighting O.
d.(West Yorks.)(saving)- West Yorks. 1980 (c.xiv), s.95, sch.5.
Wilmslow Electric Lighting O.
d.(Ches.)- Ches. C.C. 1980 (c.xiii), s.112, sch.3.
Wrexham Corporation Electric Lighting O.
c.lxii Electric Lighting Ordesr Confirmation (No.2).
Darwen Corporation Electric Lighting O.
d.(exc. art.8,10,69,sch.3 (pt.))- Darwen Corpn. 1926 (c.xi), s.132;
County of Lancs. 1984 (c.xxi), s.146(2)(b), sch.8 pt.I.
gweithredwyd.- Darwen Corpn. 1926 (c.xi), s.90(1).
Dundalk Electric Lighting O.
Lincoln Electric Lighting O.
Tonbridge Electric Lighting O.
Ventnor Electric Lighting O.
Wimbledon Electric Lighting O.
c.lxiii Electric Lighting Orders Confirmation (No.3).
Brighouse Corporation Electric Lighting O.
d.(West Yorks.)(saving)- West Yorks. 1980 (c.xiv), s.95, sch.5.
Bury St. Edmund's Electric Lighting O.
Dudley Corporation Electric Lighting O.
Farnworth Electric Lighting O.
Kearsley Electric Lighting O.
Southampton Electric Lighting O.
Watford Electric Lighting O.
est. a gweithredwyd.- Min. of Health Provnl.O.Confn.(Watford Extn.) 1924
(c.xix), art.13(2), sch. pt.II of O.
appl.(mod.) - Min. of Health Provnl.O.Confn.(No.10) 1926 (c.lix),
art.13(1), sch.1 of Watford (Extn.) O.
c.lxiv Electric Lighting Order Confirmation (No.4).
d.- South of S. Electricity O.Confn. 1956 (c.xciv), art.66, sch.2 of O.
c.lxv Electric Lighting Orders Confirmation (No.5).
Ambleside Electric Lighting O.
Ballymena Electric Lighting O.
Dorking Electric Lighting O.
Llandrindod Wells Electric Lighting O.
Redditch Electric Lighting O.
d.- S.L.(R.) 1998 (c.43), s.1(1), sch.1 pt.V.
Reigate Corporation Electric Lighting O.
d.yn rhannol.- Reiagte Corpn. 1945 (c.x), s.14.
c.lxvi Electric Lighting Orders Confirmation (No.6).
Barking Town Electric Lighting O.
Morecambe Electric Lighting O.
d.(exc. art.8, sch.3(pt.))- County of Lancs. 1984 (c.xxi), s.146(2)(b),
sch.8 pt.I.
appl.(mod.) - Morecambe Corpn. 1928 (c.cxix), s.20(1)(a), sch.1 pt.II.
Ramsbottom Electric Lighting O.
Swadlincote Electric Lighting O.
Wallasey Electric Lighting O.
d.(exc. art.11)- County of Merseyside 1980 (c.x), s.146(3)(b), sch.5.
appl.(mods.) - Wallasey Corpn. 1927 (c.cxxii), s.104(1), sch.2 pt.II.
c.lxvii Berriew School.
c.lxviii Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No.2).
Buxton O.
d.(Derb.)- Derb. 1981 (c.xxxiv), s.65, sch.6 pt.I.
Kingston-upon-Hull O.
am.- Kingston-upon-Hull Extn. 1929 (c.lxxxviii), s.25(1)(b),
sch.1 pt.II.
Plymouth O.(No.2)
d.- Plymouth Corpn. 1915 (c.lxix), ss.212, 259(1)(a).
Ramsgate O.
d.- County of Kent 1981 (c.xviii), s.133(2), sch.7 pt.II.
Ramsgate O.(No.1)
d.- County of Kent 1981 (c.xviii), s.133(2), sch.7 pt.II.
Southampton O.
Southend-on-Sea O.(No.1)
d.- Essex 1987 (c.xx), s.101(2), sch.7 pt.I.
Wallasey O.
d.- County of Merseyside 1980 (c.x), s.146(3)(b), sch.5.
West Ham O.
d.- S.I.1965/509, art.7, sch.4.
c.lxix Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No.4).
Auckland, Shildon and Willington Joint Hospital O.
art. 6 am.- S.R.& O.1935/1268(L), art.2, sch.1.
7,8 am.- S.R.& O.1938/1186(L), art.2, sch.1.
10 appl.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.8) 1903 (c.cxxxvi), art.3
of Auckland, Shildon and Willington O.
11 am.- S.R.& O.1935/1268(L), art.2, sch.1; 1938/1186(L),
art.2, sch.1.
14 pt.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.8) 1903 (c.cxxxvi),
art.4 of Auckland, Shildon and Willington O.
am.- S.R.& O.1938/1186(L), art.2, sch.1.
15 am.- S.R.& O.1935/1268(L), art.2, sch.1.
16-20 am.- S.R.& O.1938/1186(L), art.2, sch.1.
21 am.- S.R.& O.1935/1268(L), art.2, sch.1.
