Council Regulation (EEC) No 574/72 (repealed)Dangos y teitl llawn

Council Regulation (EEC) No 574/72 of 21 March 1972 laying down the procedure for implementing Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 on the application of social security schemes to employed persons, to self employed persons, to self-employed persons and to their families moving within the Community (Consolidated version — OJ No L 28 of 30. 1. 1997, p. 1See annex B. ) (repealed)

Article 12 a (5)U.K. [F1Rules applicable in respect of the persons referred to in Article 14(2) and (3), Article 14a(2) to (4) and Article 14c of the Regulation who normally carry out an employed or self-employed activity in the territory of two or more Member States]

[F1For the application of the provisions of Article 14(2) and (3), Article 14a(2) to (4) and Article 14c of the Regulation, the following rules shall apply:]


A person who normally pursues his activity in the territory of two or more Member States or in an undertaking which has its registered office or place of business in the territory of one Member State and which straddles the common frontier of two Member States, or who is employed simultaneously in the territory of one Member State and self-employed in the territory of another Member State shall notify this situation to the institution designated by the competent authority of the Member State in the territory of which he resides.


Where the legislation of the Member State in the territory of which the person resides is not applicable to him, the institution designated by the competent authority of that Member State shall in turn notify the situation to the institution designated by the competent authority of the Member State whose legislation is applicable.


[F2Where, in accordance with Article 14(2)(a) of the Regulation, a person who is a member of the travelling or flying personnel of an international transport undertaking is subject to the legislation of the Member State in whose territory the registered office or place of business of the undertaking, or the branch or permanent establishment employing him, is located, or where he resides and is predominantly employed, the institution designated by the competent authority of that Member State shall issue to the person concerned a certificate stating that he is subject to its legislation.]


Where, in accordance with Article 14 (2) (b) (i) or the first sentence of paragraph 2 of Article 14a of the Regulation, a person who is normally employed or self-employed in the territory of two or more Member States and who pursues part of his activity in the Member State in whose territory he resides is subject to the legislation of that Member State, the institution designated by the competent authority of that Member State shall issue to the person concerned a certificate stating that he is subject to its legislation and shall send a copy thereof to the institution designated by the competent authority of any other Member State:


in the territory of which the person concerned pursues a part of his activity,



if he is an employed person, in the territory of which an undertaking or an employer by whom he is employed has its registered office or place of business.


The latter institution shall, where necessary, send to the institution designated by the competent authority of the Member State whose legislation is applicable the information necessary to assess the contributions for which the employer or employers and/or the person concerned are liable by virtue of that legislation.


Where, in accordance with Article 14 (3) or 14a (3) of the Regulation, a person who is employed in the territory of one Member State by an undertaking which has its registered office or place of business in the territory of another Member State and which straddles the common frontier of those States, or who is self-employed in such an undertaking, is subject to the legislation of the Member State in whose territory the undertaking has its registered office or place of business, the institution designated by the competent authority of the latter Member State shall issue to the person concerned a certificate stating that he is subject to its legislation and shall send a copy thereof to the institution designated by the competent authority of any other Member State:


in the territory of which the person concerned is employed or self-employed;


in the territory of which the person concerned resides.


Paragraph 2 (b) above shall apply by analogy.


Where, in accordance with Article 14 (2) (b) (ii) of the Regulation, an employed person who does not reside in the territory of any of the member States in which he is pursuing his activity is subject to the legislation of the Member State in whose territory is situated the registered office or place of business of the undertaking or individual employing him, the institution designated by the competent authority of the latter Member State shall issue to the employed person a certificate stating that he is subject to its legislation and shall send a copy thereof to the institution designated by the competent authority of any other Member State:


in the territory of which the employed person pursues a part of his activity;


in the territory of which the employed person resides.


Paragraph 2 (b) above shall apply by analogy.


Where, in accordance with the provisions of the second sentence of paragraph 2 of Article 14a of the Regulation, a person who is normally self-employed in the territory of two or more Member States, but who does not pursue any part of his activity in the territory of the Member State in which he resides, is subject to the legislation of the Member State in whose territory he pursues his principal activity, the institution designated by the competent authority of the Member State in the territory of which he resides shall forthwith inform the institution designated by the competent authorities of the other Member States concerned.


The competent authorities of the Member States concerned or the institutions designated by those competent authorities shall by common agreement determine the legislation applicable to the person concerned, account being taken of the provisions of subparagraph (d) and, where appropriate, of the provisions of Article 14a (4) of the Regulation, within a period of not more than six months counting from the day on which the situation of the person concerned was notified to one of the institutions concerned.


The institution administering the legislation that has been determined as being applicable to the person concerned shall issue a certificate to that person showing that he is subject to that legislation and shall send a copy thereof to the other institutions concerned.


For the purpose of determining, in pursuance of the third sentence of Article 14a (2) of the Regulation, the principal activity of the person concerned, account shall be taken first and foremost of the locality in which the fixed and permanent premises from which the person concerned pursues his activities is situated. Failing this, account shall be taken of criteria such as the usual nature or the duration of the activities pursued, the number of services rendered and the incomearising from those activities.


The institution concerned shall exchange all information necessary to determine both the principal activity of the person concerned and the contributions payable under the legislation that has been determined as being applicable to him.


Without prejudice to paragraph 5, and in particular to subparagraph (b) thereof, if an institution designated by the competent authority of the Member State whose legislation would be applicable by virtue of Article 14a (2) or (3) of the Regulation establishes that the provisions of paragraph 4 of the said Article apply in the case of the person concerned, it shall notify the competent authorities of the other Member States concerned or the institutions designated by those authorities; where necessary, the legislation to be applicable to the person concerned shall be decided on by common agreement.


The information referred to in paragraph 2 (b) above shall be sent by the other institutions concerned to the institutions designated by the competent authority of the Member State whose legislation is determined to be applicable.


Where, in accordance with Article 14c (a) of the Regulation, a person who is employed simultaneously in the territory of one Member State, and is self-employed in the territory of another Member State, is subject to the legislation of the Member State in whose territory he is engaged in paid employment, the institution designated by the competent authority of the latter Member State shall issue to the employed person a certificate stating that he is subject to its legislation and shall send a copy thereof to the institution designated by the competent authority of any other Member State:


in the territory of which that person is self-employed;


in the territory of which that person resides.


Paragraph 2 (b) above shall apply by analogy.


Where, in accordance with the provisions of Article 14 14c (b) of the Regulation, a person who is simultaneously employed in the territory of one Member State and self-employed in the territory of another Member State is subject to the legislation of two Member States, the provisions of points 1, 2, 3 and 4 shall be applicable in respect of paid employment, and the provisions of points 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 shall be applicable mutatis mutandis in respect of self-employment.

The institution designated by the competent authorities of the two Member States, whose legislation is determined to be applicable, shall inform each other accordingly.