Commission Decision of 18 July 2007 establishing guidelines for the monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions pursuant to Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (notified under document number C(2007) 3416) (Text with EEA relevance) (2007/589/EC) (repealed)

ANNEX XActivity-specific guidelines for installations for the manufacture of ceramic products as listed in Annex I to Directive 2003/87/EC


No specific boundary issues.


In installations for the manufacture of ceramic products, CO2 emissions result from the following emission sources and source streams:

  • conventional fossil kiln fuels,

  • alternative fossil-based kiln fuels,

  • biomass kiln fuels,

  • calcination of limestone/dolomite and other carbonates in the raw material,

  • limestone and other carbonates for reducing air pollutants and other flue gas cleaning,

  • fossil/biomass additives used to induce porosity, e.g. polystyrol, residues from paper production or sawdust,

  • fossil organic material in the clay and other raw materials.



Combustion processes that take place at installations for the manufacture of ceramic products shall be monitored and reported in accordance with Annex II.


CO2 is released during calcination of the raw materials in the kiln and the oxidation of organic material of the clay and additives, and from the neutralization of HF, HCl and SO2 in the flue gases with limestone or other carbonates and from other flue gas cleaning processes. Emissions from the decomposition of carbonates and the oxidation of organic material in the kiln and from flue gas cleaning shall all be included in the installation's emissions. They shall be added up to the emission total but reported separately, if possible. Calculation shall be as follows:

CO2 emissionstotal [t] = CO2 emissionsinput material [t] + CO2 emissionsflue gas cleaning [t] FROM INPUT MATERIAL

CO2 from carbonates and from carbon contained in other input materials shall be calculated using either a calculation method based on the amount of inorganic and organic carbon in raw materials (e.g. various carbonates, organic content of the clay and of additives) converted in the process (calculation method A), or a methodology based on the alkali earth oxides in ceramics produced (calculation method B). The two approaches are considered equivalent for ceramics based on purified or synthetic clays. Calculation method A shall be applied for ceramic products based on unprocessed clays and whenever clays or additives with significant organic content are used.

Calculation method A — carbon inputs

Calculation is based on the carbon input (organic and inorganic) in each of the relevant raw materials, e.g. different types of clays, clay mixings or additives. Quartz/silica, feldspar, kaolin and mineral talc commonly do not constitute significant sources of carbon.

Activity data, emission factor and conversion factor shall refer to a common state of the material, preferably the dry state.

The following calculation formula shall be used:

CO2 emission [tCO2] = Σ {activity data * emission factor * conversion factor}


(a)activity data

These requirements apply separately to each of the relevant carbon-bearing raw materials (other than fuels), e.g. clay or additives, avoiding double counting or omissions from returned or by-passed materials.

Tier 1

The amount of each relevant raw material or additive [t] consumed during the reporting period (excluding losses) is determined with a maximum uncertainty of less than ±7,5 %.

Tier 2

The amount of each relevant raw material or additive [t] consumed during the reporting period (excluding losses) is determined with a maximum uncertainty of less than ±5,0 %.

Tier 3

The amount of each relevant raw material or additive [t] consumed during the reporting period (excluding losses) is determined with a maximum uncertainty of less than ±2,5 %.

(b)emission factor

One aggregate emission factor including organic and inorganic carbon (total carbon (TC)) may be applied for each source stream (i.e. relevant raw material mix or additive). Alternatively, two different emission factors for total inorganic carbon (TIC) and total organic carbon (TOC) for each source stream may be applied. Where applicable, stoichiometric ratios shall be applied to convert composition data for individual carbonates, as shown in Table 1 below. The determination of biomass fraction of additives which do not qualify as pure biomass shall follow the provisions of Section 13.4 of Annex I.

Table 1

Stoichiometric ratios

CarbonatesStoichiometric ratios
CaCO30,44 [tCO2/t CaCO3]
MgCO30,522 [tCO2/t MgCO3]
BaCO30,223 [tCO2/t BaCO3]



Emission factor = [MCO2]/{Y * [Mx] + Z * [MCO3 2-]}

X = alkali earth or alkali metal

Mx = molecular weight of X in [g/mol]

MCO2 = molecular weight of CO2 = 44 [g/mol]

MCO3- = molecular weight of CO3 2- = 60 [g/mol]


= stoichiometric number of X

= 1 (for alkali earth metals)

= 2 (for alkali metals)

Z = stoichiometric number of CO3 2- = 1

Tier 1

A conservative value of 0,2 tonnes CaCO3 (corresponding to 0,08794 tonnes of CO2) per tonne of dry clay is applied for the calculation of the emission factor instead of results of analyses.