23,24 am.- S.R.& O.1938/1186(L), art.2, sch.1.
sch. C am.- S.R.& O.1938/1186(L), art.2, sch.1.
Bucklow Joint Hospital O.
art. 6,11,15,21 am.- S.R.& O.1936/458(L), art.2, sch.1.
Honley and South Crosland Joint Sewerage O.
d.(West Yorks.)(saving)- West Yorks. 1980 (c.xiv), s.95, sch.5.
Wath, Swinton, Greasbrough and North Rotherham Joint Hospital O.
d.- Min. of Health Provnl.O.Confn.(Wath, Swinton and Dist. Joint
Hosp. Dist.) 1933 (c.lxiv), art.3, sch.3 of O.
c.lxx Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No.5).
Bacup O.
d.- S.I.1957/397, art.5; County of Lancs. 1984 (c.xxi), s.146(2)(b),
sch.8 pt.I.
Burnley O.
d.- County of Lancs. 1984 (c.xxi), s.146(2)(b), sch.8 pt.I.
Middleton O.
art. 1 appl.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.13) 1902 (c.lxxxv),
art.5 of Middleton O.
2 appl.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.13) 1902 (c.lxxxv),
art.4 of Middleton O.
4-9 appl.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.5) 1901 (c.cxlvii),
art.14 of Middleton (No.2) O; (No.13) 1902 (c.lxxxv),
art.4 of Middleton O.
Rhyl O.
d.- Clwyd C.C. 1985 (c.xliv), s.72, sch.3 pt.II.
Tiverton O.
art. 2(pt.),3 d.- Tiverton Corpn. 1939 (c.lxv), s.63(2).
c.lxxi Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No.6).
Ashby-de-la-Zouche O.
d.- Leics. 1985 (c.xvii), s.111, sch.4 pt.I.
Biggleswade Rural O.
S.L.(R.) 1995 (c.44), s.1(1), sch.1 pt.I.
Bredbury and Romiley O.
Carlisle Rural O.
d.- Cumbria 1982 (c.xv), s.69(2), sch.4 pt.II.
Cheadle and Gatley O.
Cricklade and Wootton Bassett Rural O.
Exmouth O.
Heston and Isleworth O.
Liverpool O.
d.- Liverpool Corpn. 1921 (c.lxxiv), s.657, sch.5 pt.II.
Malling Rural O.
Settle Rural O.
c.lxxii Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No.7).
Borough of Chelmsford Extension O.
d.- Essex 1987 (c.xx), s.101(2), sch.7 pt.I.
Borough of Nelson Extension O.
d.- County of Lancs. 1984 (c.xxi), s.146(2)(b), sch.8 pt.I.
Borough of Southend-on-Sea Extension O.
d.- Essex 1987 (c.xx), s.101(2), sch.7 pt.I.
Borough of West Bromwich O.
d.- West Bromwich Corpn. 1969 (c.lix), s.167, sch.4.
c.lxxiii Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No.8).
County of Buckingham (Tickford and North Bridges) O.
Rocester Bridge O.
c.lxxiv Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No.9).
Bath O.(No.1)
Bath O.(No.2)
d.- County of Avon 1982 (c.iv), s.61, sch.4.
Leatherhead O.
d.- Surr. 1985 (c.iii), s.36, sch.2.
Luddenden Foot O.
New Windsor O.
Ogmore and Garw O.
d.- Mid Glam. C.C. 1987 (c.vii), s.56, sch.2 pt.II.
West Ham O.(No.2)
d.- S.I.1965/509, art.7, sch.4.
c.lxxv Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No.10).
d.(Counties of Denbigh and Flint)- Clwyd C.C. 1985 (c.xliv), s.72, sch.3 pt.II.
residue d.(Counties of Bedford, Hertford, Hereford and Worcester)- S.L.(R.)
1995 (c.44), s.1(1), sch.1 pt.I; S.L.(R.) 1998 (c.43), s.1(1), sch.1 pt.V.
c.lxxvi Local Government Board's Provisional Order Confirmation (Gas).
d.- S.L.(R.) 1998 (c.43), s.1(1), sch.1 pt.V.
c.lxxvii Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (Poor Law).
d.- S.R.& O.1901/275(L), art.3, sch. of Boro. of Southwark (St. George-
the-Martyr) Scheme No.3; 1901/278(L), art.5, sch. of City of
Westminster (St. James) Scheme No.5.
c.lxxviii Pier and Harbour Orders Confirmation (No.1).
Anstruther Union Harbour O.
Deal Harbour O.
Hunstanton Pier O.
St. Andrews Harbour O.
c.lxxix Pier and Harbour Order Confirmation (No.2).
Killala Pier O.
c.lxxx Pier and Harbour Orders Confirmation (No.5).
Ilfracombe Harbour O.
gweler: S.I.1996/2103(L), art.3.
est. a gweithredwyd.- Pier and Harbour O.Confn.(No.1) 1900 (c.lx),
arts.6,10 of Ilfracombe Harbour O.
appl.(mods.) - Ilfracombe Harbour and Imprvt. 1905 (c.xxxix), s.9.
art. 6 d.yn rhannol.- Pier and Harbour O.Confn.(No.1) 1900 (c.lx), arts.6(2),
26, sch. of Ilfracombe Harbour O.
