Fourth Council Directive of 25 July 1978 based on Article 54 (3) (g) of the Treaty on the annual accounts of certain types of companies (78/660/EEC) (repealed)

SECTION 7U.K.Valuation rules

Article 31U.K.

1.The Member States shall ensure that the items shown in the annual accounts are valued in accordance with the following general principles:

(a)the company must be presumed to be carrying on its business as a going concern;

(b)the methods of valuation must be applied consistently from one financial year to another;

(c)valuation must be made on a prudent basis, and in particular:

  • (c)only profits made at the balance sheet date may be included,

  • [F1account must be taken of all liabilities arising in the course of the financial year concerned or of a previous one, even if such liabilities become apparent only between the date of the balance sheet and the date on which it is drawn up,]

  • account must be taken of all depreciation, whether the result of the financial year is a loss or a profit;

(d)account must be taken of income and charges relating to the financial year, irrespective of the date of receipt or payment of such income or charges;

(e)the components of asset and liability items must be valued separately;

(f)the opening balance sheet for each financial year must correspond to the closing balance sheet for the preceding financial year.

[F21a. In addition to those amounts recorded pursuant to paragraph (1)(c)(bb), Member States may permit or require account to be taken of all foreseeable liabilities and potential losses arising in the course of the financial year concerned or of a previous one, even if such liabilities or losses become apparent only between the date of the balance sheet and the date on which it is drawn up.]

2.Departures from these general principles shall be permitted in exceptional cases. Any such departures must be disclosed in the notes on the accounts and the reasons for them given together with an assessment of their effect on the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss.

Article 32U.K.

The items shown in the annual accounts shall be valued in accordance with Articles 34 to 42, which are based on the principle of purchase price or production cost.

Article 33U.K.

1.The Member States may declare to the Commission that they reserve the power, by way of derogation from Article 32 and pending subsequent coordination, to permit or require in respect of all companies or any classes of companies:

(a)valuation by the replacement value method for tangible fixed assets with limited useful economic lives and for stocks;

(b)valuation by methods other than that provided for in (a) which are designed to take account of inflation for the items shown in annual accounts, including capital and reserves;

[F1(c) revaluation of fixed assets.]

Where national law provides for valuation methods as indicated in (a), (b) and (c), it must define their content and limits and the rules for their application.

The application of any such method, the balance sheet and profit and loss account items concerned and the method by which the values shown are calculated shall be disclosed in the notes on the accounts.

2.(a)Where paragraph 1 is applied, the amount of the difference between valuation by the method used and valuation in accordance with the general rule laid down in Article 32 must be entered in the revaluation reserve under ‘Liabilities’. The treatment of this item for taxation purposes must be explained either in the balance sheet or in the notes on the accounts.

For purposes of the application of the last subparagraph of paragraph 1, companies shall, whenever the amount of the reserve has been changed in the course of the financial year, publish in the notes on the accounts inter alia a table showing:

  • (a)the amount of the revaluation reserve at the beginning of the financial year,

  • the revaluation differences transferred to the revaluation reserve during the financial year,

  • the amounts capitalized or otherwise transferred from the revaluation reserve during the financial year, the nature of any such transfer being diclosed,

  • the amount of the revaluation reserve at the end of the financial year.

(b)The revaluation reserve may be capitalized in whole or in part at any time.

(c)The revaluation reserve must be reduced to the extent that the amounts transferred thereto are no longer necessary for the implementation of the valuation method used and the achievement of its purpose.

The Member States may lay down rules governing the application of the revaluation reserve, provided that transfers to the profit and loss account from the revaluation reserve may be made only to the extent that the amounts transferred have been entered as charges in the profit and loss account or reflect increases in value which have been actually realized. These amounts must be disclosed separately in the profit and loss account. No part of the revaluation reserve may be distributed, either directly or indirectly, unless it represents gains actually realized.

(d)Save as provided under (b) and (c) the revaluation reserve may not be reduced.

3.Value adjustments shall be calculated each year on the basis of the value adopted for the financial year in question, save that by way of derogation from Articles 4 and 22, the Member States may permit or require that only the amount of the value adjustments arising as a result of the application of the general rule laid down in Article 32 be shown under the relevant items in the layouts prescribed in Articles 23 to 26 and that the difference arising as a result of the valuation method adopted under this Article be shown separately in the layouts. Furthermore, Articles 34 to 42 shall apply mutatis mutandis.

4.Where paragraph 1 is applied, the following must be disclosed, either in the balance sheet or in the notes on the accounts, separately for each balance sheet item as provided for in the layouts prescribed in Articles 9 and 10, except for stocks, either:

(a)the amount at the balance sheet date of the valuation made in accordance with the general rule laid down in Article 32 and the amount of the cumulative value adjustments; or

(b)the amount at the balance sheet date of the difference between the valuation made in accordance with this Article and that resulting from the application of Article 32 and, where appropriate, the cumulative amount of the additional value adjustments.

5.Without prejudice to Article 52 the Council shall, on a proposal from the Commission and within seven years of the notification of this Directive, examine and, where necessary, amend this Article in the light of economic and monetary trends in the Community.

Article 34U.K.

