(A)Common Data typesU.K.
Wherever a certain data type is to be made available pursuant to Parts B to K of this Annex, all information listed under the relevant data type specified below is to be included.
(1)Data type ‘Contact Details’U.K.
1.Name of responsible authority, institution or bodyU.K.
2.Name of responsible personU.K.
3.Web addressU.K.
5.Telephone numberU.K.
(2)Data type ‘Exceedance Situation’U.K.
1.Exceedance Situation IDU.K.
2.Exceeded environmental objectiveU.K.
3.Area of the exceedance situation (data type ‘Spatial Extent’)U.K.
4.Classification of the areaU.K.
5.Administrative unitsU.K.
6.Estimate of the surface area where the level was above the environmental objectiveU.K.
7.Estimate of the length of road where the level was above the environmental objectiveU.K.
8.Monitoring stations in exceedance area (link to D)U.K.
9.Modelled exceedance (link to D)U.K.
10.Estimate of the total resident population in the exceedance areaU.K.
11.Estimate of the ecosystem/vegetation area exposed above the environmental objectiveU.K.
12.Reference yearU.K.
(3)Data type ‘Environmental Objective’U.K.
1.Objective typeU.K.
2.Averaging period of assessmentU.K.
3.Protection targetU.K.
(4)Data type ‘Spatial Extent’U.K.
1.GIS information provided as coordinatesU.K.
(5)Data type ‘Spatial Observation’U.K.
1.Spatial assessment dataU.K.
(6)Data type ‘Publication’U.K.
4.Publication dateU.K.
6.Web linkU.K.
(7)Data type ‘Documentation of Change’U.K.
2.Description of changeU.K.
(B)Information on zones and agglomerations (Article 6)U.K.
(1)Provider (data type ‘Contact Details’)U.K.
(2)Change documentation (data type ‘Documentation of Change’)U.K.
(3)Zone codeU.K.
(4)Zone nameU.K.
(5)Zone typeU.K.
(6)Zone delimitation (data type ‘Spatial Extent’)U.K.
(7)Zone history: application start and end dateU.K.
(8)Predecessors (link to B)U.K.
(9)Resident populationU.K.
(10)Resident population reference yearU.K.
(11)Code of designated pollutantU.K.
(12)Protection TargetU.K.
(13)Exemption or postponement according to Article 22 of Directive 2008/50/ECU.K.
(C)Information on the assessment regime (Article 7)U.K.
(1)Provider (data type ‘Contact Details’)U.K.
(2)Change documentation (data type ‘Documentation of Change’)U.K.
(3)Information on zone (link to B)U.K.
(5)Environmental objective (data type ‘Environmental Objective’)U.K.
(6)Attainment of assessment thresholdU.K.
(7)Assessment threshold classification yearU.K.
(8)Documentation of the classification (web link)U.K.
(9)Assessment typeU.K.
(10)Assessment type: DescriptionU.K.
(11)Individual assessment metadata, including station ID, location information (link to D)U.K.
(12)Authority responsible for the assessment of air quality (data type ‘Contact Details’)U.K.
(13)Authority responsible for the approval of measurement systems (data type ‘Contact Details’)U.K.
(14)Authority responsible for ensuring the accuracy of measurements (data type ‘Contact Details’)U.K.
(15)Authority responsible for the analysis of assessment method (data type ‘Contact Details’)U.K.
(16)Authority responsible for the coordination of nation-wide quality assurance (data type ‘Contact Details’)U.K.
(D)Information on the assessment methods (Articles 8 and 9)U.K.
(i)General: information for all assessment methodsU.K.
(1)Provider (data type ‘Contact Details’)U.K.
(2)Change documentation (data type ‘Documentation of change’)U.K.
(3)Assessment TypeU.K.
(4)Information on zone (Link to B)U.K.
(ii)Fixed measurement InformationU.K.
(1)Measurement configuration IDU.K.
(2)European station IDU.K.
(3)Network IDU.K.
(4)National station codeU.K.
(5)Name of the monitoring stationU.K.
(6)Name of the municipalityU.K.
(7)Measurement start and end dateU.K.
(8)Measurement typeU.K.
(9)Measurement/sampling/analytical methodU.K.
(10)Measurement/sampling equipment (where available)U.K.
(11)Detection limit (where available)U.K.
(12)Demonstration of equivalenceU.K.
(13)Demonstration of equivalence: Documentation (web link)U.K.
(14)Sampling timeU.K.
(15)Sampling intervalU.K.
(16)Spatial Extent of representative area (data type ‘Spatial Extent’) (where available)U.K.
(17)Evaluation of representativeness (where available)U.K.
(18)Documentation of representativeness (web link) (where available)U.K.
(19)Sampling point location: height of air inlet above groundU.K.
(20)Sampling point location: horizontal distance of air inlet from the next building (for traffic stations)U.K.
(21)Sampling point location: Distance of air inlet from nearest lane (for traffic stations)U.K.