9-11,13 appl.- Pier and Harbour O.Confn.(No.1) 1900 (c.lx),
art.9, sch. of Ilfracombe Harbour O.
14 eith.and d..(darpar.)- Ilfracombe Harbour and Imprvt. 1905
(c.xxxix), s.9.
15 d.- Pier and Harbour O.Confn.(No.1) 1900 (c.lx), art.26,
sch. of Ilfracombe Harbour O.
17 eith.and d..(darpar.)- Ilfracombe Harbour and Imprvt. 1905
(c.xxxix), s.9.
20 d.- Pier and Harbour O.Confn.(No.1) 1900 (c.lx), arts.13(5),
26, sch. of Ilfracombe Harbour O.
21-26 eith.and d.(prosp.) - Ilfracombe Harbour and Imprvt. 1905
(c.xxxix), s.9.
27 appl.- Pier and Harbour O.Confn.(No.1) 1900 (c.lx),
art.17(1) of Ilfracombe Harbour O.
31-33 am.- Pier and Harbour O.Confn.(No.1) 1900 (c.lx),
art.20 of Ilfracombe Harbour O.
gweithredwyd.- Pier and Harbour O.Confn.(No.1) 1900 (c.lx), art.21 of
Ilfracombe Harbour O.
Llandudno Victoria Pier O.
revived in pt.- Pier and Harbour O.Confn.(No.1) 1903 (c.lxviii),
art.2 of Llandudno O.
art. 20 d.- Pier and Harbour O.Confn.(No.1) 1903 (c.lxviii),
art.3(4) of Llandudno O.
Scrabster Harbour O.
revived in pt.- Pier and Harbour O.Confn.(No.1) 1903 (c.lxviii),
art.4 of Scrabster Harbour O.
art. 21 d.- Pier and Harbour O.Confn.(No.1) 1903 (c.lxviii), art.5 of
Scrabster Harbour O.
26 eith.- S.I.1970/1094(L), art.4.
41 am.- Scrabster Harbour (Vehicle Ferry Terminal, &c.)
O.Confn. 1972 (c.liii), art.16 of O; Scrabster Harbour
O.Confn. 1975 (c.vii), art.12 of O; 1989 (c.v), art.9 of O;
S.I.1993/1201(L), art.4.
c.lxxxi Local Government Board (I.) Provisional Orders Confirmation (No.2).
Limavady Town Provisional O.
Carrickmacross Waterworks Provisional O.
c.lxxxii Local Government Board (I.) Provisional Orders Confirmation (No.3).
Lurgan Town Provisional O.(No.1)
Lurgan Town Provisional O.(No.2)
Clonmel Corporation Provisional O.
Thurles (Housing of the Working Classes) Provisional O.
c.lxxxiii Local Government Board (I.) Provisional Order Confirmation (No.4).
Waterford Provisional O.
c.lxxxiv Local Government Board (I.) Provisional Orders Confirmation (No.5).
Limerick Provisional O.
Navan Waterworks Provisional O.
Roscommon Waterworks Provisional O.
Carrigtwohill Waterworks Provisional O.
c.lxxxv Local Government Board (I.) Provisional Order Confirmation (No.6).
Bundoran Waterworks Provisional O.
c.lxxxvi Local Government Board (I.) Provisional Order Confirmation (No.7).
Belfast Provisional O.
c.lxxxvii Liverpool Corporation Loans.
d.- Liverpool Corpn. 1921 (c.lxxiv), s.657, sch.5 pt.I.
c.lxxxviii Arundel Gas.
c.lxxxix Vale of Glamorgan Railway.
s. 24 d.- Vale of Glam. Rly. 1899 (c.xiv), s.9.
c.xc Cordoba Central Railway Company.
c.xci National Provident Institution.
d.- Nat. Provident Inst. 1910 (c.ix), s.3.
c.xcii Bournemouth Corporation.
d.- Bournemouth Corpn. 1930 (c.clxxxi), ss.241(13),242(5);
Bournemouth B.C. 1985 (c.v), s.71, sch.4 pt.I.
c.xciii Guild of Literature and Art (Dissolution).
c.xciv Halifax Corporation Tramways.
d.(West Yorks.)(saving)- Halifax Corpn. 1911 (c.cxiii), s.105(5);
Halifax Corpn. 1926 (c.xxix), s.24; West Yorks. 1980 (c.xiv),
s.95, sch.5.
c.xcv Great Eastern Railway (General Powers). pt.(s.16) - Gt. Eastern Rly.(Gen. Powers) 1901 (c.xc), s.20(C);
Gt. Eastern Rly. 1912 (c.xxxvii), s.34(1)[A]; 1915 (c.xvi), s.44(1);
L.N.E.R. 1924 (c.liii), s.67, sch.4.
restd.- S.I.2006/2905, art.41, sch.16 pt.1.
s. 16 am.- Gt. Eastern Rly.(Gen. Powers) 1901 (c.xc), s.20(C); Gt.
