Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2015/2186Dangos y teitl llawn

Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2015/2186 of 25 November 2015 establishing a format for the submission and making available of information on tobacco products (notified under document C(2015) 8162) (Text with EEA relevance)



All fields marked (M) in the common format are mandatory.

Filter-dependent mandatory fields (F) become mandatory if a specific response is selected from a previous variable.

System-generated fields (AUTO) are automatically generated by the software system.

For fields in which the response is to be selected from a list, corresponding reference tables will be provided, maintained and published on a Commission website.


The submitter is either the manufacturer or importer responsible for the submitted data.


Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC of 6 May 2003 concerning the definition of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (OJ L 124, 20.5.2003, p. 36).

Field #FieldDescriptionReportingSubmitter considers information confidential
Submitter_IDSubmitter ID is the identification number attributed pursuant to Article 4M
Submitter_NameOfficial name of the submitter at Member State level, as linked to the VAT numberM
Submitter_SMEIndication whether the submitter, or its parent company if any, is an SME as defined in Commission Recommendation 2003/361/ECaM
Submitter_VATVAT number of the submitterM
Submitter_TypeIndication whether the submitter is a manufacturer or importerM
Submitter_AddressAddress of the submitterM
Submitter_CountryCountry in which the submitter has its seat/domicileM
Submitter_PhoneBusiness phone of the submitterM
Submitter_EmailFunctional business email address of the submitterM
Submitter_Has_Parent_CompanyTick the box if the submitter has a parent companyM
Submitter_Has_Affiliate_CompanyTick the box if the submitter has an affiliate companyM
Submitter_Appoints EntererTick the box if the submitter has appointed a third party to submit its data on its behalf (‘enterer’)M

2.1. Manufacturer/Importer Parent company characteristics

For the parent company, the following information must be provided: Submitter ID number if any, official name, address, country, business phone and functional business email address.

2.2. Manufacturer/Importer affiliate company characteristics

For each affiliate, the following information must be provided: Submitter ID number if any, official name, address, country, business phone and functional business email address.

2.3. Enterer reporting on behalf of the submitter

For the enterer, the following information must be provided: Submitter ID number if any, official name, address, country, business phone and functional business email address.



One unit for loose tobacco is 1 g.


For each manufacturer, the following information must be provided: ID number if any, official name, address, country, business phone and functional business email.

Field #FieldDescriptionReportingSubmitter considers information confidential
Submission_TypeType of submission for the productM
Submission_Start_DateSubmission date will be filled in automatically when the user submits the information about the productAUTO

TP-ID is the identification number of the product used in the system in the format ‘submitter ID-year-product number’ (NNNNN-NN-NNNNN), where

  • ‘submitter ID’ is the ID number of the submitter (see above),

  • ‘year’ is the year within which data on the product were submitted for the first time (2 digits)

  • ‘product number’ is the number attributed by the submitter to the product when submitting data for the first time

Product_ID_Other_ExistIndication whether the submitter is aware of another product(s) with the same design and composition that is marketed in the EU using a different TP-IDM
Product_ID_OtherList TP-ID of the product(s) with same design and composition. If TP-ID of the product(s) is not known to the submitter, full brand and subtype name(s) as well as Member State(s) where product(s) is placed on the market shall at least be providedF
Product_Same_Composition_ExistIndication whether the submitter is aware of another product(s) with the same proportion of ingredients in the tobacco blend compositionM
Product_Same_Composition_OtherList TP-ID of the product(s) with the same proportion of ingredients in the tobacco blend composition. If TP-ID of the product(s) is not known to the submitter, brand and subtype name(s) as well as Member State(s) where product(s) is placed on the market shall at least be providedF
Product_TypeType of tobacco product concernedM
Product_LengthAverage length of the product unit in mmF
Product_DiameterAverage diameter (measured at the point with maximal diameter) of the product unit in mmF
Product_WeightWeight of one product unita, including the moisture, in mgM
Product_Tobacco_WeightTotal weight of the tobacco in one product unit in mgM
Product_Manufacturer_IdentificationIf the submitter is not the manufacturer, the official company name(s) of the manufacturer(s) of the product including its contact detailsbF
Product_FilterExistence of a filter in the productF
Product_Filter_LengthLength of the product filter in mmF
Product_Production_Site_AddressFor each manufacturer, address(es) of the site(s) where production is completedM
Product_Technical_FileTechnical document setting out a general description of the additives used and their propertiesF
Product_Market_Research_FileInternal and external studies on market research and preferences of various consumer groups, including young people and current smokers, relating to ingredients and emissions, available to submitter as well as executive summaries of any market surveys carried out when launching new products. To be updated in case new data become available.M


Where products are presented for sale in different formats or where the same product is presented for sale in different Member States, the following variables must be completed for each format and each Member State.

