
Commission Decision

of 12 December 2008

adopting, pursuant to Council Directive 92/43/EEC, an initial list of sites of Community importance for the Black Sea biogeographical region

(notified under document number C(2008) 7974)

(2009/92/EC) (repealed)


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

Having regard to Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora(1) and in particular the third subparagraph of Article 4(2) thereof,


(1) The Black Sea biogeographical region referred to in Article 1(c)(iii) of Directive 92/43/EEC comprises parts of the territories of Bulgaria and Romania as specified in the biogeographical map approved on 20 April 2005 by the Committee set up by Article 20 of that Directive, hereinafter ‘the Habitats Committee’.

(2) It is necessary in the context of a process which was initiated in 1995 to make further progress in the actual establishment of the Natura 2000 network, which is an essential element of the protection of biodiversity in the Community.

(3) For the Black Sea biogeographical region, lists of sites proposed as sites of Community importance within the meaning of Article 1 of Directive 92/43/EEC have been transmitted to the Commission between May 2004 and January 2008, in accordance with Article 4(1) of Directive 92/43/EEC, by Bulgaria and Romania.

(4) The lists of proposed sites were accompanied by information on each site, supplied in the format established by Commission Decision 97/266/EC of 18 December 1996 concerning a site information format for proposed Natura 2000 sites(2).

(5) That information includes the most recent and definitive map of the site transmitted by the Member States concerned, name, location and extent of the site, and the data yielded by application of the criteria specified in Annex III to Directive 92/43/EEC.

(6) On the basis of the draft list drawn up by the Commission in agreement with each of the Member States concerned, which also identifies sites hosting priority natural habitat types or priority species, a list of sites selected as sites of Community importance should be adopted.

(7) Knowledge of the existence and distribution of the natural habitat types and species is constantly evolving, as a result of the surveillance in accordance with Article 11 of Directive 92/43/EEC. Therefore, the evaluation and selection of sites at Community level was done using the best available information at present.

(8) The Member States concerned have not proposed sufficient sites to meet the requirements of Directive 92/43/EEC for certain habitat types and species. For those habitat types and species it can therefore not be concluded that the network is complete. Taking into account the delay in receiving the information and reaching agreement with the Member States, it is necessary to adopt an initial list of sites, which will need to be revised in accordance with Article 4 of Directive 92/43/EEC.

(9) Given that knowledge on the existence and distribution of some of the natural habitat types of Annex I and species of Annex II to Directive 92/43/EEC remains incomplete, it should not be concluded that the network is either complete or incomplete. The initial list should be revised, if necessary, in accordance with Article 4 of Directive 92/43/EEC.

(10) The measures provided for in this Decision are in accordance with the opinion of the Habitats Committee,


Article 1

The initial list of sites of Community importance for the Black Sea biogeographical region in accordance with the third subparagraph of Article 4(2) of Directive 92/43/EEC is set out in the Annex to this Decision.

Article 2

This Decision is addressed to the Member States.

Done at Brussels, 12 December 2008.

For the Commission

Stavros Dimas

Member of the Commission

ANNEXInitial list of sites of Community importance for the Black Sea biogeographical region

Each site of Community importance (SCI) is identified by the information supplied in the Natura 2000 format, including the corresponding map. This has been transmitted by the competent national authorities in accordance with the second subparagraph of Article 4(1) of Directive 92/43/EEC.

The table below gives the following information:



SCI code comprising nine characters, the first two being the ISO code for the Member State;



name of SCI;



* = presence on the SCI of at least one priority natural habitat type and/or species within the meaning of Article 1 of Directive 92/43/EEC;



surface area of SCI in hectares or length in km;



geographical coordinates of SCI (latitude and longitude).

All the information given in the Community list below is based on the data proposed, transmitted and validated by Bulgaria and Romania.

SCI codeName of SCI*Area of SCI(ha)Length of SCI(km)Geographical coordinates of SCI
BG0000100Plazh Shkorpilovtzi*5 125,65264E 27 51N 42 56
BG0000102Dolinata na reka Batova*18 459,2388E 27 55N 43 22
BG0000103Galata*1 623,71857E 27 56N 43 8
BG0000110Ostrovi Sv. Ivan I Sv. Petur30,04E 27 41N 42 26
BG0000116Kamchiya*12 919,9374E 27 45N 43 1
BG0000118Zlatni pyasatzi*1 374,44E 28 2N 43 18
BG0000119Trite bratya*1 021,99E 27 17N 42 42
BG0000130Kraimorska Dobrudzha*6 520,74E 28 20N 43 37
BG0000132Pobitite kamani*231,35E 27 41N 43 13
BG0000133Kamchiiska i Eminska planina*63 678,468E 27 30N 42 55
BG0000141Reka Kamchiya*158,84E 27 28N 43 2
BG0000143Karaagach*64,16E 27 46N 42 13
BG0000146Plazh Gradina — Zlatna ribka*1 153,12E 27 40N 42 25
BG0000151Aitoska planina*29 379,4E 27 26N 42 41
BG0000154Ezero Durankulak*5 050,79475E 28 34N 43 40
BG0000198Sredetzka reka*707,78E 27 2N 42 18
BG0000208Bosna*16 225,8881E 27 38N 42 11
BG0000219Derventski vazvisheniya 2*55 036,13E 27 3N 42 7
BG0000230Fakiyska reka*4 104,72E 27 17N 42 17
BG0000242Zaliv Chengene skele*191,19E 27 30N 42 25
BG0000270Atanasovsko ezero*7 208,89E 27 27N 42 35
BG0000271Mandra — Poda*6 135,8718E 27 24N 42 24
BG0000273Burgasko ezero3 092,02E 27 23N 42 29
BG0000573Kompleks Kaliakra*44 128,2643E 28 19N 43 20
BG0000574Aheloi — Ravda — Nesebar*3 928,38E 27 41N 42 39
BG0000620Pomorie*2 085,15E 27 38N 42 35
BG0000621Ezero Shabla — Ezeretz*2 623,53E 28 35N 43 34
BG0001001Ropotamo*12 815,82E 27 42N 42 18
BG0001004Emine — Irakli*11 282,7954E 27 50N 42 44
BG0001007Strandzha*118 225,03E 27 37N 42 4
ROSCI0065Delta Dunării*457 813,5E 28 55N 44 54
ROSCI0066Delta Dunării — zona marină121 697E 29 14N 44 46
ROSCI0073Dunele marine de la Agigea*12E 28 38N 44 5
ROSCI0094Izvoarele sulfuroase submarine de la Mangalia362E 28 35N 43 48
ROSCI0114Mlaștina Hergheliei — Obanul Mare și Peștera Movilei*251E 28 34N 43 50
ROSCI0157Pădurea Hagieni — Cotul Văii*3 652E 28 21N 43 47
ROSCI0197Plaja submersă Eforie Nord — Eforie Sud141E 28 39N 44 3
ROSCI0237Structuri submarine metanogene — Sf. Gheorghe6 122E 29 45N 44 52
ROSCI0269Vama Veche — 2 Mai5 272E 28 38N 43 45
ROSCI0273Zona marină de la Capul Tuzla1 738E 28 41N 43 59