


The infrastructure of the trans-European conventional rail system shall be that on the lines of the trans-European transport network identified in Decision No 1692/96/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 1996 on Community guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network(1) or listed in any update to the same Decision as a result of the revision provided for in Article 21 of that Decision.

For the purposes of this Directive, this network may be subdivided into the following categories:

This infrastructure includes traffic management, tracking, and navigation systems: technical installations for data processing and telecommunications intended for long-distance passenger services and freight services on the network in order to guarantee the safe and harmonious operation of the network and efficient traffic management.


The rolling stock shall comprise all the stock likely to travel on all or part of the trans-European conventional rail network, including:

Each of the above categories must be subdivided into:

taking due account of the local, regional or long-distance use of the stock.


The quality of rail services in Europe depends, inter alia, on excellent compatibility between the characteristics of the infrastructure (in the broadest sense, i.e. the fixed parts of all the subsystems concerned) and those of the rolling stock (including the onboard components of all the subsystems concerned). Performance levels, safety, quality of service and cost depend upon that compatibility.



For the purposes of this Directive, the system constituting the trans-European conventional rail system may be broken down into the following two subsystems, either:


structural areas:

  • infrastructure;

  • energy;

  • control and command and signalling;

  • traffic operation and management;

  • rolling stock; or


operational areas:

  • maintenance;

  • telematics applications for passenger and freight services.


For each subsystem or part of a subsystem, the list of constituents and aspects relating to interoperability is proposed by the joint representative body at the time of drawing up the relevant draft TSI.

Without prejudging the choice of aspects and constituents relating to interoperability or the order in which they will be made subject to TSIs, the subsystems include, in particular:


The track, points, engineering structures (bridges, tunnels, etc.), associated station infrastructure (platforms, zones of access, including the needs of persons with reduced mobility, etc.), safety and protective equipment.


The electrification system, overhead lines and current collectors.

2.3.Control and command and signalling:

All the equipment necessary to ensure safety and to command and control movements of trains authorised to travel on the network.

2.4.Traffic operation and management:

The procedures and related equipment enabling a coherent operation of the different structural subsystems, both during normal and degraded operation, including in particular train driving, traffic planning and management.

The professional qualifications which may be required for carrying out cross-border services.

2.5.Telematics applications:

In accordance with Annex I, this subsystem comprises two elements:


applications for passenger services, including systems providing passengers with information before and during the journey, reservation and payment systems, luggage management and management of connections between trains and with other modes of transport;


applications for freight services, including information systems (real-time monitoring of freight and trains), marshalling and allocation systems, reservation, payment and invoicing systems, management of connections with other modes of transport and production of electronic accompanying documents.

2.6.Rolling stock:

Structure, command and control system for all train equipment, traction and energy conversion units, braking, coupling and running gear (bogies, axles, etc.) and suspension, doors, man/machine interfaces (driver, on-board staff and passengers, including the needs of persons with reduced mobility), passive or active safety devices and requisites for the health of passengers and on-board staff.


The procedures, associated equipment, logistics centres for maintenance work and reserves allowing the mandatory corrective and preventive maintenance to ensure the interoperability of the rail system and guarantee the performance required.




1.1.1.The design, construction or assembly, maintenance and monitoring of safety-critical components and, more particularly, of the components involved in train movements must be such as to guarantee safety at the level corresponding to the aims laid down for the network, including those for specific degraded situations.
1.1.2.The parameters involved in the wheel/rail contact must meet the stability requirements needed in order to guarantee safe movement at the maximum authorised speed.
1.1.3.The components used must withstand any normal or exceptional stresses that have been specified during their period in service. The safety repercussions of any accidental failures must be limited by appropriate means.
1.1.4.The design of fixed installations and rolling stock and the choice of the materials used must be aimed at limiting the generation, propagation and effects of fire and smoke in the event of a fire.
1.1.5.Any devices intended to be handled by users must be so designed as not to impair the safe operation of the devices or the health and safety of users if used foreseeably in a manner not in accordance with the posted instructions.

