Council Directive 98/83/ECDangos y teitl llawn

Council Directive 98/83/EC of 3 November 1998 on the quality of water intended for human consumption

Article 9U.K.Derogations

1.Member States may provide for derogations from the parametric values set out in Annex I, Part B, or set in accordance with Article 5(3), up to a maximum value to be determined by them, provided no derogation constitutes a potential danger to human health and provided that the supply of water intended for human consumption in the area concerned cannot otherwise be maintained by any other reasonable means. Derogations shall be limited to as short a time as possible and shall not exceed three years, towards the end of which a review shall be conducted to determine whether sufficient progress has been made. Where a Member State intends to grant a second derogation, it shall communicate the review, along with the grounds for its decision on the second derogation, to the Commission. No such second derogation shall exceed three years.

2.In exceptional circumstances, a Member State may ask the Commission for a third derogation for a period not exceeding three years. The Commission shall take a decision on any such request within three months.

3.Any derogation granted in accordance with paragraphs 1 or 2 shall specify the following:

(a)the grounds for the derogation;

(b)the parameter concerned, previous relevant monitoring results, and the maximum permissible value under the derogation;

(c)the geographical area, the quantity of water supplied each day, the population concerned and whether or not any relevant food-production undertaking would be affected;

(d)an appropriate monitoring scheme, with an increased monitoring frequency where necessary;

(e)a summary of the plan for the necessary remedial action, including a timetable for the work and an estimate of the cost and provisions for reviewing;

(f)the required duration of the derogation.

4.If the competent authorities consider the non-compliance with the parametric value to be trivial, and if action taken in accordance with Article 8(2) is sufficient to remedy the problem within 30 days, the requirements of paragraph 3 need not be applied.

In that event, only the maximum permissible value for the parameter concerned and the time allowed to remedy the problem shall be set by the competent authorities or other relevant bodies.

5.Recourse may no longer be had to paragraph 4 if failure to comply with any one parametric value for a given water supply has occurred on more than 30 days on aggregate during the previous 12 months.

6.Any Member State which has recourse to the derogations provided for in this Article shall ensure that the population affected by any such derogation is promptly informed in an appropriate manner of the derogation and of the conditions governing it. In addition the Member State shall, where necessary, ensure that advice is given to particular population groups for which the derogation could present a special risk.

These obligations shall not apply in the circumstances described in paragraph 4 unless the competent authorities decide otherwise.

7.With the exception of derogations granted in accordance with paragraph 4 a Member State shall inform the Commission within two months of any derogation concerning an individual supply of water exceeding 1 000 m3 a day as an average or serving more than 5 000 persons, including the information specified in paragraph 3.

8.This Article shall not apply to water intended for human consumption offered for sale in bottles or containers.