Article 44U.K.Transitional provisions
1.Pending the necessary amendments to this Directive in order to include vehicles not yet covered or to complete the administrative and technical provisions regarding type-approval of vehicles other than M1 produced in small series, and to lay down harmonised administrative and technical provisions regarding the individual approval procedure, and pending expiry of the transitional periods provided for in Article 45, Member States shall continue to grant national approvals for those vehicles, provided that such approvals are based on the harmonised technical requirements laid down in this Directive.
2.On application by the manufacturer or, in the case of individual approval, by the owner of the vehicle and on submission of the information required, the Member State concerned shall complete and issue the type-approval certificate or the individual approval certificate as appropriate. The certificate shall be issued to the applicant.
With respect to vehicles of the same type, other Member States shall accept a certified true copy as proof that the requisite tests have been carried out.
3.Where a particular vehicle covered by an individual approval has to be registered in another Member State, that Member State may require, from the approval authority that has issued the individual approval, any additional information stating in detail the nature of the technical requirements satisfied by that particular vehicle.
4.Pending the harmonisation of registration and taxation systems of the Member States in relation to vehicles covered by this Directive, Member States may use national codes in order to facilitate registration and taxation in their territory. For this purpose, Member States may subdivide the versions shown in Part II of Annex III, provided that the particulars used for the subdivision are expressly stated in the information package or can be derived from it by a simple calculation.