Eastern Rly. 1912 (c.xxxvii), s.34(1)[A]; 1915 (c.xvi), s.44(1);
L.N.E.R. 1924 (c.liii), s.67, sch.4.
42 eith.- L.N.E.R. 1929 (c.xxxv), s.16.
c.xcvi Luton Water.
s. 3 d.yn rhannol.- Min. of Health Provnl.O.Confn.(Luton Water) 1933
(c.lix), art.89, sch. of O.
4,5 d.- Gt. Ouse Water 1961 (c.xlii), s.11(1)(b), sch.6.
6 d.- Min. of Health Provnl.O.Confn.(Luton Water) 1933 (c.lix),
art.89, sch. of O.
7,8,10 d.- Gt. Ouse Water 1961 (c.xlii), s.11(1)(b), sch.6.
11-15,17 d.- Min. of Health Provnl.O.Confn.(Luton Water) 1933
(c.lix), art.89, sch. of O.
18 d.- Luton Water 1911 (c.xvi), s.20.
19,20 d.- Min. of Health Provnl.O.Confn.(Luton Water) 1933
(c.lix), art.89, sch. of O.
c.xcvii Tower Subway.
c.xcviii Borrowstounness Town Improvement and Harbour.
c.xcix Birkenhead Corporation.
d.(exc. ss.18-28,42) - Birkenhead Corpn. 1923 (c.lxxi), ss.69,110;
1926 (c.viii), s.13(4); 1954 (c.xlvii), ss.16(1), 198(1);
County of Merseyside 1980 (c.x), s.146(3)(b), sch.5.
c.c Birkenhead Corporation (Ferries).
appl.(mods.) - Birkenhead Extn. 1927 (, s.17(1), sch. pt.I.
ss. 19-24 d.- Cammell Laird & Co. 1956 (c.xci), s.30. Hoylake and West Kirby Improvement.
d.(exc. ss.55,70,71,74)- Hoylake U.D.C. 1935 (c.cxx), s.31(6); Ches.
C.C. 1953 (c.xl), s.246(4); S.I.1966/563, art.2(2), sch. pt.II;
County of Merseyside 1980 (c.x), s.146(3)(b), sch.5.
c.cii Sheffield Corporation (Streets and Tramways).
d.- Sheffield Corpn. 1912 (c.clxvii), s.122(1); Sheffield Corpn.(Cons.)
1918 (c.lxi), s.534(1), sch.12 pt.I.
c.ciii Bristol Dock.
s. 6 am.- Bristol Corpn. 1951 (c.xxxii), s.12(1).
7 pt.- Bristol Corpn. 1903 (c.ccxi), s.20(2).
18,19 d.yn rhannol.- Bristol Corpn. 1951 (c.xxxii), s.12(2).
42 d.- Bristol Corpn. 1961 (c.xliv), s.38, sch.7.
46 am.- Bristol Corpn. 1938 (c.lxxix), s.62(4).
76,77,79,80 incorp.- Bristol Corpn. 1903 (c.ccxi), s.31(4).
c.civ Liverpool Corporation Tramways.
d.- Liverpool Tramways and ELectric Supply (Garston Trans.) 1902
(c.ccxvi), s.10; Liverpool Corpn. 1902 (c.ccxl), s.55(8); Liverpool
Corpn. 1921 (c.lxxiv), s.657, sch.5 pt.I; County of Merseyside
1980 (c.x), s.146(3)(b), sch.5. Rhondda and Swansea Bay Railway.
d.yn rhannol.- Rhondda and Swansea Bay Rly. 1914 (c.xxxv), s.36.
c.cvi Dublin Eye and Ear Hospital.
c.cvii Crowhurst, Sidley and Bexhill Railway.
s. 19 d.- Crowhurst, Sidley and Bexhill Rly. 1898 (c.liv), s.24.
20 appl.- Crowhurst, Sidley and Bexhill Rly. 1898 (c.liv), s.21.
c.cviii Manchester Ship Canal.
s. 3 d.yn rhannol.- S.I.1991/1063(L), art.4(1), sch. pt.II.
4 gweler: Manchester Ship Canal 1912 (c.xix), s.3(1).
appl.(mods.) - Manchester Ship Canal 1911 (c.lvi), ss.21(1),25.
gweithredwyd.- Manchester Ship Canal 1912 (c.xix), s.4.
est.- Manchester Ship Canal 1924 (c.lviii), s.26.
d.yn rhannol.- S.I.1991/1063(L), art.4(1), sch. pt.II.
7 d.- Manchester Ship Canal (Finance) 1904 (c.lxxiv), s.14.
9 d.- Manchester Ship Canal 1960 (c.xlv), s.12, sch.4.
c.cix Carnarvon Corporation.
am.- Carnarvon Corpn. 1954 (c.xix), s.5(2).
ss. 6,9-12 d.(prosp.) - Carnarvon Corpn. 1954 (c.xix), s.5(2).
14-16 d.- Carnarvon Corpn. 1954 (c.xix), s.40.
32 eith.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.1) 1918 (c.i), art.1 of
Carnarvon O.
d.yn rhannol.- Min. of Health Provnl.O.Confn.(No.1) 1920 (c.xlv),
art.2 of Carnarvon O.
am.- Carnarvon Corpn.1954 (c.xix), s.5(2).
