Council Decision of 3 December 2012 extending the application period of Decision 2010/371/EU concerning the conclusion of the consultation procedure with the Republic of Madagascar under Article 96 of the ACP-EU Partnership Agreement (2012/749/EU) (repealed)




Welcoming the progress made towards resolving the political crisis with the signing in September 2011 by the Malagasy political stakeholders of the roadmap to help Madagascar emerge from the crisis, on 5 December 2011 the European Union (EU) eased the appropriate measures laid down for Madagascar by Decision 2010/371/EU of 7 June 2010.

You were informed of the new decision by letter of 8 December 2011 specifying the preconditions for any measure by the EU to assist the transition. To that end, over the past year the EU has taken measures to assist the population and support the electoral process, as provided for in the schedule of commitments set out in the aforementioned letter.

Considerable progress has been made in the implementation of the roadmap, and that progress has been taken into account in the framework of the appropriate measures in force. Given that the roadmap has not been implemented in full, and pending the parliamentary elections and the second round of the presidential elections, scheduled for 3 July 2013, the appropriate measures will continue to apply, without any change in the reciprocal EU-Madagascar commitments and conditions, which remain fully valid until the EU decides that credible elections have taken place and that constitutional order has returned to Madagascar.

The EU, which attaches the greatest importance to the essential elements concerning respect for human rights, democratic institutions and the rule of law in accordance with Article 9 of the ACP-EU Partnership Agreement, urges you and all the stakeholders in the roadmap to redouble your efforts with a view to rapidly overcoming the political obstacles currently jeopardising its implementation.

The EU also encourages everyone to persevere in your efforts to ensure a peaceful political environment conducive to the holding of credible elections in May and July 2013 and the completion of the transition process agreed by the Malagasy authorities and endorsed by the international community.

The EU confirms its continued commitment to assisting the transition process and to rapidly introducing post-transition support measures, the details of which will be decided upon in the political dialogue with your Government.

The appropriate measures can be reviewed at any time in the light of developments — positive or negative — in the political situation in Madagascar.

Yours sincerely,

For the European Union

Catherine Ashton

Andrís Piebalgs