PART FU.K. Information to be included in notices of the results of a contest (as referred to in Article 79(2))
Name, identification number (where provided for in national legislation), address including NUTS code, telephone, fax number, email and internet address of the contracting authority and, where different, of the service from which additional information may be obtained.
Type of contracting authority and main activity exercised.
Where appropriate, indication whether the contracting authority is a central purchasing body or that any other form of joint procurement is involved.
CPV codes.
Description of the principal characteristics of the project.
Value of the prizes.
Type of design contest (open or restricted).
Criteria which were applied in the evaluation of the projects.
Date of the jury decision.
Number of participants.
Number of participants who are SMEs.
Number of participants from abroad.
Name, address including NUTS code, telephone, fax number, email address and internet address of the winner(s) of the contest and indication whether the winner(s) are small and medium enterprises.
Information whether the design contest is related to a project or programme financed by Union funds.
Date(s) and reference(s) of previous publications in the Official Journal of the European Union relevant to the project(s) concerned by this notice.
Date of dispatch of the notice.
Any other relevant information.