33 d.yn rhannol.- P.O. 1969 (c.48), s.141, sch.11 pt.II; S.I.
1969/1066, art.1.
34 d..(darpar.)- Carnarvon Corpn. 1954 (c.xix), s.5(2).
35,36 am.- Carnarvon Corpn. 1954 (c.xix), s.39.
38 d..(darpar.)- Carnarvon Corpn. 1954 (c.xix), s.5(2).
41 am.- Carnarvon Corpn. 1954 (c.xix), s.39.
55 d..(darpar.)- Carnarvon Corpn. 1954 (c.xix), s.5(2).
56,57 am.- Carnarvon Corpn. 1954 (c.xix), s.39.
66 d.- Min. of Health Provnl.O.Confn.(Carnarvon) 1942 (c.viii),
art.34(2) of O.
sch. 1 d..(darpar.)- Carnarvon Corpn. 1954 (c.xix), s.5(2). Lowestoft Water and Gas.
s. 2 d.yn rhannol.- S.I.1990/2574(L), art.4, sch.2 pt.I.
6 d.- S.I.1967/964(L), art.6, sch.2.
7 am.- Lowestoft Water and Gas 1931 (c.xxvii), s.5.
14,15 d.- S.I.1967/964(L), art.6, sch.2.
16,18-20 d.- Lowestoft Water and Gas 1931 (c.xxvii), s.111.
21-24 d.- S.I.1990/2574(L), art.4, sch.2 pt.I.
25-28 d.- Lowestoft Water and Gas 1931 (c.xxvii), s.111.
29,30,32-42 d.- S.I.1990/2574(L), art.4, sch.2 pt.I.
43,44 d.- S.I.1967/964(L), art.6, sch.2.
c.cxi Liverpool, St. Helens and South Lancashire Railway. pt.(s.16) - Gt. Central Rly. 1900 (c.xlv), s.44.
s. 16 am.- Gt. Central Rly. 1900 (c.xlv), s.44.
c.cxii Hastings Harbour. pt.(ss.8,9) - Hastings Harbour 1900 (c.xxxiii), s.4,5; 1903
(c.ccxxxix), ss.4,5.
gweithredwyd.- Hastings Harbour 1900 (c.xxxiii), s.7.
ss. 8,9 am.- Hastings Harbour 1900 (c.xxxiii), s.4,5; 1903 (c.ccxxxix),
15 d..(darpar.)- Hastings Harbour 1899 (c.ccxxxiii), s.9(2).
23 d..(darpar.)- Hastings Harbour 1899 (c.ccxxxiii), s.9(2).
est. a gweithredwyd.- Hastings Harbour 1900 (c.xxxiii), s.7.
c.cxiii Liverpool City Churches.
s. 9 am.- C.A.M. Liverpool City Churches Act, 1897 (Amendment)
1938 (No.5), s.1.
c.cxiv Rathmines and Rathgar Township (Tramways and Improvement).
c.cxv Hunstanton Water and Gas.
d.- S.I.1969/104(L), art.25, sch.6.
c.cxvi Railway Clearing Committee Incorporation.
d.- S.I.1954/139, art.1, para.9, sch.3 of Scheme.
c.cxvii Crowborough District Water.
d.(exc. ss.1,25(pt.),26)- Crowborough Dist. Water 1929 (c.xli), ss.13(1),
34(1),51(2),76; S.I.1955/1860(L), art.5, sch.2; 1960/494(L), art.20,
sch.3; P.O. 1969 (c.48), s.141, sch.11 pt.II; S.I.1969/1066, art.1.
residue d.(arbed)- S.I.1985/513(L), art.43(1)(4).
c.cxviii Caledonian Railway.
ss. 4(pt.),5-32 d.- Forth Ports Authy. O.Confn. 1969 (c.xxxiv), art.111,
sch.3 of O.
c.cxix Easton and Church Hope Railway.
c.cxx Railway Clearing System Superannuation Fund Incorporation.
ss. 2,6,8 am.- S.I.1954/139, art.1, para.7(1), sch.2 of Scheme.
c.cxxi Dublin Corporation.
s. 18 eith.- L.G.B.(I.) Provnl.O.Confn.(No.4) 1920 (c.clxiv), art.1 of
Dublin Sanitary O.
c.cxxii Barry Railway. pt.(s.14) - Barry Rly. 1902 (c.cxliv), s.2; 1904 (c.xii), s.4; 1913
(c.xxxiv), s.7(1).
s. 10 saved (mod.) - Barry Rly. 1902 (c.cxliv), s.4.
12,13 appl.- Barry Rly. 1913 (c.xxxiv), s.7(1).
14 am.- Barry Rly. 1902 (c.cxliv), s.2; 1904 (c.xii), s.4; 1913
(c.xxxiv), s.7(1).