Field #FieldDescriptionReportingSubmitter considers information confidential
Product_Brand_NameBrand name under which the product is marketed in the Member State to which information is being submitted.M
Product_Brand_Subtype_NameProduct ‘subtype name’ (if any) as marketed in the Member State to which the product information is being submittedM
Product_Launch_DateDate on which the submitter plans to launch/launched the product on the marketM
Product_Withdrawal_IndicationIndication that the submitter plans to withdraw/withdrew the product from the marketM
Product_Withdrawal_DateDate on which the submitter plans to withdraw/withdrew the product from the marketF
Product_Submitter_NumberID number used internally by the submitter


At least one of those numbers must be used consistently for all submissions made by a single submitter.

Product_UPC_NumberUPC-12 (Universal Product Code) of the product
Product_EAN_NumberEAN-13 or EAN-8, (European Article Number) of the product
Product_GTIN_NumberGTIN (Global Trade Identification Number) of the product
Product_SKU_NumberSKU (Stock Keeping Unit) number(s) of the product
Product_National_MarketMember State to which the product information below is being providedM
Product_Package_TypeType of product packageM
Product_Package_UnitsNumber of individual product units in the unit packetM
Product_Package_Net_WeightNet weight of one unit packet in gF
Product_Sales_VolumeInformation on annual sales volume of the product per Member State to be reported annually in product units or in kg loose tobaccoM
Product_Other_Market_DataSupplementary market data available to the submitter. To be updated in case new data become available.F


For each of the tobacco ingredients used in the product, the following variables must be completed for each combination of leaf cure method, leaf type and part type.


See definition of tobacco under Article 2(1) of Directive 2014/40/EU.


For each supplier, the following information must be provided: Submitter ID if any, official name, address, country, business phone and functional business email address.

Field #FieldDescriptionReportingSubmitter considers information confidential
Tobacco_Part_TypeType of tobacco partaM
Tobacco_Part_Type_OtherName of the tobacco part type if ‘other’F
Tobacco_Part_Description_FileGeneral description of the manufactured part type in the recipe. The description must provide detailed information on the quantitative and qualitative composition of the manufactured tobaccoF
Tobacco_Part_Manufactured_SupplierFor each supplier, the official company name(s) including its contact detailsbF
Tobacco_Leaf_TypeType of tobacco leaf usedM
Tobacco_Leaf_Type_OtherName or description of the tobacco leaf type if ‘other’ or ‘unspecified’F
Tobacco_Leaf_Cure_MethodMethod used to cure the tobacco leafM
Tobacco_Leaf_Cure_Method_OtherName or description of the cure method used if ‘other’.F
Tobacco_QuantityWeight per product unit in mgM



Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on food additives (OJ L 354, 31.12.2008, p. 16).


Regulation (EC) No 1334/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on flavourings and certain food ingredients with flavouring properties for use in and on foods and amending Council Regulation (EEC) No 1601/91, Regulations (EC) No 2232/96 and (EC) No 110/2008 and Directive 2000/13/EC (OJ L 354, 31.12.2008, p. 34).


As created by the European Community Commission Decision 81/437/EEC of 11 May 1981 laying down the criteria in accordance with which information relating to the inventory of chemical substances is supplied by the Member States to the Commission (OJ L 167, 24.6.1981, p. 31).


Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), establishing a European Chemicals Agency, amending Directive 1999/45/EC and repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No 793/93 and Commission Regulation (EC) No 1488/94 as well as Council Directive 76/769/EEC and Commission Directives 91/155/EEC, 93/67/EEC, 93/105/EC and 2000/21/EC (OJ L 396, 30.12.2006, p. 1).


Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures, amending and repealing Directives 67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC, and amending Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (OJ L 353, 31.12.2008, p. 1).

Field #FieldDescriptionReportingSubmitter considers information confidential
Ingredient_CategoryCategory of product component (e.g. filters, papers etc.)M
Ingredient_Category_OtherThe category of product component if ‘other’F
Ingredient_NameChemical name of the ingredientM
Ingredient_CASCAS (Chemical Abstracts Service) numberM
Ingredient_CAS_AdditionalAdditional CAS numbers if applicable.F
Ingredient_FEMA_NumberFEMA (Flavour and Extract Manufacturers Association) number if any


If a CAS number does not exist, at least one of those four numbers must be indicated. If more than one number is indicated, those numbers must be indicated in the following order of importance FEMA>Additive> FL>EC

