Council Directive 2005/94/ECDangos y teitl llawn

Council Directive 2005/94/EC of 20 December 2005 on Community measures for the control of avian influenza and repealing Directive 92/40/EEC

ANNEX IU.K.(referred to in Article 2)

Definition of avian influenzaU.K.

1.‘avian influenza’ means an infection of poultry or other captive birds caused by any influenza A virus:U.K.


of the subtypes H5 or H7; or


with an intravenous pathogenicity index (IVPI) in six-week old chickens greater than 1.2;

2.‘highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI)’ means an infection of poultry or other captive birds caused by:U.K.


avian influenza viruses of the subtypes H5 or H7 with genome sequences codifying for multiple basic amino acids at the cleavage site of the haemagglutinin molecule similar to that observed for other HPAI viruses, indicating that the haemagglutinin molecule can be cleaved by a host ubiquitous protease; or


[X1avian influenza viruses with an intravenous pathogenicity index in six-week old chickens greater than 1.2;]

3.‘low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI)’ means an infection of poultry or other captive birds caused by avian influenza viruses of subtypes H5 or H7 that do not come within the definition in paragraph 2.U.K.

ANNEX IIU.K.(referred to in Article 5(2))

Notification of disease and further epidemiological information to be provided by Member States U.K.

1.Within 24 hours of the confirmation of any primary outbreak or detection of avian influenza in a slaughterhouse or means of transport, the Member State concerned shall notify in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 5 of Directive 82/894/EEC:U.K.


the date of notification;


the time of notification;


the name of the Member State concerned;


the name of the disease;


the number of the outbreak or positive finding of avian influenza in a slaughterhouse or means of transport;


the date on which the disease was first suspected;


the date of confirmation;


the methods used for confirmation;


whether the disease has been confirmed in a holding, slaughterhouse or means of transport;


the geographical location of the outbreak or positive finding of avian influenza in a slaughterhouse or means of transport;


the disease control measures applied.

2.In the case of positive findings for avian influenza in slaughterhouses or means of transport, the Member State concerned must forward the following information in addition to the data referred to in paragraph 1:U.K.


the estimated number, by category, of susceptible poultry or other captive birds in the slaughterhouse or means of transport;


the estimated number, by category, of dead poultry or other captive birds in the slaughterhouse or means of transport;


for each of the categories of poultry or other captive birds, the identified morbidity and the estimated number of poultry or other captive birds in which avian influenza has been confirmed;


the estimated number of poultry or other captive birds killed or slaughtered in the slaughterhouse or means of transport;


the estimated number of poultry or other captive birds disposed of;


in the case of a slaughterhouse, the distance from the nearest commercial holding containing poultry or other captive birds;


the location of the holding or holdings of origin of the infected poultry or carcases.

3.In the case of secondary outbreaks, the information referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 must be forwarded within the time-limits laid down in Article 4(1) of Directive 82/894/EEC.U.K.

4.The Member State concerned shall ensure that the information to be provided in accordance with paragraphs 1, 2 and 3, in relation to any outbreak or positive finding of avian influenza in a slaughterhouse or means of transport is followed as soon as possible by a written report to the Commission and the other Member States including at least:U.K.


the date on which the poultry or other captive birds on the holding, slaughterhouse or means of transport were killed or slaughtered and their carcases disposed of;


any information relating to the possible origin of avian influenza or, if ascertained, its actual origin;


information on the control system established to ensure that the measures in place for the control of animal movements are effectively implemented;


in the case of detection of avian influenza in a slaughterhouse or means of transport, the genetic type of virus responsible;


where poultry or other captive birds have been killed or slaughtered in contact holdings or in holdings containing poultry or other captive birds suspected of being infected with avian influenza virus, information on:


the date of killing or slaughtering and the estimated number of poultry or other captive birds of each category killed or slaughtered in each holding;


the epidemiological link between the source of infection and each contact holding or the other reasons that have given rise to the suspicion that avian influenza is present;


where poultry or other captive birds in contact holdings have not been killed or slaughtered, information must be provided concerning the reasons for the decision not to kill or slaughter them.

