Commission Directive 2008/84/EC (repealed)Dangos y teitl llawn

Commission Directive 2008/84/EC of 27 August 2008 laying down specific purity criteria on food additives other than colours and sweeteners (Text with EEA relevance) (Codified version) (repealed)


Note: Purity criteria apply to the additive free of sodium, potassium and calcium salts of fatty acids, however these substances may be present up to a maximum level of 6 % (expressed as sodium oleate).
SynonymsGlyceryl monostearate
Glyceryl monopalmitate
Glyceryl monooleate, etc.
Monostearin, monopalmitin, monoolein, etc.
GMS (for glyceryl monostearate)
DefinitionMono- and diglycerides of fatty acids consist of mixtures of glycerol mono-, di- and triesters of fatty acids occurring in food oils and fats. They may contain small amounts of free fatty acids and glycerol
AssayContent of mono- and diesters: not less than 70 %
DescriptionThe product varies from a pale yellow to pale brown oily liquid to a white or slightly off-white hard waxy solid. The solids may be in the form of flakes, powders or small beads
A.Infrared spectrum
Characteristic of a partial fatty acid ester of a polyol
B.Positive tests for glycerol and for fatty acids
Insoluble in water, soluble in ethanol and toluene
Water contentNot more than 2 % (Karl Fischer method)
Acid valueNot more than 6
Free glycerolNot more than 7 %
PolyglycerolsNot more than 4 % diglycerol and not more than 1 % higher polyglycerols both based on total glycerol content
ArsenicNot more than 3 mg/kg
LeadNot more than 5 mg/kg
MercuryNot more than 1 mg/kg
CadmiumNot more than 1 mg/kg
Heavy metals (as Pb)Not more than 10 mg/kg
Total glycerolNot less than 16 % and not more than 33 %
Sulphated ashNot more than 0,5 % determined at 800 ± 25 oC