Tier 2

An emission factor for each source stream is derived and updated at least once per year using industry best practice reflecting site specific conditions and the product mix of the installation.

Tier 3

The determination of composition of the relevant raw materials is carried out according to Section 13 of Annex I.

(c)conversion factor
Tier 1

Carbonates and other carbon leaving the kiln in the products are conservatively assumed to be zero, assuming full calcination and oxidation reflected by a conversion factor of 1.

Tier 2

Carbonates and carbon leaving the kiln are captured by means of conversion factors with a value between 0 and 1 with a value of 1 corresponding to a full conversion of carbonates or other carbon. The additional determination of relevant chemical parameters of the products is carried out according to Section 13 of Annex I.

Calculation method B — alkali earth oxides

Calcination CO2 is calculated based on the amounts of ceramics produced and the CaO, MgO and other (earth) alkali oxide contents of the ceramics (activity dataOUTPUT). The emission factor is corrected for already calcined Ca, Mg and for other alkali earth/alkali contents entering the kiln (activity dataINPUT), for instance alternative fuels and raw materials with a relevant CaO or MgO content. The following calculation formula shall be used:

CO2 emission [tCO2] = Σ{activity data* emission factor * conversion factor}


(a)activity data

The activity data of the products relate to gross production including rejected products and cullet from the kilns and shipment.

Tier 1

The mass of the products during the reporting period is derived with a maximum uncertainty of less than ±7,5 %.

Tier 2

The mass of the products during the reporting period is derived with a maximum uncertainty of less than ±5,0 %.

Tier 3

The mass of the products during the reporting period is derived with a maximum uncertainty of less than ±2,5 %.

(b)emission factor

One aggregate emission factor shall be calculated based on the content of the relevant metal oxides, e.g. CaO, MgO and BaO in the product using the stoichiometric ratios in Table 2.

Table 2

Stoichiometric ratios

OxideStoichiometric ratiosRemarks
CaO0,785 [tonne CO2 per tonne of oxide]
MgO1,092 [tonne CO2 per tonne of oxide]
BaO0,287 [tonne CO2 per tonne of oxide]



Emission factor = [MCO2]/{Y * [Mx] + Z * [MO]}

X = alkali earth or alkali metal

Mx = molecular weight of X in [g/mol]

MCO2 = molecular weight of CO2 = 44 [g/mol]

MO = molecular weight of O = 16 [g/mol]


= stoichiometric number of X

= 1 (for alkali earth metals)

= 2 (for alkali metals)

Z = stoichiometric number of O = 1

Tier 1

A conservative value of 0,123 tonnes CaO (corresponding to 0,09642 tonnes of CO2) per tonne of product is applied for the calculation of the emission factor instead of results of analyses.

Tier 2

An emission factor is derived and updated at least once per year using industry best practice reflecting site specific conditions and the product mix of the installation.

Tier 3

The determination of composition of the products is carried out according to Section 13 of Annex I.

(c)conversion factor
Tier 1

Relevant oxides in the raw materials are conservatively assumed to be zero, i.e. all Ca, Mg, Ba and other relevant alkali oxides in the product is assumed to have originated from carbonate raw materials, reflected by conversion factors of value 1.

Tier 2

Relevant oxides in the raw materials are reflected by means of conversion factors with a value between 0 and 1 with a value of 0 corresponding to a full content of relevant oxide already in the raw material. The additional determination of relevant chemical parameters of the raw materials is carried out according to Section 13 of Annex I. FROM LIMESTONE FOR REDUCING AIR POLLUTANTS AND OTHER FLUE GAS CLEANING

CO2 from limestone for reducing air pollutants and other flue gas clean shall be calculated based on the amount of CaCO3 input. Double counting from used limestone recycled as raw material in the same installation shall be avoided.

The following calculation formula shall be used:

CO2 emission [tCO2] = activity data * emission factor


(a)activity data
Tier 1

The amount [t] of dry CaCO3 consumed during the reporting period determined by weighing by operator or his suppliers with a maximum uncertainty of less than ±7,5 %.

(b)emission factor
Tier 1

Stoichiometric ratios of CaCO3 as shown in Table 1.


The measurement guidelines contained in Annex I shall be applied.