22 d.yn rhannol.- Barry Rly. 1898 (c.cxlii), s.27.
c.cxxiii Dublin, Wicklow and Wexford Railway (Shillelagh Extension, &c.). pt.(s.22) - Dublin, Wicklow and Wexford Rly. 1902 (c.l), ss.5,6;
Dublin and South Eastern Rly. 1908 (, s.4.
s. 22 am.- Dublin, Wicklow and Wexford Rly. 1902 (c.l), ss.5,6;
Dublin and South Eastern Rly. 1908 (, s.4.
c.cxxiv Eastbourne Waterworks.
est.- S.I.1948/2462(L), art.27, sch.4.
s. 2 d.yn rhannol.- S.I.1992/17(L), art.4, sch.2 pt.I.
4 d.yn rhannol.- P.O. 1969 (c.48), s.141, sch.11 pt.II; S.I.1969/1066, art.1.
9,11 d.- S.I.1967/1036(L), art.4, sch.2.
16-19 d.- S.I.1992/17(L), art.4, sch.2 pt.I.
20 d.- S.I.1972/1387(L), art.8, sch.2.
21 d.- S.I.1992/17(L), art.4, sch.2 pt.I.
22-25 d.- Eastbourne Waterworks 1920 (c.lxiv), s.15(1).
26 d.- S.I.1992/17(L), art.4, sch.2 pt.I.
27 d.- S.I.1967/1036(L), art.4, sch.2.
28-30 d.- S.I.1948/2462(L), art.27, sch.4.
32 d.- Eastbourne Waterworks 1920 (c.lxiv), s.7.
33,34,36 d.- S.I.1992/17(L), art.4, sch.2 pt.I.
c.cxxv New Hunstanton Water and Gas.
am.- New Hunstanton Imprvt. 1903 (c.xcvi), s.14(2).
expld.- New Hunstanton Imprvt. 1903 (c.xcvi), s.25(3).
s. 4 d.- New Hunstanton Imprvt. 1903 (c.xcvi), s.6(2).
13-30 d.- S.I.1969/104(L), art.25, sch.6.
c.cxxvi Southampton Corporation Tramways.
am.- Tramways O.Confn.(No.2) 1902 (c.cciii), art.9 of Southampton
Corpn. Tramways O.
gweithredwyd.- Southampton Corpn. 1928 (c.cviii), s.25.
s. 20 d.- Tramways O.Confn.(No.2) 1902 (c.cciii), art.7 of
Southampton Corpn. Tramways O.
27 appl.- Southampton Corpn. 1910 (c.cxiii), s.74; Southampton
Corpn.Tramways 1911 (c.v), s.11; Southampton Corpn. 1928
(c.cviii), s.31; 1929 (c.lx), s.13.
est. a gweithredwyd.- Southampton Corpn. 1920 (c.xciii), s.14; Southampton
Corpn. Water 1921 (c.lxxix), s.63.
appl.(mods.) - Southampton Corpn. 1925 (c.lviii), s.32.
31 d.- Southampton Corpn. 1910 (c.cxiii), s.78(5).
34,36 appl.- Southampton Corpn. 1910 (c.cxiii), s.74; Southampton
Corpn. Tramways 1911 (c.v), s.11; Southampton Corpn. 1928
(c.cviii), s.31; 1929 (c.lx), s.13.
est. a gweithredwyd.- Southampton Corpn. 1920 (c.xciii), s.14;
Southampton Corpn. Water 1921 (c.lxxix), s.63.
appl.(mods.) - Southampton Corpn. 1925 (c.lviii), s.32.
38 d.- Tramways O.Confn.(No.2) 1905 (c.cxciv), art.7 of Southampton
Corpn. Tramways O.
40 appl.- Southampton Corpn. 1910 (c.cxiii), s.74; Southampton
Corpn. Tramways 1911 (c.v), s.11; Southampton Corpn. 1928
(c.cviii), s.31; 1929 (c.lx), s.13.
est. a gweithredwyd.- Southampton Corpn. 1920 (c.xciii), s.14;
Southampton Corpn. Water 1921 (c.lxxix), s.63.
appl.(mods.) - Southampton Corpn. 1925 (c.lviii), s.32.
c.cxxvii North British Railway (General Powers).
d.yn rhannol.- North Brit. Rly.(Gen. Powers) 1898 (c.ccxxviii), s.45.
s. 17 am.- North Brit. Rly.(Gen. Powers) 1902 (c.cxl), s.11.
49 d.- North Brit. Rly. 1901 (c.clxxxviii), s.47.
50,51 d.- North Brit. Rly.(Superannuation) O.Confn. 1911
(c.cxxv), art.11 of O.
c.cxxviii Midland and South Western Junction Railway.
c.cxxix Lanarkshire and Ayrshire Railway. pt.(s.28) - Caledonian Rly. 1901 (c.cxx), s.32(9).
s. 28 am.- Caledonian Rly. 1901 (c.cxx), s.32(9).
c.cxxx Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway.
s. 25 d.yn rhannol.- Lancs. and Yorks. Rly. 1898 (c.lxi), s.17(4).
c.cxxxi Stromness Harbour.
d.- Stromness (Vehicle Ferry Terminal) Pier, &c. O.Confn. 1972
(c.xx), art.20, sch. of O; Orkney Islands Council O.Confn. 1978
(c.iv), art.9, sch.2 of O.
c.cxxxii Sheffield District Railway.
s. 10 appl.- Sheffield Dist. Rly. 1900 (c.xcii), s.33.
c.cxxxiii City of London Sewers.
incorp.- Housing 1936 (c.51), s.119.
gweithredwyd.- Town and Country Planning 1947 (c.51), s.114(8)(14); Housing
1957 (c.56), s.131(2); London Govt. 1963 (c.33), s.68(2).
appl.(mod.) - Town and Country Planning 1962 (c.38), s.15(3), sch.9.
ss. 10-16 d.- S.I.1965/508, art.4, sch.2.