5.In the case of confirmation of avian influenza in live poultry, other captive birds or poultry products being imported or introduced at Community borders, in border inspection posts or in quarantine facilities or centres operating in accordance with Community legislation on imports, the competent authority must notify this confirmation to the Commission without delay and report on the measures taken.U.K.

6.The Commission and the other Member States must be notified within 24 hours where a serious threat to health is identified as a result of any surveillance.U.K.

ANNEX IIIU.K.(referred to in Articles 8(3) and 13(3))

Authorisation to remove eggs from a holding in accordance with Article 8(3) and Article 13(3)U.K.

The competent authority may authorise the transport of eggs from a holding subject to the provisions of Article 8(3) and Article 13(3) of this Directive to an establishment approved for the manufacture of egg products in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 (‘the designated establishment’), subject to the following conditions:


in order to be allowed to be removed from the holding of origin, the eggs must be sent directly from the suspected holding to the designated establishment; each consignment must be sealed before dispatch by the official veterinarian responsible for the suspected holding or under his supervision and must remain sealed throughout transport to the designated establishment;


the official veterinarian responsible for the holding of origin of the eggs shall inform the competent authority of the designated establishment of the intention to send the eggs to it;


the competent authority responsible for the designated establishment shall ensure that:


the eggs referred to in paragraph 1 are kept isolated from other eggs from the time they arrive until they are processed;


the shells of such eggs are disposed of;


the packaging used for the eggs is either destroyed or cleansed and disinfected in such a way as to destroy all avian influenza viruses;


the eggs referred to in paragraph 1 are transported in cleansed and disinfected vehicles. Biosecurity measures are applied to staff and equipment and vehicles involved in the transport of the eggs.

ANNEX IVU.K.(referred to in Article 15(2), Article 32(2) and Article 42(2))

Main criteria and risk factors to be considered for the Decision to apply measures in contact holdings or holdings and areas at risk in the further restricted zones


In cases where poultry density is very high, a greater distance must be considered.

Indicative criteria
For depopulationAgainst depopulation
Clinical signs suggesting avian influenza in contact holdingsNo clinical signs suggesting avian influenza on the contact holdings and no epidemiological link
High susceptibility of predominant poultry speciesLow susceptibility of predominant poultry species
Movement of poultry or other captive birds from holdings where avian influenza has been confirmed to contact holdings after the likely time of introduction of virus on to those infected holdingsNo known movement of poultry or other captive birds from the holdings where avian influenza has been confirmed to contact holdings after the likely time of introduction of virus on to those infected holdings
Location of contact holdings in an area with a high density of poultryLocation of contact holdings in an area with a low density of poultry
Disease has been present for some time with likely spreading of virus from the holdings where avian influenza has been confirmed before application of eradication measuresDisease present but with limited spreading of virus from the holdings where avian influenza has been confirmed before application of eradication measures
Location of contact holdings within 500 metresa of the holdings where avian influenza has been confirmedLocation of contact holdings more than 500 metresa from the holdings where avian influenza has been confirmed
The contact holdings are linked to more than one holding where avian influenza has been confirmedThe contact holdings are not linked to holdings where avian influenza has been confirmed
The epidemic is not under control and the number of holdings where avian influenza has been confirmed is risingThe epidemic is under control

ANNEX VU.K.(referred to in Article 39(1))

Criteria for the Decision to apply measures to holdings in relation to LPAI U.K.

When deciding on the movement of poultry or eggs and on depopulation of holdings in accordance with Article 39(1) the competent authority shall consider the following criteria at least:


species in question;


number of holdings in the area around the holding of dispatch;


location of designated slaughterhouses, hatcheries and packing centres;


biosecurity measures applied in holdings, poultry or other captive bird compartments, during transport and during slaughter;


transport route;


evidence of spread;


public health risk, if any;


further treatments of the products in question;


socio-economic and other impacts.

ANNEX VIU.K.(referred to in Article 48)

Principles and procedures for cleansing, disinfection and treatment of holdings U.K.

