Commission Implementing Decision of 29 March 2011 establishing a specific control and inspection programme related to the recovery of bluefin tuna in the eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean (notified under document C(2011) 1984) (2011/207/EU)


The benchmarks set out in this Annex shall be implemented so as to ensure in particular:


the full monitoring of caging operations taking place in the EU waters;


the full monitoring of transfer operations;


the full monitoring of joint fishing operations;


the control of all documents required by the legislation applicable to bluefin tuna, in particular verifying the reliability of the information recorded.


Modification requested by Malta by mail 12 June 2013 .]

Place of inspection Benchmark
Caging activities (including harvest)

All caging operation into a farm must have been authorised by the flag Member State of the catching vessel within 48 hours following the submission of the information required for the caging operation;

The CPC under whose jurisdiction the farm for bluefin tuna is located shall take the necessary measures to prohibit placing in cages for farming or fattening bluefin tuna that are not accompanied by the documents required by ICCAT as confirmed and validated by the catching vessel or trap Flag State authorities a (as provided for by point 86 of ICCAT Recommendation 12-03);

All caging and harvesting operations shall be inspected, by the competent authorities of the farm Member State in accordance with the relevant control obligations laid down ICCAT Recommendation 06-07 and 12-03;

Fish shall be caged before 15 August unless valid reason as per Recommendation. 12-03 (as provided for by paragraph 85).

Inspection at sea

Benchmark, to be set after a detailed analysis of the fishing activity in each area;

Benchmarks at sea shall refer to the number of patrol days at sea in the bluefin tuna recovery specific area and shall refer as well to the number of patrol days identifying the fishing season and the type of fishing activity targeted.

Transfer operation

Any transfer operations must have been authorised previously by the flag States on the basis of a prior transfer notification (as provided for by point 77 of ICCAT Recommendation 12-03);

An authorisation number shall be assigned to each transfer operation (as provided for by point 78 of ICCAT Recommendation 12-03);

A transfer shall be authorised within 48 hours following the submission of the prior transfer notification (as provided for by point 78 of ICCAT Recommendation 12-03);

An ICCAT transfer declaration shall be sent to the flag State at the end of the transfer operation (as provided for by point 79 of ICCAT Recommendation 12-03);

All transfer operations must be monitored by video camera in the water (as provided for by point 81 and Annex 9 to ICCAT Recommendation 12-03).


All concerned vessels shall be inspected on arrival before the transhipment operations start, as well as before departure after the transhipment operations. Random checks shall be made in non-designated ports;

A transhipment declaration shall be transmitted to the Flag States no later than 48 hours after the date of transhipment in port (as provided for by point 66 of ICCAT Recommendation 12-03).

Joint fishing operation

All joint fishing operations must have been authorised previously by the flag States;

Member States shall then establish and maintain a record of all joint fishing operations authorised by them.

Aerial surveillance Flexible benchmark, to be set after a detailed analysis of the fishing activity conducted in each area and taking into consideration the available resources at the Member State’s disposal.

All vessels entering a designated port for the purpose of landing bluefin tuna shall be controlled and a percentage shall be inspected based on a risk assessment system, involving quota, fleet size and fishing effort;

Random checks shall be made in non-designated ports;

The relevant authority shall send a record of the landings to the flag State authority of the fishing vessel within 48 hours after the landing has ended (as provided for by point 70 of ICCAT Recommendation 12-03).

Marketing Flexible benchmark, to be set after a detailed analysis of the marketing activity conducted.
Sport and Recreational Fisheries Flexible benchmark, to be set after a detailed analysis of the sport and recreational fisheries activities conducted.
Traps 100 % of harvesting and transfer operations shall be inspected.