Directive 2009/67/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (repealed)Dangos y teitl llawn

Directive 2009/67/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009 on the installation of lighting and light-signalling devices on two or three-wheel motor vehicles (codified version) (Text with EEA relevance) (repealed)


Optional lighting devices present on the vehicle submitted for checks(1):

6.1.Main-beam headlamps: yes/no(2)
6.2.Direction indicator lamp: yes/no(2)
6.3.Rear registration plate lamp: yes/no(2)
6.4.Front position lamps: yes/non(2)
6.5.non-triangular front retro-reflector: yes/no(2)

State on a separate sheet for each device the duly identified types of devices meeting the fitting requirements of this Annex.


Delete as appropriate.