(22)Classification of station in relation to predominant emission sources relevant for the measurement configuration for each pollutantU.K.
(23)Main sources (traffic, domestic heating, industrial sources or source area etc.) (where available)U.K.
(24)Distance from predominant industrial source or source area (for industrial stations)U.K.
(25)Station time references: start and end dateU.K.
(26)Geographical coordinates: longitude, latitude and altitude of monitoring stationU.K.
(27)Documentation of station information including maps and photographs (web link) (where available)U.K.
(28)Classification of the areaU.K.
(29)Distance to major junction (for traffic stations)U.K.
(30)Assessed traffic volume (for traffic stations)U.K.
(31)Heavy-duty fraction of traffic (for traffic stations, where available)U.K.
(32)Traffic speed (for traffic stations, where available)U.K.
(33)Street canyon — width of street (for traffic stations, where available)U.K.
(34)Street canyon — mean height of building facades (for traffic stations, where available)U.K.
(35)Network nameU.K.
(36)Network: start and end date of operationU.K.
(37)Body responsible for network management (data type ‘Contact Details’)U.K.
(38)Assessment method for winter sanding and salting (where Article 21 of Directive 2008/50/EC applies)U.K.
(39)Assessment method for natural contribution (where Article 20 of Directive 2008/50/EC applies)U.K.
(40)Data quality objectives: time coverageU.K.
(41)Data quality objectives: data captureU.K.
(42)Data quality objectives: uncertainty estimationU.K.
(43)Data quality objectives: documentation of traceability and uncertainty estimationU.K.
(44)Data quality objectives: documentation of QA/QC (Web Link)U.K.
(iii)Indicative Measurement InformationU.K.
(1)Indicative measurement IDU.K.
(2)Description of measurement methodU.K.
(3)Measurement typeU.K.
(4)Measurement methodU.K.
(5)Measurement/sampling equipment (where available)U.K.
(6)Detection limit (where available)U.K.
(7)Sampling timeU.K.
(8)Sampling intervalU.K.
(9)Geographical coordinates: geographical longitude, latitude and altitudeU.K.
(10)Assessment method for winter sanding and salting (where Article 21 of Directive 2008/50/EC applies)U.K.
(11)Assessment method for natural contribution (where Article 20 of Directive 2008/50/EC applies)U.K.
(12)Data quality objectives: time coverageU.K.
(13)Data quality objectives: data captureU.K.
(14)Data quality objectives: uncertainty estimationU.K.
(15)Data quality objectives: documentation of traceability and uncertainty estimationU.K.
(16)Data quality objectives: documentation of QA/QC (Web Link)U.K.
(iv)Modelling InformationU.K.
(1)Modelling IDU.K.
(2)Environmental objective type (data type ‘Environmental Objective’)U.K.
(3)Modelling method: nameU.K.
(4)Modelling method: descriptionU.K.
(5)Modelling method: documentation (web link)U.K.
(6)Modelling method: validation by measurementU.K.
(7)Modelling method: validation by measurement at sites not reported under the AQDU.K.
(8)Modelling periodU.K.
(9)Area for modelling (data type ‘Spatial Extent’)U.K.
(10)Spatial resolutionU.K.
(11)Assessment method for winter sanding and salting (where Article 21 of Directive 2008/50/EC applies)U.K.
(12)Assessment method for natural contribution (where Article 20 of Directive 2008/50/EC applies)U.K.
(13)Data quality objectives: uncertainty estimationU.K.
(14)Data quality objectives: documentation of QA/QC (Web Link)U.K.
(v)Objective Estimation InformationU.K.
(1)Objective estimation IDU.K.
(3)Area for objective estimation (data type ‘Spatial Extent’)U.K.
(4)Data quality objective: uncertainty estimationU.K.
(5)Data quality objectives: documentation of traceability and uncertainty estimationU.K.
(6)Data quality objectives: documentation of QA/QC (Web Link)U.K.
(E)Information on primary validated assessment data and primary up-to-date assessment data (Article 10)U.K.
(1)Provider (data type ‘Contact Details’)U.K.
(2)Documentation of change (data type ‘Documentation of Change’)U.K.
(3)Version numberU.K.
(5)Unit of pollutantU.K.
(6)Assessment TypeU.K.
(7)Assessment Method (Link to D)U.K.
(8)Start and end date of samplingU.K.
(9)Time units and number of units of samplingU.K.
(10)Measurement value (including quantity of pollutant concentration levels attributed to natural sources and winter-sanding and -salting (where Articles 20 and 21 of Directive 2008/50/EC apply))U.K.
(11)Modelled value (data type ‘Spatial Observation’) (including quantity of pollutant concentration levels attributed to natural sources and winter-sanding and -salting (where Articles 20 and 21 of Directive 2008/50/EC apply))U.K.
(13)Verification statusU.K.
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(G)Information on the attainment of environmental objectives (Article 12)U.K.
This information must cover all zones and agglomerations and be fully coherent with the generated information under Part F of this Annex on aggregated validated assessment data for pollutants with defined environmental objectives.