1.(a)Where national law authorizes the inclusion of formation expenses under ‘Assets’, they must be written off within a maximum period of five years.

(b)In so far as formation expenses have not been completely written off, no distribution of profits shall take place unless the amount of the reserves available for distribution and profits brought forward is at least equal to that of the expenses not written off.

2.The amounts entered under ‘Formation expenses’ must be explained in the notes on the accounts.

Article 35U.K.

1.(a)Fixed assets must be valued at purchase price or production cost, without prejudice to (b) and (c) below.

(b)The purchase price or production cost of fixed assets with limited useful economic lives must be reduced by value adjustments calculated to write off the value of such assets systematically over their useful economic lives.

  • (c)Value adjustments may be made in respect of financial fixed assets, so that they are valued at the lower figure to be attributed to them at the balance sheet date.

  • Value adjustments must be made in respect of fixed assets, whether their useful economic lives are limited or not, so that they are valued at the lower figure to be attributed to them at the balance sheet date if it is expected that the reduction in their value will be permanent.

  • The value adjustments referred to in (aa) and (bb) must be charget to the profit and loss account and disclosed separately in the notes on the accounts if they have not been shown separately in the profit and loss account.

  • Valuation at the lower of the values provided for in (aa) and (bb) may not be continued if the reasons for which the value adjustments were made have ceased to apply.

(d)If fixed assets are the subject of exceptional value adjustments for taxation purposes alone, the amount of the adjustments and the reasons for making them shall be indicated in the notes on the accounts.

2.The purchase price shall be calculated by adding to the price paid the expenses incidental thereto.

3.(a)The production cost shall be calculated by adding to the purchasing price of the raw materials and consumables the costs directly attributable to the product in question.

(b)A reasonable proportion of the costs which are only indirectly attributable to the product in question may be added into the production costs to the extent that they relate to the period of production.

4.Interest on capital borrowed to finance the production of fixed assets may be included in the production costs to the extent that it relates to the period of production. In that event, the inclusion of such interest under ‘Assets’ must be disclosed in the notes on the accounts.

Article 36U.K.

By way of derogation from Article 35 (1) (c) (cc), the Member States may allow investment companies within the meaning of Article 5 (2) to set off value adjustments to investments directly against ‘Capital and reserves’. The amounts in question must be shown separately under ‘Liabilities’ in the balance sheet.

Article 37U.K.

1.Article 34 shall apply to costs of research and development. In exceptional cases, however, the Member States may permit derogations from Article 34 (1) (a). In that case, they may also provide for derogations from Article 34 (1) (b). Such derogations and the reasons for them must be disclosed in the notes on the accounts.

2.Article 34 (1) (a) shall apply to goodwill. The Member States may, however, permit companies to write goodwill off systematically over a limited period exceeding five years provided that this period does not exceed the useful economic life of the asset and is disclosed in the notes on the accounts together with the supporting reasons therefore.

Article 38U.K.

Tangible fixed assets, raw materials and consumables which are constantly being replaced and the overall value of which is of secondary importance to the undertaking may be shown under ‘Assets’ at a fixed quantity and value, if the quantity, value and composition thereof do not vary materially.

Article 39U.K.

1.(a)Current assets must be valued at purchase price or production cost, without prejudice to (b) and (c) below.

(b)Value adjustments shall be made in respect of current assets with a view to showing them at the lower market value or, in particular circumstances, another lower value to be attributed to them at the balance sheet date.

(c)The Member States may permit exceptional value adjustments where, on the basis of a reasonable commercial assessment, these are necessary if the valuation of these items is not to be modified in the near future because of fluctuations in value. The amount of these value adjustments must be disclosed separately in the profit and loss account or in the notes on the accounts.

(d)Valuation at the lower value provided for in (b) and (c) may not be continued if the reasons for which the value adjustments were made have ceased to apply.

(e)If current assets are the subject of exceptional value adjustments for taxation purposes alone, the amount of the adjustments and the reasons for making them must be disclosed in the notes on the accounts.

2.The definitions of purchase price and of production cost given in Article 35 (2) and (3) shall apply. The Member States may also apply Article 35 (4). Distribution costs may not be included in production costs.

Article 40U.K.

1.The Member States may permit the purchase price or production cost of stocks of goods of the same category and all fungible items including investments to be calculated either on the basis of weighted average prices or by the ‘first in, first out’ (FIFO) method, the ‘last in, first out’ (LIFO) method, or some similar method.

2.Where the value shown in the balance sheet, following application of the methods of calculation specified in paragraph 1, differs materially, at the balance sheet date, from the value on the basis of the last known market value prior to the balance sheet date, the amount of that difference must be disclosed in total by category in the notes on the accounts.

Article 41U.K.

1.Where the amount repayable on account of any debt is greater than the amount received, the difference may be shown as an asset. It must be shown separately in the ba-lance sheet or in the notes on the accounts.

2.The amount of this difference must be written off by a reasonable amount each year and completely written off no later than the time of repayment of the debt.

Article 42U.K.

[F1Provisions may not exceed in amount the sums which are necessary.]

The provisions shown in the balance sheet under ‘Other provisions’ must be disclosed in the notes on the accounts if they are material.