1.The following general principles and procedures shall be applied for the cleansing, disinfection and treatment provided for in Article 48:U.K.


the cleansing and disinfection and, where necessary, the measures to destroy rodents and insects must be carried out under official supervision and in accordance with the instructions given by the official veterinarian;


the disinfectants to be used and their concentrations must be authorised by the competent authority to ensure the destruction of avian influenza virus;


disinfectants should either be used in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer where provided or in accordance with the instructions of the official veterinarian and/or the instructions of the competent authority, if any;


the choice of disinfectants and of procedures for disinfection must be made taking into account the nature of the holdings, vehicles and objects which are to be treated;


the conditions under which degreasing agents and disinfectants are used must ensure that their efficacy is not impaired; in particular, technical parameters indicated by the manufacturer, such as pressure, minimum temperature and required contact time must be observed;


irrespective of the disinfectant used, the following general rules shall be applied:


a thorough soaking of bedding and litter, as well as faecal matter, with the disinfectant;


washing and cleansing by careful brushing and scrubbing of the ground, floors, ramps and walls following the removal or dismantling, where possible, of equipment or installations otherwise impairing the effective cleansing and disinfection procedures;


then, further application of disinfectant for a minimum contact time as stipulated in the manufacturer’s recommendations;


where washing is carried out with liquids applied under pressure, re-contamination of the previously cleansed parts must be avoided;


washing, disinfecting or destroying of equipment, installations, articles or anything likely to be contaminated must be envisaged;


following disinfection procedures, re-contamination must be avoided;


cleansing and disinfection as required in the framework of this Directive must be documented in the holding or vehicle register and, where official approval is required, be certified by the supervising official veterinarian or person under his supervision;


cleansing and disinfection of vehicles used for transport and by staff.

2.Cleansing and disinfection of infected holdings shall be carried out in accordance with the following principles and procedures:U.K.


preliminary cleansing and disinfection:


during the killing of the poultry or other captive birds all necessary measures must be taken to avoid or minimise the dispersion of avian influenza virus; those measures must include the installation of temporary disinfection equipment, supply of protective clothing, showers, decontamination of used equipment, instruments and facilities and the interruption of power supply to the ventilation;


carcases of killed poultry or other captive birds must be sprayed with disinfectant;


any transport of carcases of poultry or other captive birds which have to be removed from the holding for disposal shall be carried out in closed, leak proof vehicles or containers under official supervision in such a way as to prevent the spread of avian influenza virus;


as soon as the killed poultry or other captive birds have been removed to be disposed of, those parts of the holding in which they were housed and any parts of other buildings, yards etc. contaminated during the killing, or the post-mortem examination must be sprayed with disinfectants authorised in accordance with Article 48;


any tissue or blood spilled during the killing or from the post-mortem examinations must be carefully collected and disposed of with the killed poultry or other captive birds;


the disinfectant must remain on the surface for at least 24 hours;


final cleansing and disinfection:


manure and used bedding must be removed and treated as provided in paragraph 3(a);


grease and dirt must be removed from all surfaces by the application of a degreasing agent, and the surfaces cleansed with water;


after washing with cold water, further spraying with disinfectant must be applied;


after seven days the holding must be treated with a degreasing agent, rinsed with water, sprayed with disinfectant and rinsed again with water.

3.Disinfection of contaminated bedding, manure and slurry shall be carried out in accordance with the following principles and procedures:U.K.


manure and used bedding shall either:


undergo a steam treatment at a temperature of at least 70 °C;


be destroyed by burning;


be buried deep enough to prevent access by wild birds and other animals; or


be stacked to heat, sprayed with disinfectant and left for at least 42 days;


slurry must be stored for at least 60 days after the last addition of infectious material, unless the competent authorities authorises a reduced storage period for slurry which has been effectively treated in accordance with the instructions of the official veterinarian so as to ensure the destruction of the virus.

The competent authority may authorise the transportation of manure, litter and bedding likely to be contaminated to either an approved treatment plant where a treatment ensuring the destruction of any influenza virus is carried out, or for intermediate storage before destruction or treatment, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002 or with the specific rules referred to in Article 63(1) of this Directive. Such transport shall be carried out in closed, leak proof vehicles or containers under official supervision in such a way as to prevent the spread of avian influenza virus.