17 d.- City of London (Various Powers) 1965 (c.xxxix), s.36, sch;
L. Govt. and Housing 1989 (c.42), ss.6(2),194(4), sch.12 pt.II.
18 am.- City of London (Various Powers) 1960 (c.xxxvi), s.36.
22,26 d.- S.I.1965/508, art.4, sch.2.
c.cxxxiv Bolton Tramways and Improvement.
am.- Bolton Corpn. 1949 (c.xliii), s.5, sch.1.
s. 8 incorp.- Bolton Corpn. 1901 (c.cxxxv), s.15(2).
est. a gweithredwyd.- Bolton Corpn. 1922 (c.xciii), s.43.
appl.(mods.) - Bolton Corpn. 1925 (c.xlvii), s.39.
9-11 incorp.- Bolton Corpn. 1901 (c.cxxxv), s.15(2).
est. a gweithredwyd.- Bolton Corpn. 1922 (c.xciii), s.43.
13 appl.- Bolton Corpn. 1901 (c.cxxxv), s.11(2).
incorp.- Bolton Corpn. 1901 (c.cxxxv), s.15(2).
est. a gweithredwyd.- Bolton Corpn. 1922 (c.xciii), s.43.
14 incorp.- Bolton Corpn. 1901 (c.cxxxv), s.15(2).
est. a gweithredwyd.- Bolton Corpn. 1922 (c.xciii), s.43.
16 incorp.- Bolton Corpn. 1901 (c.cxxxv), s.15(2).
17-19 incorp.- Bolton Corpn. 1901 (c.cxxxv), s.15(2).
est. a gweithredwyd.- Bolton Corpn. 1922 (c.xciii), s.43.
appl.(mods.) - Bolton Corpn. 1925 (c.xlvii), s.39.
20 appl.(mods.) - Bolton Corpn. 1925 (c.xlvii), s.39.
38 ext.- Bolton Corpn. 1901 (c.cxxxv), s.22(4).
gweithredwyd.- Bolton Corpn. 1922 (c.xciii), s.81; 1925 (c.xlvii), s.14.
41 pt.- Bolton Corpn. 1901 (c.cxxxv), s.25(5).
incorp.- Bolton Corpn. 1905 (c.cciv), s.48.
gweithredwyd.- Bolton Corpn. 1925 (c.xlvii), s.25; 1926 (c.lxxvii), s.12.
44 pt.(mods.) - Bolton Corpn. 1901 (c.cxxxv), s.25(5).
46 ext.- Bolton Corpn. 1901 (c.cxxxv), s.22(4).
est. a gweithredwyd.- Bolton Corpn. 1905 (c.cciv), s.37.
gweithredwyd.- Bolton Corpn. 1922 (c.xciii), s.81; 1925 (c.xlvii), s.14.
48 pt.- Bolton Corpn. 1901 (c.cxxxv), s.25(5).
incorp.- Bolton Corpn. 1905 (c.cciv), s.48.
49 pt.- Bolton Corpn. 1901 (c.cxxxv), s.25(5).
50,54 pt.- Bolton Corpn. 1901 (c.cxxxv), s.25(5).
incorp.- Bolton Corpn.1905 (c.cciv), s.48.
55-64 (Pts.V,VI) d.- Bolton Corpn. 1949 (c.xliii), s.135, sch.5.
65 am.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.9) 1904 (c.clix), art.2 of
Bolton O.
66 d.- Bolton Corpn. 1949 (c.xliii), s.135, sch.5.
67(pt.),68,69 appl.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.9) 1904 (c.clix),
art.3 of Bolton O.
70 d.- Bolton Corpn. 1949 (c.xliii), s.135, sch.5.
72 appl.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.9) 1904 (c.clix), art.3 of
Bolton O.
73-76,77(pt.) d.- Bolton Corpn. 1949 (c.xliii), s.135, sch.5.
c.cxxxv Great North of Scotland Railway.
s. 4 d.- Tpt. 1962 (c.46), s.95, sch.12 pt.II.
c.cxxxvi Malvern Link Gas.
d.(exc. ss.1,3,20)- S.L.(R.) 1998 (c.43), s.1(1), sch.1 pt.V.
c.cxxxvii Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No.3).
s. 3 d.- Plymouth Corpn. 1915 (c.lxix), s.259(1)(a), sch.1.
Brigg O.
Harrogate O.
d.- Harrogate Stray 1985 (c.xxii), s.19, sch. pt.II.
