Council Directive of 26 June 1964 on animal health problems affecting intra-Community trade in bovine animals and swine (64/432/EEC)

[F1 [F23A. The officially brucellosis-free status of a herd is to be suspended if: U.K.


the conditions detailed in paragraphs 1 and 2 are no longer fulfilled; or


as a result of laboratory tests or on clinical grounds one or more bovine animals is suspected of having brucellosis and the suspect animals have been slaughtered or isolated in a way to avoid any direct or indirect contact with the other animals.

Where the animal has been slaughtered and is no longer available for testing, the suspension may be lifted if two serum agglutination tests, carried out in accordance with Annex C on all bovine animals in the herd over 12 months old, show a titre lower than 30 IU of agglutination per ml. The first test shall be carried out at least 30 days after the removal of the animal and the second at least 60 days later.

Where the animal has been isolated from the animals in the herd, it may be reintroduced into the herd and the status of the herd may be restored following:


a serum agglutination test which has shown a titre lower than 30 IU of agglutination per ml and has given a negative result to a complement fixation test, or


a negative result to any other combination of tests approved for that purpose under the procedure set out in Article 17.] ]