1.2.Reliability and availability

The monitoring and maintenance of fixed or movable components that are involved in train movements must be organised, carried out and quantified in such a manner as to maintain their operation under the intended conditions.


1.3.1.Materials likely, by virtue of the way they are used, to constitute a health hazard to those having access to them must not be used in trains and railway infrastructure.
1.3.2.Those materials must be selected, deployed and used in such a way as to restrict the emission of harmful and dangerous fumes or gases, particularly in the event of fire.

1.4.Environmental protection

1.4.1.The environmental impact of establishment and operation of the trans-European conventional rail system must be assessed and taken into account at the design stage of the system in accordance with the Community provisions in force.
1.4.2.The materials used in the trains and infrastructure must prevent the emission of fumes or gases which are harmful and dangerous to the environment, particularly in the event of fire.
1.4.3.The rolling stock and energy-supply systems must be designed and manufactured in such a way as to be electromagnetically compatible with the installations, equipment and public or private networks with which they might interfere.
1.4.4.Operation of the trans-European conventional rail system must respect existing regulations on noise pollution.
1.4.5.Operation of the trans-European conventional rail system must not give rise to an inadmissible level of ground vibrations for the activities and areas close to the infrastructure and in a normal state of maintenance.

1.5.Technical compatibility

The technical characteristics of the infrastructure and fixed installations must be compatible with each other and with those of the trains to be used on the trans-European conventional rail system.

If compliance with these characteristics proves difficult on certain sections of the network, temporary solutions, which ensure compatibility in the future, may be implemented.




Appropriate steps must be taken to prevent access to or undesirable intrusions into installations.

Steps must be taken to limit the dangers to which persons are exposed, particularly when trains pass through stations.

Infrastructure to which the public has access must be designed and made in such a way as to limit any human safety hazards (stability, fire, access, evacuation, platforms, etc.).

Appropriate provisions must be laid down to take account of the particular safety conditions in very long tunnels.



Operation of the energy-supply systems must not impair the safety either of trains or of persons (users, operating staff, trackside dwellers and third parties).

2.2.2.Environmental protection

The functioning of the electrical or thermal energy-supply systems must not interfere with the environment beyond the specified limits.

2.2.3.Technical compatibility

The electricity/thermal energy supply systems used must:

2.3.Control and command and signalling


The control and command and signalling installations and procedures used must enable trains to travel with a level of safety which corresponds to the objectives set for the network. The control and command and signalling systems should continue to provide for safe passage of trains permitted to run under degraded conditions.

2.3.2.Technical compatibility

All new infrastructure and all new rolling stock manufactured or developed after adoption of compatible control and command and signalling systems must be tailored to use of those systems.

The control and command and signalling equipment installed in the train drivers' cabs must permit normal operation, under the specified conditions, throughout the trans-European conventional rail system.

2.4.Rolling stock


The structure of the rolling stock and of the links between vehicles must be designed in such a way as to protect the passenger and driving compartments in the event of collision or derailment.

The electrical equipment must not impair the safety and functioning of the control and command and signalling installations.

The braking techniques and the stresses exerted must be compatible with the design of the track, engineering structures and signalling systems.

Steps must be taken to prevent access to electrically-live constituents in order not to endanger the safety of persons.

In the event of danger, devices must enable passengers to inform the driver and accompanying staff to contact him.

The access doors must incorporate an opening and closing system which guarantees passenger safety.

Emergency exits must be provided and indicated.

Appropriate provisions must be laid down to take account of the particular safety conditions in very long tunnels.

An emergency lighting system of sufficient intensity and duration is compulsory on board trains.

Trains must be equipped with a public address system which provides a means of communication to the public from on-board staff and ground control.

2.4.2.Reliability and availability

The design of the vital equipment, of the running, traction and braking equipment and of the control and command system must be such as to enable the train to continue its mission, in a specific degraded situation, without adverse consequences for the equipment remaining in service.