(1)Provider (data type ‘Contact Details’)U.K.
(2)Reporting yearU.K.
(3)Change documentation (data type ‘Documentation of Change’)U.K.
(4)Information on zone (link to B)U.K.
(5)Exceedance situation (data type ‘Exceedance Situation’)U.K.
(7)Assessment information (link to D)U.K.
(8)Exceedance of the environmental objectiveU.K.
(9)Exceedance of the environmental objective plus margin of toleranceU.K.
(10)Exceedance taking into account natural sourcesU.K.
(11)Exceedance taking into account winter sanding or saltingU.K.
(12)Exceedance situation after consideration of natural contributions and winter sanding or salting (data type ‘Exceedance Situation’).U.K.
(13)Total numbers of exceedances (according to 8 to 11)U.K.
(H)Information on air quality plans (Article 13)U.K.
(1)Provider (data type ‘Contact Details’)U.K.
(2)Change documentation (data type ‘Documentation of Change’)U.K.
(3)Air quality plan: codeU.K.
(4)Air quality plan: nameU.K.
(5)Air quality plan: reference year of first exceedanceU.K.
(6)Competent authority (data type ‘Contact Details’)U.K.
(7)Air quality plan: statusU.K.
(8)Air quality plan: pollutants coveredU.K.
(9)Air quality plan: date of official adoptionU.K.
(10)Air quality plan: timetable of implementationU.K.
(11)Reference to air quality plan (web link)U.K.
(12)Reference to implementation (web link)U.K.
(13)Relevant publication (data type ‘Publication’)U.K.
(14)Code of the relevant exceedance situation(s) (link to G)U.K.
(I)Information on source apportionment (Article 13)U.K.
(1)Code(s) of exceedance situation (link to G)U.K.
(2)Reference yearU.K.
(3)Regional background: totalU.K.
(4)Regional background: from within Member StateU.K.
(5)Regional background: transboundaryU.K.
(6)Regional background: naturalU.K.
(7)Urban background increment: totalU.K.
(8)Urban background increment: trafficU.K.
(9)Urban background increment: industry including heat and power productionU.K.
(10)Urban background increment: agricultureU.K.
(11)Urban background increment: commercial and residentialU.K.
(12)Urban background increment: shippingU.K.
(13)Urban background increment: off-road mobile machineryU.K.
(14)Urban background increment: naturalU.K.
(15)Urban background increment: transboundaryU.K.
(16)Local increment: totalU.K.
(17)Local increment: trafficU.K.
(18)Local increment: industry including heat and power productionU.K.
(19)Local increment: agricultureU.K.
(20)Local increment: commercial and residentialU.K.
(21)Local increment: shippingU.K.
(22)Local increment: off-road mobile machineryU.K.
(23)Local increment: naturalU.K.
(24)Local increment: transboundaryU.K.
(J)Information on the scenario for the attainment year (Article 13)U.K.
(1)Code of exceedance situation (link to G)U.K.
(2)Code of scenarioU.K.
(3)Code of air quality plan (link to H)U.K.
(4)Reference year for which projections are developedU.K.
(5)Reference year from which projections are startedU.K.
(6)Source apportionment (link to I)U.K.
(7)Relevant publication (data type ‘Publication’)U.K.
(8)Baseline: description of the emission scenarioU.K.
(9)Baseline: total emissions in the relevant spatial unitU.K.
(10)Baseline: included measures (link to K)U.K.
(11)Baseline: expected concentration levels in the projection yearU.K.
(12)Baseline: expected number of exceedances in the projection yearU.K.
(13)Projection: description of the emission scenarioU.K.
(14)Projection: total emissions in the relevant spatial unitU.K.
(15)Projection: included measures (Link to K)U.K.
(16)Projection: expected concentration levels in the projection yearU.K.
(17)Projection: expected number of exceedances in the projection yearU.K.
(K)Information on measures (Articles 13 and 14)U.K.
(1)Code(s) of exceedance situation (link to G)U.K.
(2)Code of air quality plan (link to H)U.K.
(3)Code of evaluation scenario (link to J)U.K.
(4)Measure: codeU.K.
(5)Measure: nameU.K.
(6)Measure: descriptionU.K.
(7)Measure: classificationU.K.
(8)Measure: typeU.K.
(9)Measure: administrative levelU.K.
(10)Measure: time scaleU.K.
(11)Measure: affected source sectorU.K.
(12)Measure: spatial scaleU.K.
(13)Estimated implementation costs (where available)U.K.
(14)Planned implementation: start and end dateU.K.
(15)Date when the measure is planned to take full effectU.K.
(16)Other key implementation datesU.K.
(17)Indicator for monitoring progressU.K.
(18)Reduction in annual emissions due to applied measureU.K.
(19)Expected impact in level of concentrations in the projection year (where available)U.K.
(20)Expected impact in number of exceedances in the projection year (where available)U.K.