[F12. Buffers for the IF test U.K.
2.1. IF-Buffer (10 mM phosphate buffered saline (PBS), pH 7,2) U.K.
This buffer is used for dilution of antibodies.
Na 2 HPO 4 .12H 2 O | 2,7 g |
NaH 2 PO 4 .2H 2 O | 0,4 g |
NaCl | 8,0 g |
Distilled water | 1.0 L |
Dissolve ingredients, check pH and sterilise by autoclaving at 121 °C for 15 min.
2.2. IF-buffer-Tween U.K.
This buffer is used to wash slides.
Add 0,1 % Tween 20 to the IF buffer.
2.3. Phosphate buffered glycerol, pH 7,6 U.K.
This buffer is used as a mountant fluid on the windows of IF slides to enhance fluorescence.
Na 2 HPO 4 .12H 2 O | 3,2 g |
NaH 2 PO 4 .2H 2 O | 0,15 g |
Glycerol | 50 ml |
Distilled water | 100 ml |
Anti-fading mountant solutions are commercially available e.g. Vectashield ® (Vector Laboratories) or Citifluor ® (Leica).]
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