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ANNEX 10 (A) (B) (2) (3) (7) (8) (9) (12) (13) (14) (15)U.K.INSTITUTIONS AND BODIES DESIGNATED BY THE COMPETENT AUTHORITIES(Article 4 (10) of the implementing Regulation)


[F21. For the application of Article 14(1)(b), Article 14a(1)(b) and Article 17 of the Regulation:
Bundesminister für Soziales und Konsumentenschutz (Federal Minister for Social Security and Consumer Protection) in agreement with Bundesminister für Gesundheit, Familie und Jugend (Federal Minister for Health, Family and Youth) in agreement with the respective public administration with regard to special schemes for civil servants and in agreement with the respective pension institution with regard to pension schemes of the liberal profession associations (Kammern der Freien Berufe).]
[F32. For the purpose of applying Articles 11, 11a, 12a, 13 and 14 of the implementing Regulation:
(a) When the person concerned is subject to Austrian legislation:
the competent sickness insurance scheme;
(b) In all other cases:
Hauptverband der österreichischen Versicherungsträger (Central Association of Austrian Social Insurance Institutions), Wien.
3. For the application of Article 14d(3) of the Regulation:
the competent institution.]
4.For the purpose of applying Articles 38 (1) and 70 (1) of the implementingRegulation:
Gebietskrankenkasse (Regional Fund for Sickness Insurance) competent for the place of residence of the members of the family.
5.For the purpose of applying Articles 80 (2), 81 and 82 (2) of the implementing Regulation:
Regionale Geschäftsstelle des Arbeitsmarktservice (Regional Office of the Labour Market Service) competent for the last place of residence or stay of the employed person or for the last place of employment.
[F36. For the purpose of applying Articles 85(2) and 86(2) of the implementing Regulation in relation to Karenzgeld (parental leave allowance):
Gebietskrankenkasse (Regional Health Insurance Fund) competent for the last place of residence or stay of the person concerned.]
7.For the purpose of applying:
(a)Article 102 (2) of the implementing Regulation in relation to Articles 36 and 63 of the Regulation:
Hauptverband der österreichischen Sozialversicherungsträger (Main Association of Austrian Social Insurance Institutions), Wien.
(b)Article 102 (2) of the implementing Regulation in relation to Article 70 of the Regulation:
Landesgeschäftsstelle Wien des Arbeitsmarktservice (Regional Office of the Labour Market Service, Vienna).
8.For the purpose of applying Article 110 of the implementing Regulation:
  • the competent institution, or

  • if there is no Austrian competent institution, the institution of the place of residence.

9.For the purpose of applying Article 113 (2) of the implementing Regulation:
Hauptverband der österreichischen Sozialversicherungsträger (Main Association of Austrian Social Insurance Institutions), Wien, it being understood that the refund of the expenses for benefits in kind shall be made from contributions for sickness insurance of the pensioners received by the said Main Association.