2.4.3.Technical compatibility

The electrical equipment must be compatible with the operation of the control and command and signalling installations.

In the case of electric traction, the characteristics of the current-collection devices must be such as to enable trains to travel under the energy-supply systems for the trans-European conventional rail system.

The characteristics of the rolling stock must be such as to allow it to travel on any line on which it is expected to operate.


2.5.1.Health and safety

The technical installations and the procedures used in the centres must ensure the safe operation of the subsystem and not constitute a danger to health and safety.

2.5.2.Environmental protection

The technical installations and the procedures used in the maintenance centres must not exceed the permissible levels of nuisance with regard to the surrounding environment.

2.5.3.Technical compatibility

The maintenance installations for conventional rolling stock must be such as to enable safety, health and comfort operations to be carried out on all stock for which they have been designed.

2.6.Operation and traffic management


Alignment of the network operating rules and the qualifications of drivers and on-board staff and of the staff in the control centres must be such as to ensure safe operation, bearing in mind the different requirements of cross-border and domestic services.

The maintenance operations and intervals, the training and qualifications of the maintenance and control centre staff and the quality assurance system set up by the operators concerned in the control and maintenance centres must be such as to ensure a high level of safety.

2.6.2.Reliability and availability

The maintenance operations and periods, the training and qualifications of the maintenance and control centre staff and the quality assurance system set up by the operators concerned in the control and maintenance centres must be such as to ensure a high level of system reliability and availability.

2.6.3.Technical compatibility

Alignment of the network operating rules and the qualifications of drivers, on-board staff and traffic managers must be such as to ensure operating efficiency on the trans-European conventional rail system, bearing in mind the different requirements of cross-border and domestic services.

2.7.Telematics applications for freight and passengers

2.7.1.Technical compatibility

The essential requirements for telematics applications guarantee a minimum quality of service for passengers and carriers of goods, particularly in terms of technical compatibility.

Steps must be taken to ensure:

2.7.2.Reliability and availability

The methods of use, management, updating and maintenance of these databases, software and data communication protocols must guarantee the efficiency of these systems and the quality of the service.


The interfaces between these systems and users must comply with the minimum rules on ergonomics and health protection.


Suitable levels of integrity and dependability must be provided for the storage or transmission of safety-related information.



The ‘EC’ declaration applies to the interoperability constituents involved in the interoperability of the trans-European conventional rail system, as referred to in Article 3. These interoperability constituents may be:

1.1.Multiple-use constituents

These are constituents that are not specific to the railway system and which may be used as such in other areas.

1.2.Multiple-use constituents having specific characteristics

These are constituents which are not, as such, specific to the railway system, but which must display specific performance levels when used for railway purposes.

1.3.Specific constituents

These are constituents that are specific to railway applications.


The ‘EC’ declaration covers:

The assessment procedures implemented by the notified bodies at the design and production stages will draw upon the modules defined in Decision 93/465/EEC, in accordance with the conditions referred to in the TSIs.


The ‘EC’ declaration of conformity or of suitability for use and the accompanying documents must be dated and signed.

That declaration must be written in the same language as the instructions and must contain the following:


The ‘EC’ declaration of verification and the accompanying documents must be dated and signed.

That declaration must be written in the same language as the technical file and must contain the following:



‘EC’ verification is the procedure whereby a notified body checks and certifies, at the request of a contracting entity or of its authorised representative established within the Community, that a subsystem:


The subsystem is checked at each of the following stages:


The notified body responsible for ‘EC’ verification draws up the certificate of conformity intended for the contracting entity or its authorised representative established within the Community, which in turn draws up the ‘EC’ declaration of verification intended for the supervisory authority in the Member State in which the subsystem is located and/or operates.


The technical file accompanying the declaration of verification must be made up as follows:


5.1.The aim of ‘EC’ monitoring is to ensure that the obligations deriving from the technical file have been met during production of the subsystem.

