4.1. Definitions U.K.
(a)The design pressure ‘P’ is the gauge pressure chosen by the manufacturer and used to determine the thickness of the vessel’s pressurised parts.U.K.
(b)The maximum working pressure ‘PS’ is the maximum gauge pressure which may be exerted under normal conditions of use of the vessel.U.K.
(c)The minimum working temperature Tmin is the lowest stabilised temperature which the wall of the vessel may attain under normal conditions of use.U.K.
(d)The maximum working temperature Tmax is the highest stabilised temperature which the wall of the vessel may attain under normal conditions of use.U.K.
(e)The yield strength ‘RET’ is the value at the maximum working temperature Tmax of:U.K.
the upper yield point ReH, for a material with both a lower and an upper yield point,
the proof stress Rp0,2, or
the proof stress Rp1,0 in the case of non-alloy aluminium.
(f)Families of vessels:U.K.
Vessels form part of the same family if they differ from the prototype only in diameter, provided that the permissible requirements referred to in points 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 of Annex I are complied with, and/or in the length of their cylindrical portion within the following limits:
where a prototype has one or more shell rings in addition to the ends, variants must have at least one shell ring,
where a prototype has just two dished ends, variants must have no shell rings.
Variations in length causing the apertures and/or penetrations to be modified must be shown in the drawing for each variant.