4.However, by way of derogation from paragraphs 1 and 2, the competent authority may establish specific procedures for cleansing and disinfection, taking into account the type of holding and the climatic conditions. The competent authority shall notify the Commission when this derogation is applied and provide them with details of the specific procedures.U.K.

5.Without prejudice to Article 48(b), if the competent authority is satisfied that any holding or part of any holding cannot, for any reason, be cleansed and disinfected, it may prohibit the entry of any person, vehicle, poultry, other captive bird or mammal of domestic species or any thing on to those holdings, or part of those holdings, and such prohibition shall remain in force for a minimum of 12 months.U.K.

ANNEX VIIU.K.(referred to in Article 51(1))

Community reference laboratory for avian influenza U.K.

[F11. The European Union reference laboratory for avian influenza is: U.K.

Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie (IZSVe), Legnaro, Italy .]

2.The functions and duties of the Community reference laboratory shall be:U.K.


to coordinate, in consultation with the Commission, the methods employed in the Member States for diagnosing avian influenza, specifically by;


typing, storing and supplying strains of avian influenza virus for serological tests and the preparation of antisera;


supplying standard sera and other reference reagents to the national reference laboratories in order to standardise the tests and reagents used in the Member States;


building up and retaining a collection of avian influenza virus strains and isolates;


organising periodical comparative tests of diagnostic procedures at Community level;


collecting and collating data and information on the methods of diagnosis used and the results of tests carried out in the Community;


characterising isolates of avian influenza viruses by the most up-to-date methods available to allow greater understanding of the epidemiology of avian influenza and to gain an insight into the epidemiology of the virus and the emergence of highly pathogenic and potentially pathogenic strains;


keeping abreast of developments in avian influenza surveillance, epidemiology and prevention worldwide;


retaining expertise on avian influenza virus and other pertinent viruses to enable rapid differential diagnosis;


acquiring a knowledge of the preparation and use of the products of veterinary immunology used to control avian influenza;


to assist actively in the diagnosis of outbreaks in the Community by receiving isolates of influenza viruses of avian origin for confirmatory diagnosis, characterisation and epidemiological studies and to obtain virus isolates from primary outbreaks to be submitted from third countries authorised for the importation of live poultry and meat into the Community pursuant to the relevant Community legislation; on the virus isolates received, the Community reference laboratory shall in particular carry out the following:


nucleotide sequencing analysis to allow determination of the deduced amino acid sequence at the cleavage site of the haemagglutinin molecule;


determination of the intravenous pathogenicity index (IVPI);


antigenic typing;


phylogenetic analysis to assist in epidemiological investigations;


to facilitate the training or retraining of experts in laboratory diagnosis with a view to the harmonisation of techniques throughout the Community;


to prepare the programme and working documents for the Annual Meeting of National Reference Laboratories;


to assist in the conduct of avian influenza surveys in poultry and wild birds to be carried out in the Member States by supplying antigens in the framework of the programme and the approved testing procedures and prepare a summary report on the results of the surveys;


to keep under review the possible zoonotic impact arising from avian influenza viruses and collaborate with internationally recognised human influenza laboratories;


to develop, in consultation with the Commission, a crisis and contingency plan which shall include provision for the cooperation with the OIE and FAO reference laboratory for avian influenza and, as appropriate, with other internationally recognised laboratories within the Community.

ANNEX VIIIU.K.(referred to in Article 51(3))

Function and duties of the national reference laboratories U.K.

1.The national reference laboratories shall be responsible for ensuring that in each Member State the laboratory testing to detect the presence of avian influenza and the identification of the genetic type of virus isolates are carried out in accordance with the diagnostic manual. For that purpose, they may make special agreements with the Community reference laboratory or with other national laboratories.U.K.

