Country | Code of Territory | Description of territory | Veterinary certificate | Specific conditions |
Model(s) | SG |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
AL — Albania | AL-0 | Whole country | — | | |
AR — Argentina | AR-0 | Whole country | EQU | | |
AR-1 | The Provinces of Buenos Aires, Catamarca, Corrientes, Entre Ríos, La Rioja, Mendoza, Misiones, Neuquén, Río Negro, San Juan, San Luis, Santa Fe y Tucumán | BOV | A | 1 and 2 |
AR-2 | La Pampa and Santiago del Estero | BOV | A | 1 and 2 |
AR-3 | Córdoba | BOV | A | 1 and 2 |
AR-4 | Chubut, Santa Cruz and Tierra del Fuego | BOV, OVI, RUW, RUF | | |
AR-5 | Formosa (only the territory of Ramón Lista) and Salta (only the department of Rivadavia) | BOV | A | 1 and 2 |
AR-6 | Salta (only the departments of General José de San Martín, Orán, Iruya, and Santa Victoria) | BOV | A | 1 and 2 |
AR-7 | Chaco, Formosa (except the territory of Ramón Lista), Salta (except the departments of General José de San Martín, Rivadavia, Orán, Iruya, and Santa Victoria), Jujuy | BOV | A | 1 and 2 |
AR-8 | Chaco, Formosa, Salta, Jujuy, with the exception of the buffer area of 25 Km from the border with Bolivia and Paraguay that extends from the Santa Catalina District in the Province of Jujuy, to the Laishi District in the Province of Formosa | BOV | A | 1 and 2 |
AR-9 | The buffer area of 25 Km from the border with Bolivia and Paraguay that extends from the Santa Catalina District in the Province of Jujuy, to the Laishi District in the Province of Formosa | — | | |
AU — Australia | AU-0 | Whole country | BOV, OVI, POR, EQU, RUF, RUW, SUF, SUW | | |
BA — Bosnia Herzegovina | BA-0 | Whole country | — | | |
BG — Bulgaria | BG-0 | Whole country | EQU | | |
BG-1 | The provinces of Varna, Dobrich, Silistra, Choumen, Targovitchte, Razgrad, Rousse, V.Tarnovo, Gabrovo, Pleven, Lovetch, Plovdic, Smolian, Pasardjik, Sofia district, Sofia city, Pernik, Kustendil, Blagoevgrad, Vratza, Montana and Vidin | BOV, OVI RUW, RUF |
BG-2 | The provinces of Bourgas, Jambol, Sliven, Starazagora, Hasskovo, Kardjaliand and the 20-km-wide corridor on the border with Turkey | — |
BH — Bahrain | BH-0 | Whole country | — | | |
BR — Brazil | BR-0 | Whole country | EQU | | |
BR-1 | States of Paraná, Minas Gerais (except regional delegations of Oliveira, Passos, São Gonçalo de Sapucai, Setelagoas and Bambuí), São Paulo, Espíritu Santo, Mato Grosso do Sul (except for the municipalities of Sete Quedas, Sonora, Aquidauana, Bodoqueno, Bonito, Caracol, Coxim, Jardim, Ladario, Miranda, Pedro Gomes, Porto Murtinho, Rio Negro, Rio Verde of Mato Grosso and Corumbá), Santa Catarina, Goias and the regional units of Cuiaba (except for the municipalities of San Antonio de Leverger, Nossa Senhora do Livramento, Pocone and Barão de Melgaço), Caceres (except for the municipality of Caceres), Lucas do Rio Verde, Rondonopolis (except for the municipality of Itiquiora), Barra do Garça and Barra do Burges in Mato Grosso | BOV | A | 1 and 2 |
BR-2 | State of Rio Grande do Sul | BOV | A | 1 and 2 |
BR-3 | State of Mato Grosso do Sul, municipality of Sete Quedas | BOV | A | 1 and 2 |
BW — Botswana | BW-0 | Whole country | EQU, EQW | | |
BW-1 | The veterinary disease control zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 18 | BOV, OVI, RUF, RUW | F | 1 and 2 |
BW-2 | The veterinary disease control zones 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 | BOV, OVI, RUF, RUW | F | 1 and 2 |
BY — Belarus | BY-0 | Whole country | — | | |
BZ — Belize | BZ-0 | Whole country | BOV, EQU | | |
CA — Canada | CA-0 | Whole country | BOV, OVI, POR, EQU, SUF, SUW RUF, RUW | G | |
CH — Switzerland | CH-0 | Whole country | BOV, OVI, POR, EQU, RUF, RUW, SUF, SUW | | |
CL — Chile | CL-0 | Whole country | BOV, OVI, POR, EQU, RUF, RUW, SUF | | |
CN — China (People's Republic of) | CN-0 | Whole country | — | | |
CO — Colombia | CO-0 | Whole country | EQU | | |
