I. Information to be included in all cases U.K.
Name, identification number (where provided for in national legislation), address including NUTS code, telephone, fax number, email and internet address of the contracting authority and, where different, of the service from which additional information may be obtained.
Email or internet address at which the procurement documents will be available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge.
Where unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge, is not available for the reasons set out in the second and third subparagraph of Article 53(1), an indication of how the procurement documents can be accessed.
Type of contracting authority and main activity exercised.
Where appropriate, indication that the contracting authority is a centralised purchasing body or that any other form of joint procurement is or may be involved.
CPV codes; where the contract is divided into lots, this information shall be provided for each lot.
NUTS code for the main location of works in case of works contracts or NUTS code for the main place of delivery or performance in supply and service contracts; where the contract is divided into lots, this information shall be provided for each lot.
Brief description of the procurement: nature and extent of works, nature and quantity or value of supplies, nature and extent of services.
Where this notice is not used as a means of calling for competition, estimated date(s) for publication of a contract notice or contract notices in respect of the contract(s) referred to in this prior information notice.
Date of dispatch of the notice.
Any other relevant information.
Indication whether the contract is covered by the GPA.