2.The national reference laboratories shall submit isolates of influenza virus of avian origin to the Community reference laboratory without delay for full characterisation:U.K.


from all primary outbreaks of avian influenza;


in case of secondary outbreaks, from representative number of outbreaks;


in case of detection of influenza viruses other than those referred to in Annex I(1) in poultry, other captive birds or mammals posing a serious threat to health.

3.The national reference laboratory in each Member State shall be responsible for coordinating the standards and diagnostic methods in each avian influenza diagnostic laboratory within that Member State. For that purpose:U.K.


it may provide individual laboratories with diagnostic reagents;


it shall control the quality of all diagnostic reagents used in that Member State;


it shall arrange comparative tests periodically;


it shall hold isolates of avian influenza virus from outbreaks and of any other influenza viruses of avian origin detected in that Member State;


it shall collaborate with the national human influenza laboratories.

ANNEX IXU.K.(referred in Article 55(1) point (b))

Requirements for movements of poultry or other captive birds and poultry products applicable in relation to emergency vaccination U.K.

1.Member States shall ensure that movement controls on poultry or other captive birds vaccinated in accordance with Article 55 and on their products are applied as set out in paragraphs 3 to 8 in accordance with the diagnostic manual.U.K.

2.Any vehicles or means of transport and equipment used for transporting live poultry or other captive birds, eggs or poultry meat within the context of this Annex shall undergo one or more of the cleansing, disinfection or treatment procedures provided for in Article 48 without delay after it has been used.U.K.

3.The following provisions shall apply to the movements of live poultry or other captive birds and eggs within the vaccination area:U.K.


hatching eggs shall:


originate from a vaccinated or unvaccinated breeding flock which has been examined, with favourable results, in accordance with the diagnostic manual;


have been disinfected before dispatch in accordance with a method approved by the competent authority;


be transported directly to the hatchery of destination;


be traceable within the hatchery;


eggs shall originate from a vaccinated or non-vaccinated layer flock which has been examined, with favourable results, in accordance with the diagnostic manual and shall be transported to:


a packing centre designated by the competent authority (‘the designated packing centre’), provided that they are packed in disposable packaging and that all biosecurity measures required by the competent authority are applied, or


an establishment for the manufacture of egg products as set out in Chapter II of Section X of Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 to be handled and treated in accordance with Chapter XI of Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 852/2004;


day-old chicks shall:


originate from hatching eggs satisfying the conditions set out in (a);


be placed in a poultry house or shed where there is no resident poultry;


live poultry or other captive birds shall:


have been vaccinated against avian influenza, if provided for in the vaccination programme;


have been examined, with favourable results, in accordance with the diagnostic manual;


be placed in a poultry house or shed where there is no resident poultry;


poultry for slaughter shall:


be examined with favourable results before loading in accordance with the diagnostic manual;


be sent directly to a designated slaughterhouse for immediate slaughter.

4.The following provisions shall apply to the movements of live poultry or other captive birds and eggs from holdings outside the vaccination area to holdings within the vaccination area:U.K.


hatching eggs shall:


be transported directly to the hatchery of destination;


be traceable within the hatchery;


eggs shall be transported to:


a packing centre designated by the competent authority (‘the designated packing centre’), provided that they are packed in disposable packaging and that all biosecurity measures required by the competent authority are applied, or


an establishment for the manufacture of egg products as set out in Chapter II of Section X of Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 to be handled and treated in accordance with Chapter XI of Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 852/2004;


day-old chicks shall be placed in a poultry house or shed where there is no resident poultry;


live poultry or other captive birds shall:


be placed in a poultry house or shed where there is no resident poultry;


be vaccinated at the farm of destination, if provided for in the vaccination programme;


poultry for slaughter shall be sent directly to a designated slaughterhouse for immediate slaughter.

