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ANNEX 10 (A) (B) (2) (3) (7) (8) (9) (12) (13) (14) (15)U.K.INSTITUTIONS AND BODIES DESIGNATED BY THE COMPETENT AUTHORITIES(Article 4 (10) of the implementing Regulation)


1.For the purpose of applying Articles 14 (1) b, 14a (1) (b) of the Regulation and Articles 11 (1), 11a (1), 12a, 13 (2) and (3) and 14 (1) and (2) of the implementing Regulation:
EläketurvakeskusPensionsskyddscentralen (Central Pension Security Institute), Helsinki.
2.For the purpose of applying Article 10b of the implementing Regulation:
KansaneläkelaitosFolkpensionsanstalten (Social Insurance Institution), Helsinki.
3.For the purpose of applying Articles 36 and 90 of the implementing Regulation:

KansaneläkelaitosFolkpensionsanstalten (Social Insurance Institution), Helsinki, and

Työeläkelaitokset (Employment Pension Institutions) and

EläketurvakeskusPensionsskyddscentralen (Central Pension Security Institute), Helsinki.

4.For the purpose of applying Articles 37 (b) and 38 (1), 70 (1), 82 (2), 85 (2) and 86 (2) of the implementing Regulation:
KansaneläkelaitosFolkpensionsanstalten (Social Insurance Institution), Helsinki.
[F25. For the purpose of applying Article 41 of the implementing Regulation:
Eläketurvakeskus/Pensionsskyddscentralen (Central Pension Security Institute), Helsinki.]
[ F3 ]
7.For the purpose of applying Articles 80 and 81 of the implementing Regulation:

the competent unemployment fund in the case of earnings related unemployment benefits.

KansaneläkelaitosFolkpensionsanstalten (Social Insurance Institution), Helsinki, in the case of basic unemployment benefits.

8.For the purpose of applying Articles 102 and 113 of the implementing Regulation:

KansaneläkelaitosFolkpensionsanstalten (Social Insurance Institution), Helsinki.

Tapaturmavakuutuslaitosetn LiittoOlycksfallsförsäkringsanstalternas Förbund (Federation of Accident Insurance Institutions), Helsinki, in the case of accident insurance.

9.For the purpose of applying Article 110 of the implementing Regulation:
(a)Employment pensions:
EläketurvakeskusPensionsskyddscentralen (Central Pension Security Institute), Helsinki, in the case of employment pensions;
(b)Accident at work, occupational diseases:
Tapaturmavakuutuslaitosten LiittoOlycksfallsförsäkringsanstalternas Förbund (Federation of Accident Insurance Institutions), Helsinki, in the case of accident insurance;
(c)in other cases:
KansaneläkelaitosFolkpensionsanstalten (Social Insurance Institution), Helsinki.