Ingredient_Additive_NumberIf the ingredient is a food additive, its food additive ‘E number’ set out in Annexes II and III to Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Councila
Ingredient_FL_NumberFL number, if any (European Flavouring number as set out in Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 1334/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Councilb)
Ingredient_EC_NumberEuropean Community (EC) numberc if any
Ingredient_Quantity_FluctuateIndication whether the ingredient quantity fluctuates across production batchesM
Ingredient_Recipe_QuantityStandard weight of the ingredient included in one product unit in mg according to recipeM
Ingredient_Recipe_Range_Min_LevelIndication of the lowest weight (mg) of the ingredient in one product unit according to recipe, if the declared quantity fluctuates in order to adjust for the natural variations of the tobacco leafF
Ingredient_Recipe_Range_Max_LevelIndication of the highest weight (mg) of the ingredient in one product unit according to recipe, if the declared quantity fluctuates in order to adjust for the natural variations of the tobacco leafF
Ingredient_Measured_Mean_QuantityWeight of the ingredient in mg that was actually added per product unit during the reporting period (calculated in the form of the statistical mean of the quantities of that ingredient added to each produced standardised batch)F
Ingredient_Measured_SDStatistically derived standard deviation of the mean quantity of ingredient added per product unit within each standardised batchF
Ingredient_Measured_NumberNumber of measurements consideredF
Ingredient_FunctionFunction(s) of the ingredientM
Ingredient_Function_OtherFunction of the ingredient if ‘other’F
Ingredient_Priority_AdditiveIndication whether the ingredient is part of the priority list established pursuant to Article 6 of Directive 2014/40/EUM
Ingredient_Priority_Additive_FilesCopies of the report(s) which shall include an executive summary, and a comprehensive overview compiling the available scientific literature on that additive and summarising internal data on the effects of the additiveF
Ingredient_Unburnt_StatusIndication whether the ingredient in unburnt form is characterised by any known type of toxicity or has carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic for reproduction properties.M
Ingredient_REACH_RegistrationRegistration number pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Councild, if anyM
Ingredient_CLP_Whether_ClassificationIndication whether the ingredient has been classified under Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Councile and is in the classification and labelling inventoryM
Ingredient_CLP_ClassificationIngredient classification with regard to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008F
Ingredient_Tox_DataAvailability of toxicological data, concerning a substance, either in isolation or as part of a mixture. In each case, specify whether the toxicological data relate to the substance in burnt or unburnt formM
Ingredient_Tox_EmissionExistence of studies that indicate the chemistry and/or toxicity of emissionsF/M
Ingredient_Tox_CMRExistence of any study relating to the carcinogenicity, mutagenicity or toxicity for reproduction of the ingredient.F/M
Ingredient_Tox_CardioPulmonaryExistence of in vitro and in vivo assays to evaluate the toxicological effects of the ingredient on the heart, blood vessels or respiratory tract.F/M
Ingredient_Tox_AddictiveExistence of an analysis of the possible addictive properties of the ingredient.F/M
Ingredient_Tox_OtherExistence of any other toxicological data not stated aboveF/M
Ingredient_Tox/Addictive_FileUpload available studies indicated in the previous six fields (Ingredient Tox Data, Emission, CMR, CardioPulmonary, Addictive, Other)F/M



For each ‘other emission’ measured, all ‘Emission_Other’ fields in this section must be completed.

Field #FieldDescriptionReportingSubmitter considers information confidential
Emission_TarTar yield according to the ISO standard 4387 with the accuracy of measurements determined in accordance with ISO standard 8243F
Emission_NicotineNicotine yield according to the ISO standard 10315 with the accuracy of measurements determined in accordance with ISO standard 8243F
Emission_COCarbon monoxide yield according to the ISO standard 8454 with the accuracy of measurements determined in accordance with ISO standard 8243F
Emission_TNCO_LabIdentification of the laboratory/laboratories used to measure emissions of tar, nicotine and carbon monoxideF
Emission_Other_AvailableIndication as to whether other emissions have been measuredaM
Emission_Other_Methods_FileDescription of the measurement methods used to assess the other emission.F
Emission_Other_NameChemical name of the other emission produced during the testing of the productF
Emission_Other_CASCAS (Chemical Abstracts Service) number of the other emissionF
Emission_Other_IUPACIUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) name of the other emission, should a CAS number not existF
Emission_Other_QuantityQuantity of the other emission produced during the process of using the product, based on the measurement method usedF
Emission_Other_UnitsUnit in which the other emission is measuredF


Field #FieldDescriptionReportingSubmitter considers information confidential
Cigarette_Characterising_FlavourClassification of the cigarette as having a characterising flavour as referred to in Article 7(14) of Directive 2014/40/EUM
Cigarette_Filter_VentilationTotal ventilation of the filter (0-100 %)M
Cigarette_Filter_Drop_Pressure_ClosedDrop of pressure with closed vents (mmH2O)M
Cigarette_Filter_Drop_Pressure_OpenDrop of pressure with open vents (mmH2O)M


Field #FieldDescriptionReportingSubmitter considers information confidential
Smokeless_pHpH of the productM
Smokeless_Nicotine_ContentTotal nicotine content of the product per product unitM


Field #FieldDescriptionReportingSubmitter considers information confidential
Roll-your-own/pipe_Total_Nicotine_ContentTotal nicotine content of the loose product per product unitM

M and F in this section apply only to cigarettes.


M and F in this section apply only to smokeless products.


M and F in this section apply only to roll-your own and pipe tobacco.