5.The following provisions shall apply to movements of live poultry or other captive birds, and eggs from holdings within the vaccination area to a holding outside the vaccination area:U.K.


hatching eggs shall:


originate from a vaccinated or unvaccinated breeding flock which has been examined, with favourable results, in accordance with the diagnostic manual;


have been disinfected before dispatch in accordance with a method approved by the competent authority;


be transported directly to the hatchery of destination;


be traceable within the hatchery;


eggs shall originate from a vaccinated or non-vaccinated layer flock which has been examined, with favourable results, in accordance with the monitoring diagnostic manual and shall be transported to:


a packing centre designated by the competent authority (‘the designated packing centre’), provided that they are packed in disposable packaging and that all biosecurity measures required by the competent authority are applied, or


an establishment for the manufacture of egg products as set out in Chapter II of Section X of Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 to be handled and treated in accordance with Chapter XI of Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 852/2004;


day-old chicks shall:


not have been vaccinated;


[X1originate from hatching eggs satisfying the conditions set out in point (a) of paragraph 3;]


be placed in a poultry house or shed where there is no resident poultry;


live poultry or other captive birds shall:


not have been vaccinated;


have been examined with favourable results, in accordance with the diagnostic manual;


be placed in a poultry-house or shed where there is no resident poultry;


poultry for slaughter shall:


be examined before loading with favourable results, in accordance with the diagnostic manual;


be sent directly to a designated slaughterhouse for immediate slaughter.

6.For meat obtained from poultry kept within the vaccination area the following provisions shall apply:U.K.


for meat obtained from vaccinated poultry, the poultry shall:


have been vaccinated with a vaccine that complies with a DIVA strategy;


have been inspected and tested with negative results in accordance with the diagnostic manual;


have been clinically inspected by an official veterinarian within 48 hours before loading and if appropriate any sentinel birds on the holding shall have been examined by the official veterinarian;


have been sent directly to a designated slaughterhouse for immediate slaughter;


for any meat obtained from non-vaccinated poultry being sent for slaughter, the poultry shall undergo monitoring in accordance with the diagnostic manual.

7.The competent authority may authorise the movement of carcases or eggs for disposal from holdings.U.K.

8.No further restrictions shall apply to movements of eggs packed and meat from poultry slaughtered in accordance with this Annex.U.K.

9.The movement of poultry (including day-old chicks) or other captive birds from the territory of the Member State is prohibited from the start of the emergency vaccination campaign until the emergency plan is approved under Article 54 and without prejudice to any further Community measures, unless it is authorised by the competent authority of the receiving Member State.U.K.

ANNEX XU.K.(referred to in Article 62(1))

Criteria for contingency plans U.K.

Contingency plans shall meet the following criteria at least:


The establishment of a crisis centre on a national level, which shall coordinate all control measures in the Member State.


A list shall be provided of local disease control centres with adequate facilities to coordinate disease control measures at local level.


Detailed information shall be given about the staff involved in control measures, their skills, their responsibilities and the instructions for staff, taking account of the need for personal protection and the potential risk to human health posed by avian influenza.


Each local disease control centre must be able to contact rapidly persons and organisations directly or indirectly involved in an outbreak.


Equipment and materials shall be available to carry out effectively the disease control measures.


Detailed instructions shall be provided on action to be taken on suspicion and confirmation of infection or contamination, including proposed means of disposal of carcases.


Training programmes shall be established to maintain and develop skills in field and administrative procedures.


Diagnostic laboratories must have facilities for post-mortem examination, the necessary capacity for serology, histology etc. and must maintain the skills for rapid diagnosis. Arrangements must be made for rapid transportation of samples. The contingency plan shall also outline the testing capacity for the laboratory and the resources available to deal with an outbreak of disease.


A vaccination plan dealing with a number of scenarios shall be produced which shall give an indication of which populations of poultry or other captive birds may be vaccinated, an estimate of the amount of vaccine required and its availability.


Provision shall be made for the availability of data on registration of commercial poultry holdings on their territory, without prejudice to other relevant provisions established by Community legislation in this field.


Provision shall be made for the recognition of officially registered rare breeds of poultry or other captive birds.


Provision shall be made for the identification of areas with a high density of poultry.


Provision shall be made to ensure the legal powers necessary for the implementation of the contingency plans.