Newport (Salop) O.
Oswestry O.
Plymouth O.(No.1)
d.- Plymouth Corpn. 1915 (c.lxix), s.259(1)(a), sch.1.
Wilmslow Rural O.
Worcester O.
d.- Min. of Health Provnl.O.Confn.(City of Worcester) 1931
(c.xxxiv), art.33(2), sch.1 of Worcester (Extn.) O.
c.cxxxviii Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No.11).
Borough of Hartlepool (Extn.) O.
d.(Cleveland)- County of Cleveland 1987 (c.ix), s.43(1), sch.2 pt.II.
Borough of Totnes (Extns.) O.
Borough of West Hartlepool (Extn.) O.
d.- S.R.& O.1928/64(L), art.2; County of Cleveland 1987 (c.ix),
s.43(1), sch.2 pt.II.
c.cxxxix Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No.12).
d.- County of Kent 1981 (c.xviii), s.133(2), sch.7 pt.II; Leics. 1985
(c.xvii), s.111, sch.4 pt.I; S.I.1993/1313(L), art.40, sch. pt.II.
c.cxl Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No.13).
Clare and Bumpstead Joint Hospital O.
d.- Min. of Health Provnl.O.Confn.(No.8) 1927 (c.xxxvii),
art.3(1) of Clare and Bumpstead Joint Hosp. O.
Luddenden Foot Joint Sewerage O.
am.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.10) 1912 (c.cxxxvi), art.1(2) of
Luddenden Foot Joint Sewerage O; S.I.1956/348(L), art.3(1).
art. 10 appl.(mod.) - L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.10) 1912 (c.cxxxvi),
art.1(4) of Luddenden Foot Joint Sewerage O.
15 pt.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.10) 1912 (c.cxxxvi),
art.2(1) of Luddenden Foot Joint Sewerage O.
am.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.10) 1912 (c.cxxxvi), art.2(2)
of Luddenden Foot Joint Sewerage O; S.I.1955/41(L), art.3(2).
sch. disodlwyd - L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.10) 1912 (c.cxxxvi), art.1(3),
sch.2 of Luddenden Foot Joint Sewerage O; S.I.1955/41(L),
Penybont Main Sewerage O.
am.- S.I.1957/150(L), art.3; 1957/1498(L), art.3.
arts. 7,8,11,13-15,18,19 am.- S.R.& O.1938/1086(L), art.9.
sch. am.- S.R.& O.1938/1086(L), art.9.
Port Sanitary Authorities (Repeal) O.
c.cxli Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No.14).
Chorley O.
d.- Chorley Corpn. 1926 (c.lxxii), ss.155(5), 207(3); County of Lancs.
1984 (c.xxi), s.146(2)(b), sch.8 pt.I.
Dover O.
d.- County of Kent 1981 (c.xviii), s.133(2), sch.7 pt.II.
East Stonehouse O.
d.- Plymouth Corpn. 1915 (c.lxix), s.259(1)(a), sch.1.
Harrogate O.(No.2)
d.- Harrogate Stray 1985 (c.xxii), s.19, sch. pt.II.
St. Helens O.
d.- County of Merseyside 1980 (c.x), s.146(3)(b), sch.5.
Scarborough O.
est. a gweithredwyd.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.9) 1914 (c.cxxxiv),
art.8(3), sch. of Scarborough O.
art. 8 d.- Scarborough Corpn. 1925 (, s.64(5).
Tunbridge Wells O.
d.- Tunbridge Wells Corpn. 1929 (c.xci), s.84(1); S.I.1973/1669(L),
art.23(2), sch.3 pt.II; County of Kent 1981 (c.xviii), s.133(2),
sch.7 pt.II.
c.cxlii Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No.15).
Bradford (Yorks.) O.
d.(West Yorks.)(saving)- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.10) 1907 (c.clx),
art.1(1) of Bradford O; West Yorks. 1980 (c.xiv), s.95, sch.5.
Heywood O.
am.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.15) 1897 (c.cxlii), s.2.
Liverpool O.(No.2)
d.- Liverpool Corpn. 1921 (c.lxxiv), s.657, sch.5 pt.I.
Nelson O.
d.- County of Lancs. 1984 (c.xxi), s.146(2)(b), sch.8 pt.I.
Wigan (Stock) O.
am.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.15) 1897 (c.cxlii), s.2.
Wigan O.
am.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.15) 1897 (c.cxlii), s.2. pt.and pt.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(no.13) 1904
(c.clxii), art.11, sch. of Wigan (Extn.) O.
art. 2 pt.- S.I.1960/2178(L), art.23(3), sch.4.
d.yn rhannol.- S.I.1960/2178(L), art.24(3), sch.6.
5,7,8 appl.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.2) 1900 (c.liii),
art.3 of Wigan O; L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.10) 1907
(c.clx), art.5(3) of Wigan O.
9 d.- Wigan Corpn. 1921 (c.xciii), s.164(5).
10-13 appl.- L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.2) 1900 (c.liii),
art.3 of Wigan O; L.G.B. Provnl.O.Confn.(No.10) 1907
(c.clx), art.5(3) of Wigan O.