5.2.The notified body responsible for checking production must have permanent access to building sites, production workshops, storage areas and, where appropriate, prefabrication or testing facilities and, more generally, to all premises which it considers necessary for its task. The contracting entity or its authorised representative within the Community must send it or have sent to it all the documents needed for that purpose and, in particular, the implementation plans and technical documentation concerning the subsystem.

5.3.The notified body responsible for checking implementation must periodically carry out audits in order to confirm compliance with the Directive. It must provide those responsible for implementation with an audit report. It may require to be present at certain stages of the building operations.

5.4.In addition, the notified body may pay unexpected visits to the worksite or to the production workshops. At the time of such visits the notified body may conduct complete or partial audits. It must provide those responsible for implementation with an inspection report and, if appropriate, an audit report.


The complete file referred to in paragraph 4 must be lodged with the contracting entity or its authorised agent established within the Community in support of the certificate of conformity issued by the notified body responsible for verification of the subsystem in working order. The file must be attached to the ‘EC’ declaration of verification which the contracting entity sends to the supervisory authority in the Member State concerned.

A copy of the file must be kept by the contracting entity throughout the service life of the subsystem. It must be sent to any other Member States which so request.


Each notified body must periodically publish relevant information concerning:


The files and correspondence relating to the ‘EC’ verification procedures must be written in an official language of the Member State in which the contracting entity or its authorised representative within the Community is established or in a language accepted by the entity.


1.The body, its Director and the staff responsible for carrying out the checks may not become involved, either directly or as authorised representatives, in the design, manufacture, construction, marketing or maintenance of the interoperability constituents or subsystems or in their use. This does not exclude the possibility of an exchange of technical information between the manufacturer or constructor and that body.

2.The body and the staff responsible for the checks must carry out the checks with the greatest possible professional integrity and the greatest possible technical competence and must be free of any pressure and incentive, in particular of a financial type, which could affect their judgement or the results of their inspection, in particular from persons or groups of persons affected by the results of the checks.

3.The body must employ staff and possess the means required to perform adequately the technical and administrative tasks linked with the checks; it should also have access to the equipment needed for exceptional checks.

4.The staff responsible for the checks must possess:

5.The independence of the staff responsible for the checks must be guaranteed. No official must be remunerated either on the basis of the number of checks performed or of the results of those checks.

6.The body must take out civil liability insurance unless that liability is covered by the State under national law or unless the checks are carried out directly by that Member State.

7.The staff of the body are bound by professional secrecy with regard to everything they learn in the performance of their duties (with the exception of the competent administrative authorities in the State where they perform those activities) in pursuance of this Directive or any provision of national law implementing the Directive.


1.In line with the general Community standardisation procedures, the JRB must work openly and transparently, based on consensus and independent of any particular interests. To this end, all members of the three categories represented on the JRB — infrastructure managers, railway companies and industry — must have the opportunity to express their opinion during the process of drafting TSIs, in accordance with the JRB's rules of procedure and before finalisation of the draft TSIs by the JRB.

2.If the JRB lacks the expertise required in order to draft a particular TSI, it must inform the Commission immediately.

3.The JRB must set up the working parties necessary for the purposes of drafting TSIs; these working parties must have a flexible, efficient structure. To this end, the number of experts must be limited. Balanced representation must be ensured between infrastructure managers and railway companies on the one hand and industry on the other; an appropriate balance must be struck between different nationalities. Experts from non-Community countries may sit in on working parties as observers.

4.Any difficulties which emerge in relation with this Directive and which cannot be resolved by the JRB's working parties must be reported to the Commission without delay.

5.All the working papers necessary in order to monitor the JRB's work must be placed at the disposal of the Commission and the Committee referred to in Article 21.

6.The JRB must take all measures necessary to safeguard the confidentiality of any critical information which comes to its knowledge in the course of its activities.

7.The JRB must take all measures necessary to inform all its members and all experts participating in the working parties of the results of the work of the Committee referred to in Article 21 and of the recommendations made by the Committee and by the Commission.