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[F1Article 876a U.K.

1. The customs authorities shall suspend the debtor's obligation to pay the duties until such time as they have taken a decision on the request, provided that, where the goods are no longer under customs supervision, security is lodged for the amount of those duties, and that:

(a) in cases where a request for invalidation of a declaration has been presented, this request is likely to be met;

(b) in cases where a request has been presented for remission pursuant to Article 236 in conjunction with Article 220 (2) (b) of the Code or pursuant to Article 238 or Article 239, the customs authorities consider that the conditions laid down in the relevant provision may be regarded as having been fulfilled;

(c) in cases other than those referred to under (b), a request has been presented for remission pursuant to Article 236 of the Code and the conditions referred to in the second paragraph of Article 244 of the Code have been fulfilled.

It shall not be necessary to require a security where such requirement would be likely, owing to the debtor's circumstances, to cause serious economic or social difficulties.

2. In cases where goods in one of the circumstances referred to in the second indent of Article 233 (c) or in Article 233 (d) of the Code are seized, the customs authorities shall suspend the debtor's obligation to pay the duties if they consider that the conditions for confiscation may be regarded as having been fulfilled.

[F23. Where a customs debt is incurred under Article 203 of the Code, the customs authorities shall suspend the obligation of the person referred to in the fourth indent of paragraph 3 of that Article to pay the duties where at least one other debtor has been identified and the amount of the duties has also been communicated to him in accordance with Article 221 of the Code.

The suspension may be granted only on the condition that the person referred to in the fourth indent of Article 203(3) of the Code is not also covered by one of the other indents of the said paragraph and has not been obviously negligent in fulfilling his obligations.

The duration of the suspension shall be limited to one year. However, this period may be extended by the customs authorities for duly justified reasons.

The suspension shall be conditional on the lodging by the person for whose benefit it is granted of a valid security for the amount of the duties at stake, except where such a security covering the whole amount of duties at stake already exists and the guarantor has not been released from his undertakings. Such security need not be required where such a requirement would be likely, owing to the debtor's circumstances, to cause serious economic or social difficulties.] ]