CO-1 | The zone included within the borderlines from the point where the Murrí River flows into the Atrató River, downstream along the Atrató River to where it flows into the Atlantic Ocean from this point to the Panamanian border following the Atlantic coastline to Cabo Tiburón; from this point to the Pacific Ocean following the Columbian-Panamanian border; from this point to the mouth of the Valle River along the Pacific coast and from this point along a straight line to the point where the Murrí River flows into the Atrató River | BOV | A | 2 |
CO-3 | The zone included within the borderlines from the mouth of the Sinú River on the Atlantic Ocean, upstream along the Sinú River to its headwaters of Alto Paramillo, from this point to Puerto Rey on the Atlantic Ocean, following the borderline between the Department of Antiquia and Córdoba, and from this point to the mouth of the Sinú River along the Atlantic coast | BOV | A | 2 |
CR — Costa Rica | CR-0 | Whole country | BOV, EQU | | |
CS — Serbia and Montenegro | CS-0 | Whole country | BOV, OVI, EQU | | |
CU — Cuba | CU-0 | Whole country | BOV, EQU | | |
DZ — Algeria | DZ-0 | Whole country | — | | |
ET — Ethiopia | ET-0 | Whole country | — | | |
FK — Falkland Islands | FK-0 | Whole country | BOV, OVI, EQU | | |
GL — Greenland | GL-0 | Whole country | BOV, OVI, EQU, RUF, RUW | | |
GT — Guatemala | GT-0 | Whole country | BOV, EQU | | |
HK — Hong Kong | HK-0 | Whole country | — | | |
HN — Honduras | HN-0 | Whole country | BOV, EQU | | |
HR — Croatia | HR-0 | Whole country | BOV, OVI, EQU, RUF, RUW | | |
IL — Israel | IL-0 | Whole country | — | | |
IN — India | IN-0 | Whole country | — | | |
IS — Iceland | IS-0 | Whole country | BOV, OVI, EQU, RUF, RUW | | |
KE — Kenya | KE-0 | Whole country | — | | |
MA — Morocco | MA-0 | Whole country | EQU | | |
MG — Madagascar | MG-0 | Whole country | — | | |
MK — Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia | MK-0 | Whole country | OVI, EQU | | |
MU — Mauritius | MU-0 | Whole country | — | | |
MX — Mexico | MX-0 | Whole country | BOV, EQU | | |
NA — Namibia | NA-0 | Whole country | EQU, EQW | | |
NA-1 | South of the cordon fences which extend from Palgrave Point in the west to Gam in the east | BOV, OVI, RUF, RUW | F | 2 |
NC — New Caledonia | NC-0 | Whole country | BOV, RUF, RUW | | |
NI — Nicaragua | NI-0 | Whole country | — | | |
NZ — New Zealand | NZ-0 | Whole country | BOV, OVI, POR, EQU, RUF, RUW, SUF, SUW | | |
PA — Panamá | PA-0 | Whole country | BOV, EQU | | |
PY — Paraguay | PY-0 | Whole country | EQU | | |
PY-1 | Chaco central and San Pedro areas | BOV | A | 1 and 2 |
RO — Romania | RO-0 | Whole country | BOV, OVI, EQU, RUW, RUF | | |
RU — Russia | RU-0 | Whole country | — | | |
RU-1 | Region of Murmansk, Yamalo-Nenets autonomous area | RUF |
SV — El Salvador | SV-0 | Whole country | — | | |
SZ — Swaziland | SZ-0 | Whole country | EQU, EQW | | |
SZ-1 | Area west of the red line fences which extends northwards from the river Usutu to the frontier with South Africa west of Nkalashane, | BOV, RUF, RUW | F | 2 |
SZ-2 | The veterinary foot and mouth surveillance and vaccination control areas as gazetted as a Statutory Instrument under legal notice number 51 of 2001 | BOV, RUF, RUW | F | 1 and 2 |
TH — Thailand | TH-0 | Whole country | — | | |
TN — Tunisia | TN-0 | Whole country | — | | |
TR — Turkey | TR-0 | Whole country | — | | |
TR-1 | The provinces of Amasya, Ankara, Aydin, Balikesir, Bursa, Cankiri, Corum, Denizli, Izmir, Kastamonu, Kutahya, Manisa, Usak, Yozgat and Kirikkale | EQU | | |
UA — Ukraine | UA-0 | Whole country | — | | |
US — United States | US-0 | Whole country | BOV, OVI, POR, EQU, SUF, SUW, RUF, RUW | G | |
UY — Uruguay | UY-0 | Whole country | EQU | | |
BOV | A | 1 and 2 |
OVI | A | 1 and 2 |
ZA — South Africa | ZA-0 | Whole country | EQU, EQW | | |
ZA-1 | The whole country except:
the part of the foot-and-mouth disease control area situated in the veterinary regions of Mpumalanga and Northern provinces, in the district of Ingwavuma of the veterinary region of Natal and in the border area with Botswana east of longitude 28°, and
the district of Camperdown, in the province of KwaZuluNatal
| BOV, OVI, RUF, RUW | F | 2 |
ZW — Zimbabwe | ZW-0 | Whole country | — | | |