Correlation table

This DirectiveDirective 92/40/EEC
Article 1(1)(a), (c)
Article 1(1)(b)Article 1, first subparagraph
Article 1(2)
Article 2 point (1)Annex III
Article 2 point (2)Annex III, third subparagraph
Article 2 point (3)
Article 2 points (4), to (15), (17), (20), (21) and (22) to (32)
Article 2, point (16)Article 2(b)
Article 2, point (18)Article 2(d)
Article 2, point (19)Article 2(e)
Article 3
Article 4
Article 5(1)Article 3
Article 5(2)
Article 5(3)
Article 6(1)Article 4(2)(g)
Article 6(2)Article 7(1)
Article 6(3) and (4)
Article 7(1)Article 4(1)
Article 7(2)(a) and (b)Article 4(2)(a)
Article 7(2)(c)Article 4(2)(b)
Article 7(2)(d)Article 4(2)(c)
Article 7(2)(e) and (g)Article 4(2)(d)
Article 7(2)(f)Article 4(2)(e)
Article 7(2)(h)Article 4(2)(f)
Article 7(3)Article 4(2)(g)
Article 7(4)
Article 8
Article 9Article 4(5)
Article 10
Article 11(1)Article 5(1), introductory wording
Article 11(2), first subparagraphArticle 5(1)(a)
Article 11(2), second and third subparagraphs
Article 11(3)Article 5(1)(a)
Article 11(4)Article 5(1)(d)
Article 11(5)Article 5(1)(c) and (d)
Article 11(6) and (7)Article 5(1)(b)
Article 11(8)Article 5(1)(e)
Article 11(9)
Article 11(10)Annex III Chapter 3(3)
Article 12
Article 13
Article 14Article 6
Article 15Article 8
Article 16(1)Article 9(1)
Article 16(2), (3) and (4)
Article 16(5)Article 9(6)
Article 17(1)Article 10
Article 17(2)Article 13
Article 17(3), (4)
Article 18(a)Article 9(2)(a)
Article 18(b)Article 9(2)(b)
Article 18(c)
Article 19(a)Article 9(2)(c)
Article 19(b), (c) and (d)
Article 19(e) first sentenceArticle 9(2)(f), introductory wording
Article 19(e) second sentence, (f), (g) and (h)
Article 20Article 9(2)(g)
Article 21Article 9(2)(h)
Article 22(1) and (3)Article 9(2)(e)
Article 22(2)
Article 23(1)Article 9(2)(f)(i)
Article 23(2)
Article 24(1)Article 9(2)(f)(ii)
Article 24(2)
Article 25
Article 26(1)Article 9(2)(f)(iii)
Article 26(2)
Article 27Article 9(2)(e)
Article 28
Article 29Article 9(3)
Article 30(a)Article 9(4)(a)
Article 30(b), (c)Article 9(4)(b), (c) and (d)
Article 30(d), (e), (g) and (j)
Article 30(f)Article 9(4)(b)
Article 30(h)Article 9(4)(e)
Article 30(i)Article 9(4)(f)
Article 31Article 9(5)
Article 32
Article 33
Article 34
Article 35
Article 36
Article 37
Article 38
Article 39
Article 40
Article 41
Article 42
Article 43
Article 44
Article 45
Article 46
Article 47
Article 48Article 11
Article 49Article 5(1)(f)
Article 50
Article 51(1)Annex V
Article 51(2) and (3)Article 14
Article 51(4)
Article 52
Article 53(1)Article 16 introductory wording
Article 53(2)Article 16, first subparagraph
Article 53(3)Article 16(b)
Article 54Article 16(b)
Article 55Article 16(a), second subparagraph
Article 56
Article 57
Article 58
Article 59
Article 60Article 18
Article 61
Article 62Article 17
Article 63(1) and (3)
Article 63(2)Article 20
Article 64Article 21
Article 65
Article 66
Article 67Article 22
Article 68
Article 69Article 23
Annex I(1)Annex III
Annex I(2)Annex III, third subparagraph
Annex I(3)
Annex II
Annex IIIAnnex I
Annex IV
Annex V
Annex VIAnnex II
Annex VIIAnnex V
Annex VIII
Annex IX
Annex XAnnex VI
Annex XI