

Article 7Conditions for admission

1.A third-country national who applies to be admitted for the purposes set out in this Directive shall:

(a)present a valid travel document, as determined by national law. Member States may require the period of the validity of the travel document to cover at least the duration of the residence permit;

(b)present a hosting agreement signed with a research organisation in accordance with Article 6(2);

(c)where appropriate, present a statement of financial responsibility issued by the research organisation in accordance with Article 6(3); and

(d)not be considered to pose a threat to public policy, public security or public health.

Member States shall check that all the conditions referred to in points (a), (b), (c) and (d) are met.

2.Member States may also check the terms upon which the hosting agreement has been based and concluded.

3.Once the checks referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 have been positively concluded, researchers shall be admitted on the territory of the Member States to carry out the hosting agreement.

Article 8Duration of residence permit

Member States shall issue a residence permit for a period of at least one year and shall renew it if the conditions laid down in Articles 6 and 7 are still met. If the research project is scheduled to last less than one year, the residence permit shall be issued for the duration of the project.

Article 9Family members

1.When a Member State decides to grant a residence permit to the family members of a researcher, the duration of validity of their residence permit shall be the same as that of the residence permit issued to the researcher insofar as the period of validity of their travel documents allows it. In duly justified cases, the duration of the residence permit of the family member of the researcher may be shortened.

2.The issue of the residence permit to the family members of the researcher admitted to a Member State shall not be made dependent on the requirement of a minimum period of residence of the researcher.

Article 10Withdrawal or non-renewal of the residence permit

1.Member States may withdraw or refuse to renew a residence permit issued on the basis of this Directive when it has been fraudulently acquired or wherever it appears that the holder did not meet or no longer meets the conditions for entry and residence provided by Articles 6 and 7 or is residing for purposes other that that for which he was authorised to reside.

2.Member States may withdraw or refuse to renew a residence permit for reasons of public policy, public security or public health.