Council Decision of 18 December 2006 concerning the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) or nuclear research and training activities (2007 to 2011) (2006/969/EC)


Subject to the rules for participation established for the implementation of the Seventh Framework Programme, the Community will support research and technological development activities, including demonstration activities in the specific programmes, through a range of funding schemes. These schemes will be used, either alone or in combination, to fund different categories of actions implemented throughout the Seventh Framework Programme.


In the field of fusion energy research, the particular nature of the activities in the area necessitates the implementation of specific arrangements. Financial support will be given to activities carried out on the basis of procedures set out in:


the Contracts of Association, between the Commission and Member States or fully associated third countries or entities within Member States or fully associated third countries which provide for the execution of part of the Community fusion energy research programme according to Article 10 of the Treaty;


the European Fusion Development Agreement (EFDA), a multilateral agreement concluded between the Commission and organisations in, or acting for, Member States and associated third countries providing inter alia the framework for further research on fusion technology in associated organisations and in industry, use of the JET facilities and the European contribution to international cooperation;


the European Joint Undertaking for ITER, based on Articles 45 to 51 of the Treaty;


international agreements between Euratom and third countries covering activities in the field of fusion energy research and development, in particular the ITER Agreement;


any other multilateral agreement concluded between the Community and associated organisations, in particular the Agreement on Staff Mobility;


cost-sharing actions to promote and contribute to fusion energy research with bodies in the Member States or the third countries associated with the Seventh Framework Programme in which there is no Contract of Association.

In addition to the above activities, actions to promote and develop human resources, fellowships, integrated infrastructure initiatives as well as specific support actions may be undertaken in particular to coordinate fusion energy research, to undertake studies in support of these activities and to support publications, information exchange, and training in order to promote technology transfer.


The activities in fields other than fusion energy under the Seventh Framework Programme will be funded through a range of funding schemes. These schemes will be used, either alone or in combination, to fund different categories of actions implemented throughout the Seventh Framework Programme.

The decisions for specific programmes, work programmes and calls for proposals will mention, as and when appropriate:

  • the type(s) of scheme(s) used to fund different categories of actions,

  • the categories of participants (such as research organisations, universities, industry, public authorities) which can benefit from them,

  • the types of activities (research, development, demonstration, training, dissemination, transfer of knowledge and other related activities) which can be funded through each of them.

Where different funding schemes can be used, the work programmes may specify the funding scheme to be used for the topic on which proposals are invited.

The funding schemes are the following:


To support actions which are primarily implemented on the basis of calls for proposals:


Collaborative projects

Support to research projects carried out by consortia with participants from different countries, aiming at developing new knowledge, new technology, products or common resources for research. The size, scope and internal organisation of projects can vary from field to field and from topic to topic. Projects can range from small or medium-scale focused research actions to larger integrating projects which mobilise a significant volume of resources for achieving a defined objective.


Networks of excellence

Support to joint research programmes implemented by a number of research organisations integrating their activities in a given field, carried out by research teams in the framework of longer-term cooperation. The implementation of these joint research programmes will require a formal commitment from the organisations integrating part of their resources and their activities.


Coordination and support actions

Support to activities aimed at coordinating or supporting research (networking, exchanges, studies, conferences, etc). These actions may also be implemented by means other than calls for proposals.


Actions to promote and develop human resources and mobility

Support for training and career development of researchers.


To support actions implemented on the basis of decisions by the Council, based on a proposal from the Commission, the Community will provide financial support to multi-financed large-scale initiatives by the means of the following contributions:

  • a financial contribution to the implementation of joint undertakings carried out on the basis of the procedures and provisions set out in Articles 45 to 51 of the Treaty,

  • a financial contribution to the development of new infrastructures of European interest.

The Community will implement the funding schemes in compliance with the provisions of the Regulation to be adopted for the rules for participation of undertakings, research centres and universities, the relevant State aid instruments, in particular the Community framework for State aid to research and development, as well as international rules in this area. In compliance with this international framework, it will be necessary to be able to adjust the scale and form of financial participation on a case-by-case basis, in particular if funding from other public sector sources is available, including other sources of Community financing such as the European Investment Bank (EIB).

In the case of participants to an indirect action established in a region lagging in development (convergence regions(1) and outermost regions), complementary funding from the Structural Funds will be mobilised wherever possible and appropriate.


The Community will undertake activities implemented by the JRC, which are referred to as direct actions.


Convergence regions are defined in Article 5 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 of 11 July 2006 laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund (OJ L 210, 31.7.2006, p. 25). This includes regions eligible for funding from the Structural Funds under the Convergence objective and regions eligible for funding from the Cohesion Fund.