


SynonymsSodium phosphate
Tribasic sodium phosphate
Trisodium orthophosphate
DefinitionTrisodium phosphate is obtained from aqueous solutions and crystallises in the anhydrous form and with 1/2, 1, 6, 8 or 12 H2O. The dodecahydrate always crystallises from aqueous solutions with an excess of sodium hydroxide. It contains 1/4 molecule of NaOH
Chemical nameTrisodium monophosphate
Trisodium phosphate
Trisodium orthophosphate
Chemical formulaAnhydrous: Na3PO4
Hydrated: Na3PO4 · nH2O (n = 1/2, 1, 6, 8, or 12)
Molecular weight163,94 (anhydrous)
AssaySodium phosphate anhydrous and the hydrated forms, with the exception of the dodecahydrate, contain not less than 97,0 % of Na3PO4 calculated on the dried basis. Sodium phosphate dodecahydrate contains not less than 92,0 % of Na3PO4 calculated on the ignited basis
P2O5 contentBetween 40,5 % and 43,5 % on the anhydrous basis
DescriptionWhite odourless crystals, granules or crystalline powder
A.Positive tests for sodium and for phosphate
Freely soluble in water. Insoluble in ethanol
C.pH of a 1 % solution
Between 11,5 and 12,5
Loss on ignitionWhen dried at 120 oC for two hours and then ignited at about 800 oC for 30 minutes, the losses in weight are as follows: anhydrous not more than 2,0 %, monohydrate not more than 11,0 %, dodecahydrate: between 45,0 % and 58,0 %
Water insoluble substancesNot more than 0,2 % on the anhydrous basis
FluorideNot more than 10 mg/kg (expressed as fluorine)
ArsenicNot more than 3 mg/kg
CadmiumNot more than 1 mg/kg
LeadNot more than 4 mg/kg
MercuryNot more than 1 mg/kg